mescaline hcl+harmine/harmaline Options
#1 Posted : 9/29/2009 9:57:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 35
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Hello all!!!

Ive been dosing psychedelics for the past 12 yrs and have tripped countless times. This was my second mescaline journey. My first trip was on 250mg. It was a good trip but no where near the intensity of 300mg mescalin + 150 mg harmine/harmaline 60/40 90-95%. A little back ground on the sources. The maoi was bought pure. The cacti were black berg clones from California. Center cuts. The extraction was a/b. salted with hcl and washed with acetone that gave a white/brown crystallized look.
My wife is with me on this journey. She has tripped many times too but is less frequent lately, maybe once a year. This will be her first mescaline dose.

I ate a bagel in the morning and a sandwich/chips for lunch. On my way home my wife called me and said she wanted to eat something, i told her not too. And the reason why. She did it anyways. Taco bell nachos.

6:20-stir 300-mg mescaline 150mg harmine/harmaline into hot coffee with creamer

6:58- finished all the coffee and ate a piece of toast with jam and butter. Smoke a joint. Feeling relaxed with no body discomfort. There are effects of something out of the ordinary. General glow and euphoric feel.

7:58- Unexpected friend drops by. He tells us a little about his new teaching job at the local college. He left at 7:58. Music is glorious and i need it for some reason. The room feels empty without it. Waves of effects are starting to come in at this point. More visual/audio than mental.

8:41- Almost impossible to write at this point. Not too much visual distortion but i can hardly make myself sit down and concentrate on anything, but i try my best. Music seems like the only thing that keeps my mind at ease and makes me extremely happy. And that is all i want to be is happy.I feel euphoric almost childlike. Like i could climb a tree at any moment. People's faces and bodys are starting to expand and retract on the tv. The curtains are shifting and waving. I enjoy playing with my shadows on the wall. Start a fire in the fireplace and watch the glowing embers move so gracefully.

9:22- ++++ Not an overwhelming ego loss

9:45- we go on a walk...the walk seems to do us well. The body tends to cease up and feel tight without moving around. Walking feels like what we should be doing. The wife pukes up the nachos and continues to puke, i think she is enjoying it?

10:00-12:00 we walk two more sessions up and down the street. Kind of amazing how much energy we had. Unfortunately im tripping so hard i can not write anymore at this point until 6:00 a.m. so i had to finish that morning. I really underestimated the stimulant effects. I read that it was stimulating but i could easily go to a club and dance all night.

12:00 a.m. -scheduled blackout in my town. The wife takes a candle and makes a bath for herself. I take a changa bowl to the porch. The city is completely pitch black. One pull on the bowl sends me tumbling into a breakthrough. The most memorable vision i had in this session was a rubix cube brown box that changed and morphed a million times over. The thing was only around 5-6 inches tall but it built onto itself so many times in 5 minutes and no matter which way my head turned it followed. Really amazing. Multi colored paints filled my vision for the next ten minutes. I lay with my wife in the bed for the next hour as i watch the candle light engulf the ceiling while she tries to sleep.

Around 1:00 a.m i take the same bowl outside along with my ipod and turned on some eagles... while i stared at the stars and smoked myself into a third dimension away. I know for at least ten whole minutes i was soaring through the stars as they swirled and moved quickly. My face had a permanent smile at this point. I did not count how many times i broke through. The feild of vision was a plane of colorful molecules interacting changing and playing with each other. Indescribable visuals with an infinite depth:awetrippie: I walked halfway back to the porch and did one or two more. But then gave it a rest and let the mescaline take hold for the rest of the night.

2:30 lay in the bed and looked inwardly at my life. I originally weighed out a higher dose but this was plenty. Maybe too much..... you could easily trim off 50 mg each and still be going for 12 hrs.

3:00 power jolts back on...still ++++

4:00 ++++

5-6 i might have slept one hr

6:00 ++

drink two beers to calm down and take a shit...the beer works

7:15 + cannot sleep

Looking back... I enjoyed the walks with my wife and the time spent with her. This was a very rare occasion for us. Although this maybe her last time, i think she enjoyed herself. She can't handle the psychedelics nor any drugs besides amphetamines and alcohol anymore. She just pukes too much on opiates,shrooms,mescaline, or acid.

Dietary suggestions light breakfast, medium lunch salad or sandwich. original dose of 250 mg mescaline was a 4-6 hr +++

300 mg mescaline 150 mg harmine/harmaline 13.5 hrs +++++. Dmt did play a role at keeping it going

The wife should have her report done soon at it will be posted.

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#2 Posted : 9/29/2009 10:07:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 31-Aug-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2015
preschooler attached the following image(s):
01.jpg (354kb) downloaded 128 time(s).
#3 Posted : 9/30/2009 6:20:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: A speck of dust in endless space, like everyone else.
Didn't the beers made you feel sick?
I once drunk half a glass of wine after taking harmalines and had a terrible headache for the rest of the day.
#4 Posted : 9/30/2009 10:25:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 31-Aug-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2015 sickness.... it was almost 12 hrs after the original dose
#5 Posted : 10/1/2009 1:55:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 31-Aug-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2015
the wifeVery happy

My husband had been taking care of a massive cactus plant for several years. A constant source of pride, I was completely taken aback when I came home from work one day to discover that he had cut the cactus at the base. He informed me that the cactus was ready to have the mescaline that it contained extracted. And so, sitting on my couch several weeks later, my husband handed me a cup of coffee with 200mg of powdered mescaline along with 150 mg of a powdered mixture of harmoline and harmine which is supposed to enhance the effects of the mescaline inside the cup.
I had been advised by my husband to eat minimally that day. However, by 5pm I had only eaten a sandwich the entire day and was ravenously hungry. I had assumed that we were going to eat some kind of dinner before we embarked on our journey. After being informed by my husband that we were not going to have any sort of dinner whatsoever I decided to stop at the Taco Bell drive thru on my way home to sneak in a little snack. I eagerly consumed a small Pepsi and a nacho supreme on my way home. That small plate of nachos would come back to haunt me later on.
Anticipation and impatience were getting the better of me while I was waiting for the drug to take effect. I had read Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception” in the weeks preceding weeks and following his advice had many different kinds of music to listen to and a Van Gogh art book to enhance the experience. It was a full two hours before I was aware of a definite tightening all of the muscles in my body, especially my stomach. All of the sudden someone unexpectedly knocked on my living room door. This caused an increase in the tightening of the muscles. The visitor was a friend of my husbands who decided to stop because they were just passing by. We told him about taking the mescaline to which he strangely did not have much of a reaction to. We might have been acting more strangely than we were aware of because he left after a quarter of an hour. The nauseous feeling that his sudden knocking had inspired did not leave with him.
The next hour was a constant effort of convincing myself that I was not going to throw up. I also realized in this third hour that if I sat too long, my major muscle groups would tighten increasingly into a clinching feeling and eventually into Charlie horses. I got up and walked around the house which relieved the muscle cramps but exacerbated the nausea. I finally told myself that I was just going to throw up. I went to the bathroom and just looked at the toilet bowl when that nacho supreme shot out of my mouth at about 300 psi. After finishing, I folded my arms over the toilet seat and rested my head on my arms with a mixture of exhaustion and relief when all of the sudden a huge surge of energy shot through my entire body. It felt like a warmness running through my veins and was completely invigorating. I was still sitting on the bathroom floor when I looked up at the floral pattern of the wallpaper on my bathroom wall. I was thinking how beautiful and colorful the wallpaper was when I suddenly threw up a second time. To my complete amazement the vomit was flowery and colorful, exactly like the pattern on the wall. As soon as I was done throwing up this second time, another more intense surge of energy and joy came over me. I blinked my eyes and shook my head a little and looked back into the toilet bowl to see that there indeed were not flowers in there, but only more remnants of Taco Bell.
Leaving the adventure that was the bathroom behind me, I walked into the den where my husband was. He asked me if I wanted to go walking with him to a Coca-Cola machine about half a mile away. I eagerly accepted the offer and we walked at a power walking pace. I told him of my experience in the bathroom along the way which he seemed to enjoy hearing immensely. We walked back to the house after grabbing two Sprites only to discover that we could not sit still. We decided to go walking again and spent the majority of the rest of the night walking.
The instance in the bathroom was my only hallucination. The predominant component of the buzz was the energetic body buzz which was completely unexpected. It was an overall pleasant experience except for being in a generally bad mood for about two days afterward. I do not know that I would do it again but I definitely do not regret taking it.
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