A Heroic Oral Dose: 250mg THH + 200mg DMT Options
#1 Posted : 9/30/2009 4:29:30 PM

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Last night was by far the hardest I have ever tripped.

I still haven't slept. I literally cannot.

I ended up going for a really big dose; 250mg THH + 200mg DMT.

I kept on thinking of Terence Mckenna's quote, "If you're not afraid (going into the trip) that you took too much, then you didn't take enough."

I took the THH at 7:55 and the DMT at 8.

I tripped from 8:30 to 12. Hardest between 10-11,11:30.

Once I have some more time to gather my thoughts I will write an extensive report; I am still reeling from what happened.

I had a death/rebirth experience that was truly beyond words. I had a synchronistically perfect epiphany of my life, consummated by an overcoming of fear/death and a "rebirth" back into reality.

This was by far and away the most difficult, yet most revealing/rewarding trip of my life.

Thank GOD that I am lucky enough to have my girlfriend. She is my everything and without her, last night I surely would have ended up in jail or worse. I will explain in the coming days. I lost my marbles for a little bit; to say the least.

At one point, my girl, who didn't take anything, began to trip. We definitely experienced telepathy and we were finishing eachother's sentences. It got THAT intense. It was beyond transference; I realized that I was her and she was me, inside of our Mind which is the collective persona of God/creation. We melded into One. We represented the eternal energies of yin and yang, Shiva and Shakti, black and white. All boundaries/dichotomies were dissolved, leaving me unsure of who "I" was, but the entire time I knew,(in the "back" of my mind) that "I am" God, I just keep voluntarily forgetting for the sake of keeping myself on my toes. (The malevolent nature of the trip was constantly being fought by an overwhelmingly warm "presence" of security which kept reminding me that everything was okay)

It was so bizarre as to be nearly overwhelming/frightening, but my girl's love kept me together. I realized that Love is why we're here; all evil pales in comparison to the transcending nature of Love, which is knowing/trusting the universe, which is ultimately your Self, so there is nothing to fear, ever. It's only a game that the "Trickster" plays on your mind. Fear is your unconscious up to its oldest trick; it is the greatest mechanism imaginable for self reflection. It shows us who we truly are.

What I experienced last night was beyond impossible; it was ineffable awe of creation. Right now is a miracle, whether we realize it or not, our Self doesn't mind; "he" is the most patient "being" imaginable and its because "he" (for lack of a better anthropomorphism)is eternally Self-same and all-knowing. It matters and it doesn't, it happened and it was more real than real and yet it also didn't happen and it was all an illusion.

The Kingdom of God is truly within; within our mind and our heart. All we have to do is realize it. Or not, it doesn't matter, because It will be, regardless.

I'll stop babbling for now.

I can't believe I came back down.

I'm speechless.

-Written at 7am this morning-

I will write up an extensive report within the next few days. I really need time to gather my thoughts and think about everything that was "shown" to me.


I would not recommend this high of a dose for anyone unfamiliar with high dose trips. These experiences can be insanely difficult; I blacked out a little bit last night, only to remember later in full detail what had transpired. This has only happened to me once before, exactly 3 years ago last night, when I took 7 grams of mushrooms. It was like I was "there" and "here" at the same time. Time stopped and I realized my true nature, which led to the systematic house cleaning of my psyche, which consummated itself as total ego dissolution. "I" was overcome by the Other. There is no other way to put it. I was "possessed" for about 30-40 minutes. Imagine the most intense smoked DMT trip lasting for 40 minutes, with an hour coming up and coming back down. That is what I experienced and I do not recommend it to anyone who is not entirely at peace with themselves. Everything. Absolutely everything negative was brought to the forefront of my consciousness as a way of helping me overcome fear of dissolution. It was terrifying, yet painfully beautiful at the same time. It made me realize just how much I truly do love being alive. I am so lucky.

I consider myself to be very familiar with the "bad-trip" scenario and I have been able to defeat it, however, if I didn't have someone with me, this would have possibly been catastrophic.

If I didn't have the love of my life to talk me down, I would have gone legitimately bonkers.

Dennis Mckenna's insanity/schizophrenic outbreak that Terence writes about in the Invisible Landscape/True Hallucinations came directly to mind as I was finally coming back down. Toward the end, literal waves of possession kept coming over me and I had a second voice in my head.

This was my final trip.

I know it.

I feel lucky to have come back.

Peace and Love,


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#2 Posted : 9/30/2009 5:22:11 PM
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Those extreme amounts can be so intense that the ascension from reality literally seems to sip into every corner of your counsciousness. Even those parts of your counsciousness you've become to take for granted in your daily life or that you've forgot about.

But it's also the most fantastic thing you can experience.

Your soul get's completely soaked into the psychedelic experience.
A cleansing of unworldy nature.

The great thing is that now you've done this and you know you can come back safely, you can take doses that in the past you would have considered to be completely insane, and be and feel total secure.

You're ready now for a new level of hyperspace-traveling, now you've done this.

#3 Posted : 9/30/2009 5:36:44 PM

The Great Namah

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Please know that for some, 200mgs of oral DMT is a mild-medium dose. I am one of those people.

Regardless it sounds like you had one heavy pharma exerience. You seem to have had quite an impressive ride.

You are right that if one has not had this type of experience a sitter might be a good idea.

For some people an extreme experience like that could result in a call to an ambulance, which is truly unneeded and can end up in death or near death (as has happened before, on Erowid I believe I read it.) They typically administer high doses of benzo's for someone on psycadelics, but with RIMA's this could result in severely depressed breathing and poss severe hypotension. Always remember that MAOI's (incl RIMA's) and depressants DO NOT MIX. An ambulance crew, or even a hospital won't know someone has taken an MAOI unless they are told. Always try and ride out an Aya/Pharma experience, and a sitter is a good way to keep reality in check even when you are not in reality!

The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 9/30/2009 9:41:42 PM

Sun Dragon

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Yeah, 200mg for me too is a medium trip, its the amount where it just starts to get interesting Wink

Looking forward to the trip report! Glad you came to all those conclusions, another one awakens to their true nature Cool
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And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#5 Posted : 10/1/2009 12:14:03 AM

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Like you said Acolon the dose reaction varies but I think that most people would find that ratio of thh to dmt a massive dose. I know that personally 50mg dmt to 200mg thh/harmine harmaline mixture is a nice dose that is fully psychedelic for a while and that with 200mg dmt I would be totally baked for several hours. I think that about 75 to 100mg dmt salt would be a strong dose for me with 200mg of some kind of harmala. A good heads up on the depressants with MAOIs. Congratulations on weathering that kind of voyage Esch.
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#6 Posted : 10/1/2009 6:48:52 AM


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In regards to mixing RIMA/MAOI with CNS depressants,
I can't mix harmalas and cannabis (also a depressant)
it always leads to intense chest pressure and hard to breathe.
also seems to revoke the bliss of the harmala, maybe it's just me.
#7 Posted : 10/1/2009 2:49:49 PM

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Thank you for your kind words.

I must tell you, however, that I have tripped extensively on DMT, mushrooms, and acid and I’ve had some incredible, mind blowing experiences. I’ve experienced complete ego death, mystical epiphanies and even one “bad” trip. I have “done this” and come back safely many times, trust me.

It was this particular trip that was beyond even those experiences. It was the closest I have ever come to actually dying/insanity that I would ever want. It was the most stoned I would EVER entertain being; actually, I would never entertain it again. I would never attempt it again, because I definitely feel that I touched insanities antipodes. Too much control was lost. I was literally possessed by the Other for 30-40 minutes. I feel so lucky to have come back. I am so thankful and, pardon the cliche, but I am filled with love for everything.

I was already on a high level of hyperspace traveling, yet this made even smoked DMT seem trivial.

Not to sound defensive; I just want to stress how incredibly intense this experience was.

I consider myself to be extremely familiar with difficult/challenging trips and this was beyond any smoked DMT mindfuck, any LSD mystical experience, or any psilocybin NDE I've had.

It was ENTIRELY ineffable.



I am 5’ 10”, 140lbs.

How much do you weigh/how much do you typically dose for an intense trip? I have been fasting to prepare for my trip as well.

What I took was “too much”, but it was enough to do once.

I can’t imagine attempting to repeat it, unless a straightjacket has my name on it.

I agree with you on the ambulance. However, at one point, I realized that I could be a threat to myself, so I was toying with the idea of voluntarily putting myself in a jail cell for the night just so I didn’t do anything stupid. (I was surprisingly lucid and reasonable when I was in between “waves”) It got THAT intense. When I say possessed, I truly mean it. I had many voices going on in my head at once; many plot lines, revelations, epiphanies, and delusions. It was extremely peculiar, however, because when the “wave” would leave, I would be down, but when it would come back, I was completely back in DMT land. It was frightening, because I was unsure if I had taken too much THH, so when I finally came down, I ate a shitload of food to help my body get back to normal.



Thank you for your kind words. It’s great to have a support group like you guys.

I am really looking forward to writing an extensive trip report.

I have SO many things to say about it, I just need more time to integrate it.



Thank you, it’s great to be back.



I smoked some really amazing nugget during the on-set to off-set my nerves. I feel like I really benefited from it. I remember Terence Mckenna always saying to have some “bombers” handy to calm your nerves before flight; I couldn’t agree more with him.

It’s a nice way of preparing yourself for the difficulties that arise during the on-set.

In my opinion, of course.


By the way, I started my trip by laying in bed with my girl listening to Echoes Live in Pompeii and it was unbelievable. Thank God I put some Bob Marley on after, because it steered my trip in a very positive, loving direction. After Bob, I put on some Doors and it was even more stimulating. However, after the 2 hour on-set, I reached the precipice and was unable to listen to music. I got up and HAD to go outside to "see" the moon. I will get more into detail about this later on this week.

Peace and love.
#8 Posted : 10/1/2009 4:51:07 PM

The Great Namah

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I am 5’ 10”, 140lbs.

How much do you weigh/how much do you typically dose for an intense trip? I have been fasting to prepare for my trip as well.

What I took was “too much”, but it was enough to do once.

I can’t imagine attempting to repeat it, unless a straightjacket has my name on it.

I agree with you on the ambulance. However, at one point, I realized that I could be a threat to myself, so I was toying with the idea of voluntarily putting myself in a jail cell for the night just so I didn’t do anything stupid. (I was surprisingly lucid and reasonable when I was in between “waves”) It got THAT intense. When I say possessed, I truly mean it. I had many voices going on in my head at once; many plot lines, revelations, epiphanies, and delusions. It was extremely peculiar, however, because when the “wave” would leave, I would be down, but when it would come back, I was completely back in DMT land. It was frightening, because I was unsure if I had taken too much THH, so when I finally came down, I ate a shitload of food to help my body get back to normal.

My most intense Aya experience was with 75grams of white Caapi, 20grams of high quality Chali (most people say 8g is pleanty) and 100mgs DMT freebase all taken together in the reduced Caapi/Chali brew.

I am 6' 3" and ~260lbs. However, after going over many different people's experiences with Aya and Pharma it seems that height/weight plays less of a role than diet (more junk foods = more MAO's made by the body, it's a theory that seems to fit). On top of this issue there is the fact that everyone reacts differently to Aya/Pharma more than most psycadelics, on top of THAT there seems to be a large variation in experiences in the same person using the same brew. What blows one away one day may do very little next week. Aya especially seems to be very variable.

I do not doubt your experience. Aya opens the door to the spirit realm...Ayahusaca means Vine of the Dead (roughly). Aya/Pharma is known to come in waves, as you have noted.

Be careful on the eating thing, it has been known to release DMT from the gall bladder (I believe) and propell an unweary traveler back into hyperspace.

Remember that THH does not last anywhere's near as long as Syrian Rue does, so your journey's won't last 5+ hours.

A great report!

To all: Do be careful of Hospitals/Ambulances and Aya, they don't mix. A close friend is 1000x better than a Dr when on Aya. ALLWAYS tell a Dr that you are on MAOI's prior to being given ANYTHING by them if anyone does end up freaking out and calling 911.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
Spock's Brain
#9 Posted : 10/1/2009 5:38:55 PM

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Eschaton - thanks for that report, i was blown away by it... your statement that, "this was my final trip." I don't have any technical comments, but thanks to people like Acolon and Saidin for giving us a dosage comparison in case we're considering something like this. I can't say that I am. I might smoke it again, and go for a the biggest dose possible, but I can't say when or if I will. My collection has been on ice for awhile now. It blows me away that there's a substance, and a method of administration, to provide the "final trip," and that I know what it is, thanks to you, and combined with my own experiences.

My suggestion to trippers would be if your alone or esp. if your with someone who doesn't know 100% what's up (such as Acolon: he does), and you do this: carefully hide your stuff and put a bracelet on that list what you took, how much, and what the contraindications are as discussed above. In case of any un-expected happenings during huge dosage sessions.

Acolon: I had the 5+ hour experience with S.rue..., won't eagerly repeat
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#10 Posted : 10/1/2009 5:42:07 PM
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20 grams of chaliponga and 100 mg DMT.Shocked
That sounds like quite a ride, acolon_5.

Once did a simmilar dose of chaliponga with some chacruna and mimosa, and it was one of the weirdest experiences i ever had. I remember that at a certain moment i didn't even know for shure if i was still alive.

Ayahuasca is something not to underestimate.
#11 Posted : 10/1/2009 6:21:06 PM

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Here is one more little snippet before I write out a proper trip summary.

Sorry if I repeat myself a little bit.


To be honest, I really don't know what would have happened if my girlfriend wasn't with me. At one point I went outside and stood dumbstruck by the sight of the Moon and Jupiter together in the sky. The reflection of light was so incredible; I saw a staircase of light leading up to the Moon and it was "giving off" transmuting "energy" that defied reason.

(I may or may not have, for whatever crazy fucking reason, exposed my gennys to the Moon; thank God it was late at night and I was only outside for about a minute. My uncle used to call it "testicular alignment." Granted he's a complete loon*, for whatever reason, my psyche chose his symbolic ritual for my consummation of dissolution. Later I realized that I was merely trying to overcome all fear of boundaries, by being naked, no less. Later on that night, it brought to mind my knowledge of Jim Morrison's controversial supposed exposure in Miami; did I do it, or not? Why? It was like I was under control by some force other than my Self and it was using my memories/archetypes to conduct my trip)

*My uncle used to do his fair share of tripping, so I found it highly peculiar that I chose to do that during my trip, as I would imagine he "discovered" this ritual of alignment while tripping. It brought to mind Carl Jung's idea of the collective unconscious; I need to find if there are any such "rituals" in other cultures.

- For those of you who have seen Dreamcatcher; it was exactly akin to how Jonesy was temporarily possessed by Mr. Gray; one moment I was me, the next I was a "joker" persona. (Awesome fucking movie by the way, I totally recommend seeing it) My voice even changed. I was inside a warehouse of my own memories and the trickster God, I am assuming, Loki, was playing "tricks" on my psyche as I waded through all of my unconscious contents. While all of this was going on in my head, I was holding conversation with my girl, who later said I was making insensible corollaries, which I explained to her as I was saying them, "You won't understand until it happens, but you'll see, I told you" - I am assuming my memory of the movie and other associated memories acted as templates for the trips message. The end message was that I would keep living the same life, over and over again and that I am God, along with everything else and Love is all that matters. -

If my girl didn't realize that I was starting to "lose it" it could have gotten out of control. (It was beyond obvious to her, as you can imagine, I felt really bad after, as she told me that it was a little scary to see me like that.)

She brought me back inside and talked me down from my revelations that the End was near.(The metaphorical conclusion that the apocalypse is imminent is merely a catalyst for ego death, because my world was, for all intensive purposes, ending/dissolving right before my eyes.) We spent a good 20-30 minutes in a little bathroom with our cat, Duke, just sitting there, hanging out and discussing my trip. This was when my girlfriend began to feel like she was tripping and we began to finish eachothers thoughts. I explained to her that Duke was an interdimensional vehicle, granted to us so we can escape into a higher topological dimension when the world ends via cometary impacts (which will happen "tomorrow" ). We were granted this boon as a reward for our unconditional love for eachother and all other living beings whom we've established a connection with. It was understood that Duke represented a material manifestation of our mind, which is the eternal universe, and our acceptance of dissolution, Love, meant that we could readily "travel" into his mind, which is ours as well. (Talk about paradoxical and confusing) Duke was God and the UFO. You must realize the context of these insane ramblings, because my girl and I have always joked that Duke was an alien and that he may be God, because of how unique and otherworldly he can be.

I also remember distinctly that I knew as a matter of fact that my paralyzed brother would walk again; I will see it before I die. I was surrounded by miracles. I topped all of this off by telling her that the universe would end in 6 minutes and that we needed to get everyone we know inside the bathroom with us, otherwise they would not be safe from the nuclear holocaust of the impacts. -I was clearly off my rocker.-

For about 30-40 minutes I was extremely vulnerable; synchronicities were becoming so intense that once they reached their culmination, I lost all sense of time and boundary. I became, literally, all and everything around me; everything was merely an unconscious extension of my mind. If she hadn't acted quickly by talking me down, I could have ended up walking naked down the street, or worse I could have hurt myself.

I was THAT gone. I really don't know what could have happened. (At one point, in a very crazy Louis Wain type way, I asked her if she thought it would hurt to get stabbed in the leg with a knife- meaning me getting stabbed. Once again, my psyche was taking all of my latent fears and confessing them; really sketchy to say the least. I suggested to her that if I didn't start coming down, that I should spend the night in a jail cell, so I couldn't do anything stupid. As the waves of "possession" became less and less I knew that such a scenario was unnecessary and she agreed. I still, however, was entirely unable to sleep and I even found it difficult to sleep again last night.)

For whatever reason, on these two particular occasions of "losing it" I have had a tendency of deciding that nude is the only way to go into dissolution. I spent the vast majority of my trip in a hooded sweatshirt and my underwear, both of which I kept taking off and putting back on in a cyclical loop-like manner. I also distinctly remember taking off my mood ring (I know, heh) and putting it down thinking, "The Universe is on Orion's Belt" a la Men in Black. Basically I was just acknowledging the holographic nature of the universe and that the universe was in my ring, which I was in and it was me.

Naked we come, naked we go.

If my girlfriend wasn't the most incredible person on the planet, I could have been picked up ranting and raving... and naked. Or, once again, I could have done something irreparably stupid.

In the end, I wouldn't take it back. I came back! Somehow.

What I "learned"/witnessed was not of this world.

We are all one eternal Mind. We live the same life, over and over again, only to forget it. I know I have come to these conclusions before, but I saw why. Entirely ineffable.

For a full 3 hours I was awake in the dream. For 30-40 minutes, the dream overtook me.

If you ever decide to journey this far, please be careful.

Make sure you ease yourself in and you MUST HAVE A SITTER. If a sitter is too difficult, make sure you AT THE VERY LEAST tell someone that you trust that you are taking a journey and you need to have them on-call in case you reach a difficult spot.

Keep in mind, I have been able to control myself during EVERY single trip I have ever had, EXCEPT for 2 high dose oral sessions. One time on 7 dried grams while fasting and this time on 200mg DMT while fasting as well.

-Let me note, that during the 7 gram mushroom trip 3 years ago, I was saying things that related to my recent THH+DMT trip. Certain words/phrases and even gestures were the exact same. It was beyond Déjà Vu. I am 100 percent certain that I experienced a "worm-hole" connection between my two trips. I distinctly remember seeing the events of my recent trip during my trip three years ago. I remember seeing my girlfriend, whom I didn't even know at the time, so I wasn't able to put it all together until now. It sounds ridiculous, but it is the honest truth. I experienced "time-travel", but it wasn't time travel at all; time merely ceased to exist and my mind was given access to all memories, future and past. The holographic theory would back such an experience up. I will go more into this in a future post, as I have written about this before.

Everyone needs to be reminded from time to time to be extremely careful. Death/the unexpected comes like a thief in the night.

You can be prepared, you just need practice.

I will write up a more intensive report as I integrate everything.

Peace and Love.
#12 Posted : 10/2/2009 10:15:42 AM

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Several elements of your story feel familiar to me.

Instead of getting naked, I took off my shoes and wandered barefoot on the streets of a distant town in the rain, in the night / early morning (perhaps I wanted to get back into a pristine state and walking barefoot felt like a symbol of this).

I also seem to have a "trickster" persona in myself which I'm very much drawn to on trips (I like him). When I subjectively experience becoming that, according to my friends I turn into a demon-like being, my face takes on a mischevious grin, I become aggressive (not towards my friends but certain others) and a massive amount of other-worldly energies come out of me. According to them, this feels and looks like some kind of demonic possession and is definitely not a good thing.

About the grandiose fantasies regarding the end of the world: for me this seems to be an escape from ego death. My theory is that a strong ego (which mine certainly is) equipped with a strong intellect and an analytical drive can "withstand" enlightenment even when taking a very high dose. The high dose brings us to the front door of enlightenment, but for some reason we don't want to step inside. There is an immense amount of energy present (because of the opposition) which has to go somewhere. What happens is that this energy goes into the mind and becomes these fantasies of incredible grandeur, a vortex of the most unimaginable things circling around the black hole / Central Sun. Time slows down, but never stops completely. We get closer and closer to the culmination point but never get through. The experience is tainted by fear. Even if the fantasies are about light and enlightenment and saving the world and all the other "good" stuff, there is no real peace in it. It's more like spiritual suffering.

About the contact high with your girlfriend: once I was in the apartment of a friend, coming up on a trip. We were sitting by a table, me on one side, my friend on the other. There were some other people around who did not know we were coming up, they just popped in for a visit. They chattered in a kind of distracting way. As I was coming up, I felt it "kicking in" - reality expanding, I'm slowly getting knowledge again of that other, deeper self, that sort of stuff. I somehow managed to "grab" on the thread of what is happening, I started the "feel" the story of the situation. As my meditation/focus deepened, I suddenly *became* the story itself, in the sense that my body and mind processes got completely synchronised with it. After this complete identification, I felt the urge to speak and when I did I managed to continue the situation in a way which I knew was VERY psychedelic. Actually, my inner reality (which was by that time at a several magnitude higher frequency than that of external reality) grabbed the mundane external reality and "lifted it out" of itself via my speech. At the moment I started doing this, the body of my friend, who sat on the other side of the table, started to move and twist in synchronicity with my words/expression (through his body, he also became an expression of the thing, like a puppet) - he did enjoy this though, smiling at the complete impossibility of it. The people who did not know we were tripping were baffled. Their body and the deeper levels of their mind also reacted to what happened (although not in such a dramatic way as my friends'Pleased, but their rational, controlling mind immediately shut down because it could not process what was just happening (their personality suddenly being split into two, one of these - the knowing one - answering the "psychedelic signals" and the other one coming to a grinding halt when observing this fact). A few minutes later they left the place.

About the idea that we are living the same life, again and again: what about past lives? Are those people (our past versions) also living their lives again and again? How about the future selves? What if all these lives are lived at the same "time" by God (again and again)? If this is so, then progress is an illusion. (And thinking it over, it should be.)

(I hope this wasn't too fragmented.)
#13 Posted : 10/2/2009 6:41:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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cellux wrote:
Several elements of your story feel familiar to me.

About the grandiose fantasies regarding the end of the world: for me this seems to be an escape from ego death. My theory is that a strong ego (which mine certainly is) equipped with a strong intellect and an analytical drive can "withstand" enlightenment even when taking a very high dose. The high dose brings us to the front door of enlightenment, but for some reason we don't want to step inside. There is an immense amount of energy present (because of the opposition) which has to go somewhere. What happens is that this energy goes into the mind and becomes these fantasies of incredible grandeur, a vortex of the most unimaginable things circling around the black hole / Central Sun. Time slows down, but never stops completely. We get closer and closer to the culmination point but never get through. The experience is tainted by fear. Even if the fantasies are about light and enlightenment and saving the world and all the other "good" stuff, there is no real peace in it. It's more like spiritual suffering.

About the idea that we are living the same life, again and again: what about past lives? Are those people (our past versions) also living their lives again and again? How about the future selves? What if all these lives are lived at the same "time" by God (again and again)? If this is so, then progress is an illusion. (And thinking it over, it should be.)

(I hope this wasn't too fragmented.)

Thank you for your post. Interesting similarities indeed.

I have had the mischievous grin several times. It has made my friends feel uneasy before and I even have a picture of it somewhere; I'll see if I can dig it out.

I must disagree with you on a subjective note on the eschatological aspect of my trip; it seems to me that the whole "end of the world" scenario lies hand in hand with the on-set of complete ego dissolution/death. The realization that "I am God" leads to the subsequent realization, during the experience of ego death, that the entire universe is also ending, because "I am" the universe as well as my bodily self. The paradoxical part of this is that when I am making these statements, I realize them to be delusion, yet at the same time, I believe them to be fact in the sense that the end is always occurring, just not "now" during this specific biological moment. The distinction between "now" and "then" completely dissolves, leading to these paradoxical realizations. Hence the dichotomistic nature of the universe.

As I believe that subjective experience of time ceases to exist during ego dissolution, it is almost directly due to this loss of time that "the end" is felt to be imminent, because it occupies the same temporal position as all other moments; it is only due to our biological disposition that we experience time, so when we no longer experience it, it is as though we have arrived at our death in the "future".

Past lives, in my honest opinion, are merely glitches in our genetics; certain predisposed individuals are likely to have experiences of past lives due to biological cues, such as traumatic experiences and/or genetic "glitches". Since our DNA contains the raw "data" of all living creatures and their histories, it only makes sense to me that a small percentage of people would somehow tune into a past life experience, since all past biological "experiences" are stored within the monad of our mind/DNA matrix/Universal hologram. Since we are all One eternal being, existing solely within One Mind/Universe, the debate of reincarnation/past lives is moot; we are all parcel of the eternal universe which is holographic in nature. Each part IS the whole, although the part is more than capable of confusing itself of a myriad of other possibilities/delusions.

Progress/time IS an illusion. When you die, you are immediately born again into ignorance of your previous incarnation. God is the collective persona of the universe and we as biological beings cannot delineate our cyclical existence due to the nature of our biological disposition of experiencing a progressive present moment.

When we die, we merely wake up to our eternal nature and say, "Yes, I'll do it all over again."

I have already posted this on here, but I will quote it for your sake:

I have had numerous NDE's on DMT; this is what I've concluded.

After merging with the ineffable Godhead, you are greeted by those who were closest to you during your life so as to calm you during the transition.

Next you experience your entire life all over again as one fully interactive moment complete with teachings based upon each experience. Highly emotional moments are given the most attention, while relationships and subsequent morality are "judged" by your Self which may manifest as another being; Jesus, Buddha, etc. depending upon your cultural programming.

"You" realize that your entire life was merely an illusion that you created for yourself.

We are all God; the One eternal moment which is the universe, which recurs eternally as eternity.

This experience of death is "felt" to be the longest and most important moment of your life, because it occupies the same temporal position as the entire universe and subsequently, your life. (There is no such thing as time; a flowing time and progressive present moment are the products of our subjective perceptions and underlying neurobiology)

The feeling of eternity is felt as an overwhelming warmth which lasts seemingly "forever".

Once the painful beauty of all this is "understood", the will to forget is reached; in order to experience it all over again, anew.

Once this occurs, the bright white light again greets you and you come out the womb, again. You forget everything, but you CHOOSE to. And since we are all God which is eternity, we actually have no choice.

We live the same life all over again in complete ignorance.

That is the beauty of Life.


#14 Posted : 10/2/2009 7:53:22 PM
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Location: A speck of dust in endless space, like everyone else.
Independant of the exact dose you took, it is also just a fact that the same psychedelic in the same amounts can sometimes, without any explanation hit you much harder.
This probably has something to do with what you ate and how well you slept, and other factors.

It happened to me a view times that i was taken entirely by surprise with a dose that i'd had before a couple of times.

I'm getting more and more convinced that psychological processes that have nothing to do with the trip itself, have a huge impact. Also on the strength of the trip.

Anyway. I also noticed how time seems to vanish at high ego-loss doses.

I think that time does exist, but that it is just something entirely different than what we perceive it to be in our daily lives.
Time is not entirely an illusion, but it's not what we think it is either.
#15 Posted : 10/2/2009 9:02:46 PM

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polytrip wrote:
Independant of the exact dose you took, it is also just a fact that the same psychedelic in the same amounts can sometimes, without any explanation hit you much harder.
This probably has something to do with what you ate and how well you slept, and other factors.

It happened to me a view times that i was taken entirely by surprise with a dose that i'd had before a couple of times.

I'm getting more and more convinced that psychological processes that have nothing to do with the trip itself, have a huge impact. Also on the strength of the trip.

I agree 100 percent.

One of the most intense experiences of my life was on 2 hits of acid. I had a 12 hour mystical experience and I do not believe it was solely due to the fact that one of the hits could have been really potent. I attribute my intense trip to physiological/psychological timing and how often I had been tripping prior.

I always believe that fasting is necessary before a trip, but on that particular acid trip I didn't fast, because my decision to trip was completely random, which I believe added to the intensity factor of the trip itself.

All psychological processes have a huge impact on tripping, it just depends on the intelligence level and history of an individual how much they are able to integrate and realize.

I will be writing up an extensive report tomorrow.

I can't wait to post it.

#16 Posted : 11/2/2009 3:12:46 PM

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Exactly one month later, I am just about ready to post my report.

It has taken quite awhile to digest what happened and I just moved so it's been crazy around here in general.

I have finally found some time to edit what I have written and I will be posting it soon.

By the way, I figured out that I dosed even higher than I had thought with the THH.

I took closer to 350mg rather than 250mg; the DMT dose still stands at 200mg. No wonder I lost my marbles.

Love and Peace.
#17 Posted : 11/2/2009 7:37:51 PM

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This thread has hit an odd note of synchronicity with myself. I experienced a similar trip while combining 10 hits of acid, MDMA, shrooms and DMT.

Unfortunately it seems impossible for my to put my trip into words- every time I try to remember it, i forget it. however, reading your report reminded me of some of the events that occurred during the trip. I honestly felt like I wrote that report, it's that similar.
#18 Posted : 11/2/2009 9:15:56 PM

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ismokecrystals wrote:
This thread has hit an odd note of synchronicity with myself. I experienced a similar trip while combining 10 hits of acid, MDMA, shrooms and DMT.

Unfortunately it seems impossible for my to put my trip into words- every time I try to remember it, i forget it. however, reading your report reminded me of some of the events that occurred during the trip. I honestly felt like I wrote that report, it's that similar.

That's very peculiar indeed. If you happen to recall anything, please post about it.
#19 Posted : 11/3/2009 5:51:43 AM

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Here is the trip report from the lsd 10 strip thread
#20 Posted : 11/3/2009 2:44:46 PM

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ismokecrystals wrote:
Here is the trip report from the lsd 10 strip thread


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