As a biochemical enthusiast, I gotta jump on this thread

i had thought THC was hepatically metabolised mainly via CYP2C9. However, I'm not surprised in the least about involvement of CYP3A genre of the CYP450 enzymatic familiea (e.g. CYP3Ax, CYP2D-x, CYP2Cx, etc. Wherein x= a specific integer/number for the individual species) joining in on the metabolic fun, too!

Regards to the acid catalyzed conversion of CBD to THC, I was wondering if average gastric pH levels at average body temperature in a person at sea level (average pH of stomach fluids lies around 1.5 at core body temperature; use of antacids, PPI's and selective Histamine H2 receptor antagonists decrease gastric pH to 2-5 via varying mechanisms; acidic food products such as citrus, kombucha and soft drinks, along with most food products, lower pH.) would be sufficient to convert a significant amount of CBD to THC before it leaves stomach; if so, what would be the average convertion rate (ratio of THC:CBD) given an incubation time of 30 minutes before full absorption?
Another biophysical chemistry inquiry would be the pharmacokinetics of inhaled Cannabis compounds, and how their Cmax/Tmax/metabolic rates/pathways differ (inhaling is fastest means of drug administration; IV delivers drug into vessels carrying blood to heart, which is pumped to lungs to trade CO2 for fresh air for circulation. By inhaling a drug into lungs, it's diffused rapidly into arterial blood; inhalation bypasses the liver, and reaches sites of activity several seconds faster. Every ROA has it's ups and downs.)
I'm very interested in seeing to what extent one can manipulate hepatocyte activity in order to get more mileage out of their bud. This may be reflected in the average AUC, Cmax, Tmax excretion rate and duration of effects, along with rates of decline.
One lazy-ass day, 5 days into taking a 7 day long regimen of Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole/TMP;800mg/160mg), and four or so grapefruits in my stomach, I decided to smoke a bowl of Blue Dream. I consumed it over the course of 10 minutes. Upon finishing the bowl, I felt a massive cannabinoid head rush, and was far more intense compared to what I typically experience from that much herb. 5 minutes after my last exhalation of cannabis smoke/vapor, a Psychedelic Tsunami with Kaleidoscopic eyes crested over me as I was swallowed into The Psychedelic Abyss, far far away from my self and every article of my identity.
I spent the next 5 hours engrossed in a borderline overwhelming psychedelic carnival, followed by a slow euphoric decline and a strong after glow lasting into the next day. I had expected a few hours of moderate inebriation from that amount innumerable times beforehand; this one bowl gave me a trip on par in intensity to that produced by ten-fold the amount I consumed.
I was wondering if anyone has tried different CYP450 inhibitors (e.g. GFJ, cimetidine, bactrim, etc.) before ingesting cannabis via oral and vaporization ROAs, respectively, and how (if at all) it changed the effect and duration that same amount would yield without those inhibitors (if experimenting, consume inhibitor at least 30 minutes before ingestion. Let there be a washout period of 2 weeks in between tests with different CYP450 inhibitors or control test. Record results in a journal and share with us. We'd eagerly await such a case study).
'"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the
beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad
when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have
narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner
stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said
the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka