Im always sorry to hear such hard life stories as your friends.. I wish him all the best! I can understand when you talk about his ex and how when one leaves as reaction to fears, this person also spreads fear/unconscience, specially to our precious little children that are open and like sponges, readily absorb all that is around, good or bad. I wish peace to her soul as well!
In spite of all this problems, Im very glad they both had a nice experience! indeed sharing spice can be one of the most wonderful things, when one just sees the happiness and appreciation of someone for this so special molecule! If your friends keep showing interest and it seems possible they would learn and get a better perspective in life from these substances, I would suggest, if its possible to have a good set and setting, that you think about an oral dmt trip, as due to the duration one can get very deep insights and incorporate them easier than the fast cannon-launch of smoked dmt