Journeying the other night brought about some questions.
I've got three basic places available: a diamond shape that cuts open view into rooms, a square like overlapping set of rooms, and "ohwherethefuckamI?". The shapes refer to the orientation of the lines I'm going to call walls, but they also surely feel like different experience spaces rather than merely levels of intensity.
Diamond has distinct difference on either sides of the lines as the expand or move, for example one area will have an outside scene with grass fields and the juxtaposed room will just be neon psychedelica with nothing as notable. I saw a girl dancing once, she stopped and looked at me with some big ol' eyes

and then she phased away as the next line washed over her. Didn't notice anything alien about her physically, I would call her humanoid. She knew exactly what I was up to

. There's also concepts of guiding presences that sometimes will cooperate with me here.
Square is blended spaces, verging on being called "4d" and is more open and clear for seeing around. The presences I sense around with are less "ethereal" and more right in front of me as a statue of psychedelic flowing ribbons. Their construction varies, and not just in complexity. It seems like there are a few different ones I've come across as well as revealed the same ones in more and less amounts. Once there was music out of the room complex I was in, it was like huge chimes and sounded eerily like music I heard on a deep aural mushroom trip.
"ohwherethefuckamI?" has only happened once, and I was in some organic house thing and all was devoid of visions of psychedelica. I got an impression of "feel free to check this out" when there, but it was sooo brief, even in comparison to Diamond and Square realms. Coming back from this one was full of ecstatic gasps and raindown visuals of intuitive symbols, along with difficulty forming single thoughts beyond extreme bliss for a few minutes. I don't know what the deal is with this place, but since that happened I need more spice to get the old effects (I've read about this happening to others on here). I don't have the same visual experience with extremely low doses (lines progressing into mandala collections), but it's more a covering of the visual field. Also, Square and Diamond are easier to get to now, and I'm having a really good time checking them out and learning how to stay longer.
The one that inspired me to post up was one of those sculptures in Square. It was pretty apathetic, giving the emotional vibe of a corporate zombie like that sad egg sketch on that one zoloft comercial. Like most sculptures here, it approached head on and proceeded around me to the right. It looked nice and had more depth, and was moving through "4d" in a way that painted out "3d", so I wondered at it: "what are you made of there?" It got pretty happy that someone had taken notice of it and was actually interested in it's being and came back a bit from the right and allowed some zoom vision of those ribbons that were flowing around it. These ribbons had patterns on them (and I think they were blue/purple), and on closer inspection, I saw that they were symbols. The symbols did not repeat in a way that appeared like a textile but shared a "look" that gave off the impression that it was a language. I think the ordering had to do with the individual sculpture more than the language was an artistic expression of itself, but I was more interested in the details of what these symbols looked like. I conveyed this interest, and the sculpture went out of it's way to give me a full on look at one of the ribbons flowing in front of my view.
Now, the focus was extremely sharp (like usual) but also phased into very blurry so that I couldn't make out the lines of the symbols. It went back and forth between the two, and when I woo-ed inquisitively at the very helpful sculpture, it gave a shrug-vibe.
So what's up with this? Is there a way to keep the detail steady? I'd love to remember some of these symbols long enough to draw them. Is this the "focus" that people mean when they pre-load with piracetam? I'd really rather not have to complicate a relatively pure and simple procedure, but I'm willing to try some shit. I haven't gotten in to harmalas for intensity/length yet, would that help with detail too?