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#1 Posted : 9/14/2009 5:21:30 PM

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Can't find the old phalaris I though I would just start this one for anyone who experiments with it.. post you're experiences here..

I extraced about 50 grams wild arundinacea in acidic mineral water, boiled it down to a goo,..dissolved that in iso, did a few deffats, freebased with sodium carb, re-dissolved in iso..and evapped it down to a very light yellowy transparent resin..and then added some more iso, and evaaped in onto a small ammount of mullein..

A very small ammount was placed in a glass pipe about 25 minutes ago and 2 hits were taken *very* cautiosily..spaced about 3 minutes apart...and it seem to work!...the euphoria was there, colours were enhanced..things were sort of moving..the DMT nexus logo still looks really cool, all glowy and some euphoria is still there...

It actaully seems more active than my mimosa extractions at such a low hits were very tiny..still unsure of what it will be like at high doses..I am afraid still that some really negative effects might manifest at a higher dose..but that's all just speculation...

This stuff definatily seems promicing anyway from what I got at such a low dose...I wish I knew how mush N,N there is compared to 5meo in my extrat though..

The grass was taken from an area right near a stream where it gets more shade so it was real blue and trypty looking...I think that is a huge factor...the old yellow green stuff I think is less active, or has less N,N and higher ammounts of other crap..

The tryptamine signature is definatily there...I would say that I went as far as seeing that "magical varnish" on everything..but no geomety or anything like that..just a nice colouful glow..enough incentive for me to keep experimenting though...kinda frustrating trying to get crystals though, just keep getting yellow transparent goo, but it's active.

I wonder how many people here have ever tried the grasses??? I dont mean try a tek and end up with goo so throw it many have actaully tried a tek, and tested it for themselves even if it was goo, just to see if it is active??
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#2 Posted : 9/15/2009 10:21:37 AM
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Did you feel side effects from toxins like gramin?
#3 Posted : 9/15/2009 5:50:05 PM

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Not really..I felt a bit shaky after though..I kinda get that from chaliponga extracts as well from the 5meo I am guessing...I think that the melting point of gramine is too high to be vaporized with a normal lighter flame..but not quite sure. Phalaris has hordenin in it as well so who knows..this is all a mystery to me.

Mimosa is def a cleaner profile...might be better for breakthroughs..but I cant say until i try a higher dose of the grass extract.

Even if it's not good at higher doses..I still want to extract from it for dosing lower with other psychedelicas..maybe try some while on bufotenine..and I really like to take a low dose of spice right before a larger dose of salvia so it could be useful for that, instead of using my clean mimosa stuff. That way all of my mimosa crystals canbe saved for breakthroughs..

I dont want to continue smoking goo though..just want to doa few bioassays to find out it's potential..prob do a FASA on some grass eventually to get crystals..I am growing some in a tray indoors as well to see how clean of a profile I can get.
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#4 Posted : 9/16/2009 12:56:45 AM

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Getting *something* from 50 g is already a good sign ! SWIM did some sort of extraction from 1 kg (fresh) plants and ended up with almost nothing (few mg of goo)... and indeed did not dare to smoke it Mad
#5 Posted : 9/16/2009 4:29:02 AM

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^^from that whole 50 grams though I prob only got 1 full dose..maybe 2..I tested about a 6th of it..if it was reduced to crystals it wouldnt be that much at all...which makes me think there is def 5meo and beta carbs in there to make that small ammount more powerful..

extracting real large ammounts with FASA and recrystalizing a few times though I think would fraction out some of the lesser alkaloids and leave a cleaner N,N profile, especially on cultivated grass fed lots of nutrients and stressed..

Plus it's fun to do..I like to grow things, and if mimosa ever goes away I will be ready..hopefully anyway..especially if in the future a tek comes out that can isolate DMT independantly from the others..

I have also read a few reports on other sites of people successfully quidding phalaris(not real intense experiences but a low level colourful glow)..but I am real weary of that..and even more so with brewing phalaris..i wouldnt even think about going there yet..

Also my extract has that neon glow that harmalas have in certain lighting condtions when in solution so it must have some beta carbolines in it, or some indols that's really cool! also smells like gross plastic..

I am going to get some brachystachys eventaully as well to compare it, and hopefully that Big Medicine strain..
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 9/17/2009 1:32:00 PM

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Do you think that is the best,or simplest way to extract? I can always find phalaris patches in different places so it's very interesting. What thread were you looking for before? I found several decent ones
#7 Posted : 9/17/2009 8:26:50 PM

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I think FASA would be the best..I dont have fumeric acid yet though..

I might try making a changa with my next phalaris extraction..the phalairs extraction, mimosa extraction, chalipinga extraion and bufotenine combined with caapi extract and pinch of rue crystals evapped onto some peppermint I thinking. Should be quite nice..

Need to do a few more phalaris only tests though to see if it's worthy, or doesn't cause problems..
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 9/17/2009 9:10:48 PM

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Sounds like it is mainly going to be a 5-meo experience.

It doesn't take much 5-meo-dmt to completely overpower the experience. Which is wonderful if you enjoy 5-meo-dmt!

I dunno, I'd love for someone to be able to come up with a good tek AND a way to seperate the nn from the 5-meo.
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I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#9 Posted : 9/17/2009 10:23:24 PM

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^yeah, me too! I dont like high doses of meo..but for some reason I like the experience quite a bit when it's mixed in with DMT and when aya is made with chaliponga...if you have ever smoked a chali extration it's wayy diff from mimosa at a high dose..more like 5meo..not toomany people enjoy it..but its different when comsumed with a good dose of caapi..

Some say that 5meo is different orally though as well..
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 9/17/2009 10:50:52 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
Sounds like it is mainly going to be a 5-meo experience.

It doesn't take much 5-meo-dmt to completely overpower the experience. Which is wonderful if you enjoy 5-meo-dmt!

I dunno, I'd love for someone to be able to come up with a good tek AND a way to seperate the nn from the 5-meo.

Also I am trying to get the raios as such so that there is way more DMT and jungle from the mimosa than 5meo in phalris and chali so the meo wont overpower the experience..and I am really interested in how bufotenine will synergise in the mix..hoping the bufo keeps the visions strong and adds length..
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 9/18/2009 12:17:32 AM

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some say bufotenine is in phalaris maybe in small amoutns would that be extracted as well with the dmt?
#12 Posted : 9/18/2009 3:02:30 AM

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There is a tiny bit..but I cant really feel it much at all in my's in chaliponga as well..but i dont think either of them have enough to really feel the bufo..I dunno, maybe some grass does have more bufo in it..

I dont even know if I believe the old reports too much on phalaris..not enough to go by..people were freezing grass amd extracting from old dried grass etc..I am only experimenting with fresh grass, and I pick the really young blue-green stuff that grows in the shade alongside the river..that is sopposed to be the stuff with the best profile..

I have picked the more yellow old tall stuff and it didn't feel the same, there was no colour/visuals at all, only an overpowering and frightening tryptaminish body load..

Seems you really need to get the right grass at the right time for it to be worth it at all.

I wouldnt expect it to replace mimosa though...phalaris is different..I just love psychedelics and enjoy experimentation enough to go about doing this.

Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 9/18/2009 6:33:06 AM

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hmmm..I tested out another small hit of the phalaris goo..and this time I didn't really like it..there was no nice colors or anything..there was some euphoria, sort of a water feeling to my vision..but it doesn't feel as nice at all as the mimosa changa I smoked earlier..the tryptamine feeling is there..but I dunnoConfused ..just not feeling into it right now..

Not going to mix this in with my precious mimosa and chali extractions for changa yet anyway...

Im kinda sketched about gramine as well still..I cant find anything really in it's effects in humans..other than an obscure post on another forum that it is a 5-HT2 antagonist..which may dempen the effects of the DMT and 5meo would it not?

There is nothing at all about it'f effects in humans that I can find...only that it is toxic on some animals..but even those claims seem vauge..

Could be just my brain right now not wanting to trip...but still. There is something there I can feel, it's just not feeling to beautiful.

Hordenine is in there as well..and in peyote..anyone know about it's effects??..I know bodybuilders use it but I have no idea why..

Wish I had some brachystachys to make a comparison..
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