beliefs shape the experience Options
#1 Posted : 9/28/2009 2:06:30 PM
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In a post somewhere Wsaged mentioned that nowadays he doesn't have breakthroughs anymore like he used to have. He said that after he inhales DMT vapor, he's just instantly 'there'.

That made me think.
I believe that this probably has to do with the fact that he somehow has incorporated DMT-reality views into his general concept of reality so that instead of two different incommensurable reality's you have one reality with room for different perspectives. This means that you wouldn't experience the transition as drasticly.

I realy do believe that constructs of the mind can cause these drastic alterations in how you experience DMT.

DMT, like other psychedelics is greatly surrounded by myths. And these myths determine for a great deal how we undergo psychedelic experiences.
Yet, when this happens it is so deeply convincing that we would simply refuse to believe that looking at the substance differently could make a lot of difference.

I have read somewhere that someone compared LSD and DMT and rated DMT as at least 1000 times as intense as LSD.
I think that's realy an exageration. But the person saying this probably realy experienced it this way because he/she truly believed this myth that surrounds DMT.

I think the differences are way smaller; when you look at a river 5 km wide and you can see the other side, you see a river. When it's 10 km wide and water stretches as far as the horizon, it's only twice as wide, while you could feel you're staring at an ocean.

On a scale from 1 to 10, where i would give the highest possible LSD peak (since LSD has a maximum level, some call it saturation-point) 2 points, i would give a 50mg vaporized DMT/50 grams chacruna ayahuasca trip maybe 4 to 5 points. Wich is awesome. But not infinetely more intense as LSD, as many people describe it.

Some people would say that the fact i say this must mean that i just haven't taken a high enough dose of DMT yet. But the thing is that i have taken quite large amounts. I've taken ayahuasca brews as strong as 150 grams of good quality chacruna or 30 grams of very potent MHRB, wich is enough for 3 persons. And i don't have a very high tolerance for DMT.

It is true; if you feel that DMT realy is 1000 times as potent as LSD, you will experience it this way, because your beliefs about DMT shape the experience greatly.

I challenge everybody here to experiment with altering the experience and becoming more the master of it. By thinking about reality seen from different perspectives, thinking about multi-dimensionality, abstractions of reality on a daily bases your mind will become more equipped to remember the DMT-reality and you will be more equipped to navigate through it.

Looking at it this way will not make DMT less special. It will make you more confident; you shape the experience. Your beliefs, your concepts of reality, your thoughts.

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#2 Posted : 9/28/2009 4:33:16 PM
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I wouldn't say DMT is more intense than LSD at all. You can't compare the two, they're so different experiences.

What I really love is smoking DMT while coming up on acid... Smile

However your post did make a lot of sense to me.
#3 Posted : 9/28/2009 11:42:00 PM
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I have discovered that many experiences that are common with DMT are perceived very differently by everybody.

The more experience you get with DMT, the more you can look at it from different angles.
And the fun thing is that each new angle means a new way of exploring.

#4 Posted : 9/29/2009 12:20:58 AM

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I think your point about the mythology of the experience was spot-on. It often seems as if what we know about the spice is what Terrence McKenna said about it, or Straussman, or from a few reports on Erowid. How often does someone, upon hearing about it for the first time, immediately offers up some firm opinion as to what it is all about? Experienced people are generally less blown away by the concept, as well as aware that the total variety of the experience is far beyond what everyone expects. A ten minute coma and visions of elves in spaceships is all well and good, but it isn't particularly the normal trip. The potential for experience is incredibly vast, and may range between sublime to absurd, and along a perpendicular axis going from amazing to boring. While the belief , being a part of set and setting, definitely shapes the experience, the experience often has a way of shattering those beliefs.
#5 Posted : 9/29/2009 12:46:52 AM
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Well, i must say that the pure sense of bliss is something that i never ever thought possible.

But i found it liberating to discover that i wasn't totally powerless to the experience.
The first few times i had a bit of anxiety of it, fed by all these myths.

When i discovered that many of them where myths, just like the 'LSD will make you think you can fly and jump of of tall buildings' myth, i became more confident and it has made everything so much easier.

I only feel a bit of intimidation at the onset of a trip, nowadays. But then i realise "i won't be jumping out of my bedroom window" and everything is alright again.Laughing
#6 Posted : 9/30/2009 12:39:56 AM

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I think the DMT experience is more powerful overall than an LSD experience, but only for a short time.
DMT break thru is quite like the peak of a very strong LSD trip, but I don't think one can compare peaking for 5 minutes to peaking for an hour. That reality detachment that one can get from any psychedelic is FAR more -scary? -powerful? -intense? whatever you want to call it when you are GONE into the psychedelic world for much longer periods of time.
Not that smoked DMT experiences at breakthru levels are not shattering and amazing, they are, but being back so quickly sometimes feels a bit chickenshit. I guess I need to try pharma, but shrooms are my next experience to try ( never done them.)


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#7 Posted : 9/30/2009 1:02:55 PM

NiGHTS into Dreams

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I have read somewhere that someone compared LSD and DMT and rated DMT as at least 1000 times as intense as LSD.
I think that's realy an exageration. But the person saying this probably realy experienced it this way because he/she truly believed this myth that surrounds DMT.

I think we need to define what people mean by intense. The intensity of inhaling chlorine and then spazzing out near death on the floor powerful, or intense as in spiritually life-changing. LSD is way more potent and poweful on the microgram scale, and it lasts longer. I doubt that influence will have any affect on a person's perception on power-intensity level. Unless they were influenced to take triple the dosage.
#8 Posted : 9/30/2009 6:42:24 PM
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Godspark wrote:
I have read somewhere that someone compared LSD and DMT and rated DMT as at least 1000 times as intense as LSD.
I think that's realy an exageration. But the person saying this probably realy experienced it this way because he/she truly believed this myth that surrounds DMT.

I think we need to define what people mean by intense. The intensity of inhaling chlorine and then spazzing out near death on the floor powerful, or intense as in spiritually life-changing. LSD is way more potent and poweful on the microgram scale, and it lasts longer. I doubt that influence will have any affect on a person's perception on power-intensity level. Unless they were influenced to take triple the dosage.

LSD has a saturation point where it doesn't become more powerfull at higher doses. A high dose of LSD is not as intense as a high dose of DMT. But i think that someone who has experience with high doses of LSD is quite prepared for a high dose of DMT.

Someone who's taken LSD before is well equipped to make a good estimation of what DMT would be like.

Shrooms in high amounts are exactly like DMT.
If you would snort pure psilocybin or psilocin, i don't think you would notice the difference with DMT, because in the right amounts they have the same effects.

Point is that the mckenna-talk scared me off a little bit, in the beginning. But i more and more begin to realize that there is no need to fear at all that somehow you might lose yourself, or that you would get stuck in a terrible bad-trip of wich you would have no control at all.

It is best not to fear and let go of all your worries. And to realize that you are much more in control than you might think. You can safely experiment and it's fantastic.

Initially i didn't dare to go outside because i was scared to cause an accident. But being in a natural environment and walking around is beautyfull and nothing to be scared about. You won't cause an accident.

DMT is a very safe substance and if LSD didn't cause you to go insane and be hospitalized, i now know that you can safely conclude that DMT also won't do that.
#9 Posted : 10/1/2009 1:39:32 AM

NiGHTS into Dreams

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It is best not to fear and let go of all your worries. And to realize that you are much more in control than you might think. You can safely experiment and it's fantastic.

Wonderful! Smile
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