DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1689 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 18-Apr-2015
Hi all, I recently bought 250g MHRB and extracted it by basifying with lye (caustic soda) from B&Q and then nonpolar extract with naptha (white spirit / turpentine substitute) also from B&Q. [UK] So, I netted a bunch of waxy crystal from the 1st pull, another (smaller) bunch from the 2nd pull, and then left the 3rd pull over night since quite a bit of emultion had formed; and as I write tis evaporating. Seems like i've got a fair amount of goodies, as its quite a bit yellower than the other fractions and there is more solvent too. a 4th and final pull is extracting atm, I will leave it to sit for a week or so with daily adjetation. Anyway - The experience!!! My first experiment didn't result in a breakthough, but my first impressions were simply ... "oooouh!" Very smooth, almost 0 body load, and defiantely hallucinogenic. It is simmelar to acid, in that the visual aspect of the room was refined, cables seemed alive, colours enhanced, everything was very clean, like as if it were made out of extremely fine plasticine. (modeling clay) Second and subsequent experiments did result in breakthroughs, and what strikes me is how correct Terrance McKenna was when he said "the elves dont appear, they just sort of ooze seductively out of the woodwork." Trs fantastiqu! They're very 'oozy' indeed. Almost sexual in their slimey reflective crystaline madness. The lack of emotional connection shocked me though, however with each experiment I can feel it growing. got a little "love" last time... Another thing that strikes me is the warping of time; I can do things SO quickly immediately after doing DMT. It relates back to a theory I have partially completed on the recylcing of time. It occured to me, during a rather intense acid trip, that people's time is recycled. Waiting on a bus, sitting homeless on the street, people all over the world sleeping, watching tv, or otherwise just wasting their lives doing nothing (or not much). But then it struck me, (actually I read it on a bus shelter) REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE. Even people's time is recycled! So that is why it may seem like a homeless person does nothing, they are sitting and for them it may be a day or so, or feel like not long at all, but for us busy people they've been there for absoloutely ages. likewise, to them we're just little ants, zooming past. Faceless in our busyness. and they profit from this, a tiny trickle of money every now and again, from all the emotional fall-out of the real world, multiplied by a long time = a fair amount of money. But only if you don't have bills to pay. So then, where does this time go? Well, have you ever wondered why some people can acheive SO much in one day, and others do practically nothing? yep, thats recycled time. how long is 10 minuites? well if you're sleeping (high rate of recycling) its not long at all. but if your running circuits or selling products in a shop, solving equasions etc then it is a fairly long time indeed. you can acheive quite alot in the same time that somone has achieved nothing. I tell you now that time doesn't flow at the same rate in all areas of the universe. (incedently thats why women are always late.) Which leads me nicely on to my next point; TIMEWASTERS. People whom dont' have much time or dont have much use for their time, are ALWAYS wasting your time. have you ever dealt with a slow-witted idiot who just keeps hanging around? or a chatterbox who just keeps talkign and won't shut up? tell them NOT to waste your time! unfortunately, some situations (like a bus driver change & quick chat while the passengers wait) amount to a huge net of 'stolen time' and there aint much we can do about it. My next point, is that it isn't only time which is recycled. Most men reading this will have watched porn... That is sexual experience, pleasure, recycled! or watched films based on true stories? that again, is experience recycled! I tell you now, "Nothing is lost". Thanks  Shoe shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
Nice post shoe, Time warping is something you can feel in the DMT realms. Last night, for the first time, I had a good smoke of DMT and when I took the last inhalation I holded my breath for as long as possible. Then I got into a small breakthrough and I still holded my breath. Before my breakthrough I was running out of oxygen but after the breakthrough I could hold my breath seemingly forever without running out of oxygen, it was as time stood still or at least running v-v-v-v-v-v-veeeeeerrrrrryyyyyyy s-s-s-s-s-slllloooooowwwwwwlllyyyyyy... I'll keep your idea in mind.
 aka Slap Stick Sam
Posts: 314 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 08-Mar-2023 Location: it rains where i live
Hello Shoe, Im curious to know what youve been doing with B&Q white spirit / turpentine substitute. It sounds very dirty. If you take some of this stuff and place it in a saucer to evap it leaves a load of sticky oily residue which is not volatile. It will eventually, over months dries to a hard brown crust. I dont know what this stuff is but I am sure I dont want to be smoking it. Do you have a neat cleaning tech to share? I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 82 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 08-Jun-2011 Location: PNW
I think that really, there is no time. It's an illusion we use to contemplate the past and future. The past is what became right now. The future is what right now can become - and how we sih to mold our experience. There is only right Now. It's always been right Now. Let me know if it's ever not Right Now. It's the same Now that started with the Big Bang. We are the big bang happening Right Now. DivineMedicinalTechnology
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1689 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 18-Apr-2015
I agree; there is only now, I know it intuitively but I cant make it fit... Aye, and i've never had any problems with B&Q naptha, Its turpentine substitute. Dries down very clean for me, even large volumes. not that it matters, becuase I almost always do a freeze-percipitation, which onyl requires a very small amount of naptha residue to be evaporated. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1689 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 18-Apr-2015
P.S I buy preground mimosa, Basify to pH 13.5 with B&Q lye, then do solvent pulls. First two take 30 mins, second an hour or so, third takes two days or so, and then fourth and final usually takes two weeks, by which time i've smoked all of the original stuff. definately reccomend doing a freeze percipitation with this method as the second and subsequent pulls are unsmokable. or, smokable, but won't get you any breakthrough. Freezepercipitated dmt is lovely and clean. Loooovely. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 66 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 03-May-2012 Location: Holland
Good. You are on the right track, I think, in understanding time. http://www.shroomery.org...1&Thread=845465 I can't know 100% for sure, but I think most of modern day theorists are "wasting their time" with this antiquated misinterpretation about time being a dimension like space.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1813 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Oct-2013 Location: Heart of the Sun
hey shoe, don't look down, but you're untied  [size=9:bf3005834a][i:bf3005834a][color=yellow:bf3005834a]sorry[/color:bf3005834a][/i:bf3005834a][/size:bf3005834a] Your recycled time post was really great!! In my line of work I have days at a time when I'll work up to 16 hours, going from one project to another to another sometimes without a break!! Sometimes the day light is long gone before I even realize I haven't eaten lunch yet!! Other days I have no work, sometimes days at a time. All depends on the scheduals of my clients. On the off days I feel like I should be doing [i:bf3005834a]something[/i:bf3005834a] and the less I do (trying to relax for a change, not just being lazy) the slower the day goes by. Makes me feel guilty, even though I know that its rediculus to feel that way. Anyway, I think have witnesed both sides of the time recycling center. Interesting theory!! WS All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 18 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 19-Jul-2014
[quote:8676eefed0]I think that really, there is no time. It's an illusion we use to contemplate the past and future. The past is what became right now. The future is what right now can become - and how we sih to mold our experience. There is only right Now. It's always been right Now. Let me know if it's ever not Right Now. It's the same Now that started with the Big Bang. We are the big bang happening Right Now. [/quote:8676eefed0] Well said bro.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 23 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 08-Feb-2009
If you keep spinning this thought you come to realize that Time ultimatly is the holy grail. The one who masters time owns the world. So far the understanding is limited to simplistic means, displaying monetary elements for the most part yet no one ever was able to really touch the grail itself. In other words, subconsciously those who thrive to gather larger amounts of money understand one of the components but are limited by the fact that time is money yet cannot be bought by money. [img:103d26de87]http://westgroup.icapb.ed.ac.uk/pics/BenMug-TimeTravel.jpg[/img:103d26de87]
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
[quote:363224aa65="shoe"]Hi all, I recently bought 250g MHRB and extracted it by basifying with lye (caustic soda) from B&Q and then nonpolar extract with naptha (white spirit / turpentine substitute) also from B&Q. [UK] So, I netted a bunch of waxy crystal from the 1st pull, another (smaller) bunch from the 2nd pull, and then left the 3rd pull over night since quite a bit of emultion had formed; and as I write tis evaporating. Seems like i've got a fair amount of goodies, as its quite a bit yellower than the other fractions and there is more solvent too. a 4th and final pull is extracting atm, I will leave it to sit for a week or so with daily adjetation. Anyway - The experience!!! My first experiment didn't result in a breakthough, but my first impressions were simply ... "oooouh!" Very smooth, almost 0 body load, and defiantely hallucinogenic. It is simmelar to acid, in that the visual aspect of the room was refined, cables seemed alive, colours enhanced, everything was very clean, like as if it were made out of extremely fine plasticine. (modeling clay) Second and subsequent experiments did result in breakthroughs, and what strikes me is how correct Terrance McKenna was when he said "the elves dont appear, they just sort of ooze seductively out of the woodwork." Trs fantastiqu! They're very 'oozy' indeed. Almost sexual in their slimey reflective crystaline madness. The lack of emotional connection shocked me though, however with each experiment I can feel it growing. got a little "love" last time... Another thing that strikes me is the warping of time; I can do things SO quickly immediately after doing DMT. It relates back to a theory I have partially completed on the recylcing of time. It occured to me, during a rather intense acid trip, that people's time is recycled. Waiting on a bus, sitting homeless on the street, people all over the world sleeping, watching tv, or otherwise just wasting their lives doing nothing (or not much). But then it struck me, (actually I read it on a bus shelter) REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE. Even people's time is recycled! So that is why it may seem like a homeless person does nothing, they are sitting and for them it may be a day or so, or feel like not long at all, but for us busy people they've been there for absoloutely ages. likewise, to them we're just little ants, zooming past. Faceless in our busyness. and they profit from this, a tiny trickle of money every now and again, from all the emotional fall-out of the real world, multiplied by a long time = a fair amount of money. But only if you don't have bills to pay. [b:363224aa65]So then, where does this time go? Well, have you ever wondered why some people can acheive SO much in one day, and others do practically nothing? yep, thats recycled time. how long is 10 minuites? [/b:363224aa65] [color=red:363224aa65]No thats called being efficient.[/color:363224aa65] [b:363224aa65]well if you're sleeping (high rate of recycling) its not long at all. but if your running circuits or selling products in a shop, solving equasions etc then it is a fairly long time indeed. you can acheive quite alot in the same time that somone has achieved nothing. I tell you now that time doesn't flow at the same rate in all areas of the universe. [/b:363224aa65] [color=red:363224aa65]We do percieve time differently in different situations yes.[/color:363224aa65] (incedently thats why women are always late.) Which leads me nicely on to my next point; TIMEWASTERS. People whom dont' have much time or dont have much use for their time, are ALWAYS wasting your time. have you ever dealt with a slow-witted idiot who just keeps hanging around? or a chatterbox who just keeps talkign and won't shut up? tell them NOT to waste your time! unfortunately, some situations (like a bus driver change & quick chat while the passengers wait) amount to a huge net of 'stolen time' and there aint much we can do about it. My next point, is that it isn't only time which is recycled. Most men reading this will have watched porn... That is sexual experience, pleasure, recycled! or watched films based on true stories? that again, is experience recycled! I tell you now, "Nothing is lost". Thanks  Shoe[/quote:363224aa65] [color=red:363224aa65]Hi, sorry to pick apart your pickled theory maybe i havent taken it in the right lighthearted manner? It just reads like pickled twaddle!  Funny though on a second reading! You must love queing! One of my pet hates I must admit!  [/color:363224aa65]
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 234 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 08-Apr-2024
shoe wrote:Hi all, I recently bought 250g MHRB and extracted it by ... ... ... Anyway - The experience!!! My first experiment didn't result ... ... ... ... Another thing that strikes me is the warping of time; I can do things SO quickly immediately after doing DMT. It relates back to a theory I have partially completed on the recylcing of time. It occured to me, during a rather intense acid trip, that people's time is recycled. ... ... ... it may seem like a homeless person does nothing, ...but for us busy people they've been there for absoloutely ages. ... ... ... So then, where does this time go? Well, have you ever wondered why some people can acheive SO much in one day, and others do practically nothing? yep, thats recycled time. how long is 10 minuites? well if you're sleeping (high rate of recycling) its not long at all. but if your running circuits or selling products in a shop, solving equasions etc then it is a fairly long time indeed. you can acheive quite alot in the same time that somone has achieved nothing. I tell you now that time doesn't flow at the same rate in all areas of the universe. (incedently thats why women are always late.) Which leads me nicely on to my next point; TIMEWASTERS. People whom dont' have much time or dont have much use for their time, are ALWAYS wasting your time. have you ever dealt with a slow-witted idiot who just keeps hanging around? or a chatterbox who just keeps talkign and won't shut up? tell them NOT to waste your time! unfortunately, some situations (like a bus driver change & quick chat while the passengers wait) amount to a huge net of 'stolen time' and there aint much we can do about it. ... ... ... I tell you now, "Nothing is lost". Thanks  Shoe Simply put, time, or more precisely, the passage of time is a matter of perception; it is an illusion. Psychedelics alter a persons senses and perceptions. This is why one might think that time warps or passes more quickly or slowly. Substances that cause people to think of time as moving more slowly aren't actually altering the rate of which time passes. In fact what they are generally doing is causing the mind to act and or process thoughts more quickly. When our thoughts are processed more quickly we compare this in contrast to our normal rate of thoughts and so it gives the illusion that time is slowing down simply because you are having more thoughts in less time than usual. If you have ever been in a severe fight or flight situation that has caused your adrenalin to pump excessively then you know what I'm talking about. It is not uncommon that people experience what they perceive as slow motion or Matrix Bullet Time when they are faced with a situation that causes such a rise in adrenalin. Additionally, our perception of passing time can be altered by our own actions or lack of actions. We don't have to have any other substances influencing us and our perception of the passage of time will change according the situation. If you stare at a clock and watch the second hand for the last hour of work or school, it will seem like the last hour just takes forever to pass. The reason is because your brain works a lot faster than that clock but because your attention is focused on the clock this is what your mind contrasts against your rate of thought. This is generally true with "brain dead" or "monkey" work. When you perform an action and focus your concentration on something that doesn't really need much focus or attention, then you perceive this as going by much slower. On the other hand, if you are performing actions that require a lot of thought and occupies all of your focus and attention your mind is occupied and so time appears to move much faster. This is why, a busy day at work usually seems to go by much quicker in general than a slow day. In short, it is because your mind is so occupied it doesn't have the time to ponder on how much time has passed. As for some people being able to accomplish so much more than others, this is primarily a matter of efficient use of time and thought. One person might be able to process more thoughts in a shorter period than another, but if that slower thinking person is better able to organize their thoughts and use their time more efficiently then it is quite possible that the slower thinker can accomplish more in less time than the faster thinker whose thoughts are fragmented and unorganized. On the other hand, if they both have equal efficiency and organization then the one that is able to process more thoughts will most certainly be able to get more done. In regard to sleeping there are a number of things that can, and usually does, make a person perceive it as having gone by very quickly. When we sleep the mind begins to rest and so it slows down and does not process as many thoughts as it does while we are awake. So when our mind is at rest it gives the illusion that time speeds up and goes by quicker. Then we dream. At that point, our subconscious mind is processing thoughts and at an alarming rate in order to deal with the stresses of the day. This contrasts with our normal rate of thought and because we are not preoccupied with the passage of time it might go by extremely quickly. On the other hand, if your dream spans many years and is a bit lucid then it might alter your perception in hind sight. Also, because the only way our mind can perceive the passage of time is to contrast it with something else, then we generally find that as we get older time seems to pass much more quickly. A young child can only compare time the few years it has been alive where as a well aged elder compares time to several decades. This is one of the reasons why, when you're a kid waiting for Christmas day to come it seems like it takes forever but when you're an adult, it seems like last Christmas just ended and you are already coming up on another. As far as contrasting time with age I read a poem that vaguely says it very clearly: A New Day
It's a new day, and the day is already gone. Oh, how time flies when you get nothing accomplished. I wonder where the day has left off to now. It was here just a moment ago. The sun was up, so high in the sky. The birds were chirping, as if to flirt among themselves. Now, the moon has risen above the mountain. And the wind bellows, as if to say, "Listen, rest, and sleep" Why, may I ask, do the years seem to slip away quicker as you put more behind you? It has come to the point, I now fear that when I am sixty, the years will fly by like nothing more than a moment. In a blink of an eye, I am a father. When I turn my head, to see just what the hell is going on, my son shall be a man. When my son finally begins the search for himself, perhaps, I will be an old man. All in all, when it's all said and done, and I have found but a few of the answers for which I quest, I shall then be nothing more than another rotting corpse in this cesspool we call society. Yesterday has been and gone. Tomorrow comes too soon. What shall we do today?
Ultimately, the passage of time is just a matter of perception and contrast. This is the case whether we are subconsciously comparing our rate of thought with how much thought is actually required for something or if we are supra-consciously comparing our current experience with the sum of our entire experience of life. Anyway, I could go on and on giving examples of how the passage of time is a matter of contrast and perception but regardless of how you might perceive time passing, when the passage of time is measured against a known constant, such as a sine wave or the speed of light, the passage of time remains constant. Now, as for the "Time Wasters" you speak of: I can absolutely assure you that there is no such thing as wasted time. There is only the belief that your time could have been better spent and the perception that someone has wasted your time. What one person might view as being a waste of time can be time well spent for another person. For Bill Gates it would be "a waste of time" to stop momentarily on a sidewalk to pick up a $100 bill because in the time he would spend doing he could lose thousands. However, I don't know about you, but for me it is well worth my time to not only stop and pick it up, but it would be worth it to me to spend an hour to dig it up and clean it off too. So the point being is that even though you might think of it as wasted time, someone else might not and so because that time was of use to someone it never really went to waste in the first place. Well, I believe I should bring this to conclusion. I would have liked to have taken the time to go into further detail and even explain my "Theory of How Eternal Existence in Time and Space Supersedes Life and Death" but this has already become more wordy than I initially intended. So, I won't take any more precious time for now. Perhaps that will be left for another day. EDIT: Just cleaned up the formatting after the forum change.