Thanks so much for the responses...really appreciate it!
LONG description of my Aya jounrney ahead

So yes, Aya was beautiful and an intense journey but one that I think requires previous experiences with practiced mediation (my choice is vipassana), psychedelics, shrooms, DMT and then Aya.
The reason for this, I feel, is like balaganist said " Skill in letting go completely, trusting.. more so than with smoked dmt" Totally agree.I feel due to my previous experiences and working with being in the present and understanding my thoughts through vipassana mediation, my aya was very clear, personally rewarding and comfortable.
The difference I found with Aya and Spice is the 'look'. For myself, Spice is like a big rubbery changing layer, mutidimensional so ever evolving moving textures and colour and is filled with beings...some are connected, some live within the 'rooms' of colour. Aya is a larger space that I experienced, a big dark backdrop filled with flame like colours which have beings that live in each space and each place has a lesson to teach or share, and each being has its message for the visitor - you.
Within 20 minutes:
The aya came on super quick for us in about 20 minutes and could fee! strong sensation and was getting funny flashbacks of old behaviour I have since stopped:
eg: I had a flash back of myself getting mad at a beeping thermostat in the refrigerator..ha ha and it made me laugh at my old conduct!
Not sure on the doses sorry but I know that we had a larger amount of Bcaapi and a 1/3 of that amount of momosa (which was a concentrate and as much tannins out as possible!)
...first there was a whirlpool of colour that was fast and span really fast like a wormhole..I had to open my eyes now and then...pretty soon the colours were becoming brighter and slower... and I could make out 3 dimensional shapes...patterns that I can see 360o around held by different beings...thenn..eerrrrt had to be sick!
At about 45 minutes:
So ran to the bathroom - avoided puking on myself (yay!) It is as it is..your'e spewing, get used to it, even enjoy it and it will be over soon.... and soon as I as puking, thats when I had my first guide, a female of bright highlighter colours...she was letting me know when Im going to ' your going to spew!'! and a big pink tongue would come out of her like bllleeeeeerrrrtttttttt: a river of colour... She was funny and made me feel good about puking ha ha.
Then after that it really kicks in... get a blanket, and a cosy couch and stay there! Your not going to want to get up again

You might want some water too and low light.
First hour: first strong connection was with what I call 'the healer'. He was dark blue and green and mayan looking and was streaming healing from up high into my body through my head and raised hands. I could really feel it streaming and i said 'thank you so much! and also "bring it on" im sure

From there I felt like I had some photos taken of me, like visual snapshots of myself, all mapped out with highlighter yellow mapping lines.I felt like I was being shown what my physical body looks like...Then I could see myself on a kind of tower of stone in a big dark void. Here I yelled out 'is there anybody out there and got an echo back. I sensed my friend was there but over a big hill....of Then my mapped outline body was in an empty room. I remember thinking "Im in an empty room" then was asked "what do you want in it?" I said 'people' and they said "not just any people though" and soon my mum, family and my friend popped up in the same form, mapped outlines of their bodies.
So after that, I went on a journey to several different places.
Guides / Beings @ 2-3 hours:
I had 2 guides. One was a female who would come over wherever I was as a kind of 'screen'. She looked like glass with purple lights shooting through her image. When things become too overwhelming (remember they are multi-dimensional and eternal and we are finite) she would come down over the scene and change the energy. This happened more at the start, at the 2-3 hour mark.I also had a large dark african male with black eyes who was there from the start and I could call for him whenever I needed him. He would open his gorgeous dark eyes and 'flood' wherever I was with black. This was great especially when it was a busy intense scene (which I was the observer always)
At 3 hours:
I 'landed' in a place with many many beings. It was full of colours,light purple, whitem dark green, so every being was a different colour but they were all connected to each other with strings of their own colour. It was like a rubbery texture and I was connected to it as well. There were big strings of energy flowing high out of all the beings accross this dark void over to other beings in the far distance. My own energy was a dark green blue.. I asked many question here to a female being who was part of this rubbery world...this was very much DMT.
She said "look at your flows from them. It's pure energy and beautiful (love, joy peace, good intention). It is a privelage to have this energy to pass through you (cycles through from others and into you from below). Its all about intention, it comes throgh you and your intention flows back and and determines how it effects others in the world."
What I gathered from this is that there are 2 different ways to send out good energy. Either directly( helping a neighbour) or universally (prayer metta). The universal love is the most effective form as it effects many more people but directed energy is strong and also good. She le me know that I am doing this in helping my friend with their lives and that she was very proud of me.
She said" raise your hands" and I watched the energy stream out and way across this void. I said " So many people you send this energy out to you will never meet" which is amazing to know you can help other peoples lives like that. At one stage the being erupted into ecstatic joy, like a huge crowd cheering at a concert or sports game and that was intense! My glass purple girl came down and I went on the other places. At time aya was sexual which was fun and beautiful...nuff said

I met a much older lady that was like a spider who I started to talk to. I said 'oh you speak english' She said', no you speak english there is no language here, you arent really talking' which was true. ha ha. She was spider like... huge... white and fluffy in a purple sky.
I was then taken to kind of city by 4 females felt like my age..
"This is your temple' they told me. It was dark green and Indian looking. "Look" they said "look what you planted, its growing!" there was this beautiful little bright green shoot in a teracotta planter with flames of bright pink and yellow. It was in a kind of throne, with pictures and up above I could see other peoples temples, they looked like aztec faces and were quite comical actually.
I said to the girls "oh my gosh its so cute! thanks you for showing me" and I felt that it represented by spiritual journey and that it was growing strong and healthily.
At 4 hours:
I asked about the Aftrican male and the female guide said " he is your equal, you are linked".
I told her that I was really in love with my partner and I hoed this man wasnt going to come into my future.
She seems to go and chat with another being and they came back and said..oh know we will show you"
They put us both in a yin and yan cocoon..I was looking down at myself and this man. He had the back that looked like a jaguar black and shiny and in the slinky jaguar shape.
They then lay us down beside each other. I could see myself as that mapped body framework again and he was in the same form. Then they fliiped him up on top of ms so that we were prefectly lined up. I could 'feel' his breath and the ense of a bosy on me. Then he was put 'into me' (I am the observer here) and then flipped up so that his whole frame was inside of me.
"He is are him. he is your equal, he was you, you were him." This is my first past life experience and it makes much sense to me. I was effected by learning a bout the African slaves to a deep level and am in awe of any africans I meet. I still feel him inside me as my 'soul' and feel stronger since that experience. I feel that he was from the slave period as he was full of sadness and had a sense of no belongings. He was with me from the start of my journey till the very end.
At 5 hours: coming out still dreaming but was talking to my friend about what I was seeing:
From there, I met an ancient male. he was like a budda to me..I pivoted around a kind of square throne...I could see a little brown nut which looked like it was surrounded by a sea anename creature.
He said " this is for you" and handed me this seed/nut. I felt like it was a real privelage and he gave me the sense that not everyone gets to see this.
He said" this is for you to take back and share" I said " thank you so much for sharing with me!" he said thank you for being here" I said " thanks for giving it to me" he replied 'Thank you for receiving (like a little song)...and all these little green flames sprung up for everything..
The last thing I said is: Isn't this wonderful and WE (as in everything there) said "this is how its meant to be!"
I also visited my partners late father whom I have never met and reminded him to visit us.
The good thing is that you can open your eyes whenever it gets intense and you can talk to those around you. Its actually amazing to share every now and then but on you go back into dream...and you feel great the next day.
At 5-6 hours..mellow and visuals are minimal.
So yeah..thats my Aya experience. Looking forward to the next journey and hearing from anyone else.
I will try to draw some pictures of this too