Those are pics of the way i process
Kash's extraction. Nothing new, it's just to clarify how i do in relation to
this other thread.
Here not much numbers and measurement, check the original tek to get the recipe. It's more a visual addition.
- First get a nice cactus : a 2 years old bridgesii started from seed. I wanted to check my first bridge and this one already have few pups showing up so i could take the main stem :

- The cutting to extract and the tip to grow :

- Despined. Cut in dice in a blender :

- Blended, it looks like a perfect delicious smoothie but don't taste it. No. Don't.

- In the freezer for the night :

- Next morning, boil it in a pressure cooker (forgot to take a pic) with some water and a dash of vinegar. Be carefull, for the first boil, be sure to make it boil before to put the cover. Sometime, due to mucilage, it foams a lot and this could be sprayed through the pressure release valve. Or worst, it could clog this valve and you don't want that. No you don't :

Boil until it doesn't foam anymore, lock the cover and cook for 30min (after the valve release the vapor)
- Filter with a cloth :

- Put the plant matter back in the PC with some fresh water (dash of vinegar optional). No risk with foaming this time so lock the cover right up and count down 15min (after the valve sings).
Repeat one more time these step. So, in total, it's been PC 1x30min and 2x15min.
- Combine all the liquid filtered and boil down to get a small volume easier to work with. Not too much or it will become sirupy :

- Aside, during the reduction step, you can prepare a solution of NaOH (caustic soda), like this, it will have time to cool down :

Safety first : protections (gloves, safety glasses, long sleeves,...), always add NaOH in the water (not the other way). As it's an exothermal reaction it's good to keep the mixture container in a cold bath or at least in an another container (or a sink in this case) in case of damage due to the thermal shock.
- Once the reduced liquid is cooled put in a jar and mix with NaOH solution :
- Add some toluene (or xylene). Shake few times. Let decant :

- Pull the toluene (here with a stainless baster). I let decant in narrow glasses as droplet of basic solution tends to stick to the glass :

- I pull 3 times with fresh toluene, combine them in a small jar and add some HCl solution prepared with few ml of HCl concentrated in a small volume of water.
Toluene with HCl solution. Shake. Decant and pull HCl solution with stainless baster :

- Evap the HCl solution. The solution is in a flat dish above a pan (insulated with a towel) full of hot water with a fan blowing on it:

- Scrap and weight the result :

will edit soon
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