I was curious the last 2 days as to how smoking my jim jam(full mimosa extraction..N,N..jungle and N-oxide) compares to changa since I have only had changa lately...
it's nice but not taking me as far as changa..no matter how much I load...but I found out why the hard(or good!) way...
I have been using a leaf bed of mullein..and making sure not to burn the spice by slowly letting it melt from the heat of the flame..and I kept finding it hard to break through or even get beyond light eye candy..
about 20 minutes ago I smoke maybe 25 mg and only got threshhold effects..Imean i was tripping and euphoric but I wanted to really go..so I quickly loaded about 15 more mg and hit it and it still just gave me more euphoria..but then I sort of realized that it looked like there was alot of spice melted into the burned mullein..making hard sort of spice infused ashes, that I had been dumping out

..so I took those ashes and threw them on a leaf bed and threw in another 25 mg eyeballed dose and slowly melted it and vapped as much as I could and then lit it all up..I took a few big hits off the ashes and felt it all comming and sat back on some pillows and closed my eyes..and BOOM..
The sun was shining brightly through my window onto my eyelids..and it made incredible golden spirals, liek I turned into golden rotating spirals, sucked out of my forhead right into the chryanthemum..there were no entities, just these wonderful spirals that were me..and I felt like I was worshiping the sun..it was lighting up my entire being...so wonderful..and it shook me to the core...
When I finally opened my eyes, I could barely see..like from the sunlight hitting my closed eyelids that whole time in such an open state, when I opened them all I could see was a sort of golden light for 30 seconds or so..and then slowly my normal contrast came back and everything was warping and shifting and I felt great and got up and started dancing wildly to the music and making animal like vocalizations
Entity contact is cool and all but this was just like something more...it was pure ME..the I AM that is..
God I love DMT..
Long live the unwoke.