Exhausted And Grasping For Words Options
#1 Posted : 9/16/2009 10:25:59 AM

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SWIM says: I'm exhausted! I had two consecutive breakthroughs. The first one was around 10 minutes, and the second was around 30 minutes according to my friend. I smoked the spice in a small glass pipe sandwiched between regular Salvia, and 10X Salvia. Again, the Salvia functioned only as a cannon which shot me the human cannonball through hyperspace. I did Not have any Salvia visuals. I was engulfed in the very familiar futuristic, dynamic fabric of that DMT dimension, and then interacted with humanoid E.T. It was beautiful, amazing, bizarre, enlightening, loving...I'm grasping for words but none will do! Words fail to no end in attempting to communicate feelings that have no human translation.

I sat for two of my friends. We all took turns with the spice in a dark room. Friend A. tried it three times and on the third try he broke through. Friend B. tried spice for the first time twice and he broke through each time. We talked about our hyperspace travels and found that we all experienced some things in common, but important distinctions were made...Thank God for DMT!!!
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/16/2009 3:22:39 PM
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Isn't the essence of string theory that matter is but various frequencies of vibrating energy?
#3 Posted : 9/16/2009 4:06:15 PM
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How do salvia and DMT interact? I have absolutely no experience with salvia. I have always heard that it's a completely different thing.
#4 Posted : 9/16/2009 4:52:07 PM

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^^yes. A differnt thing for sure!

it can be like DMT only in that it replaces this reality with one so alien it's basically inconcievableunti you go there..but it canbe VERY nervracking..mush more so than DMT..which is why most do not ever go back.

But I love it! It scares the hell out of me..but also challenges every single thing I think I know about reality and myself. Most of the time on a good breakthrough I loose all coneption of myslef in this world, normal physics seems to break down and non-elucidean geomety becomes apparent.

For me there is always portals pulling and twisting me into weird shapes and blasting me off into other worlds..once in those worlds though it may seem like a normal earth scene, maybe from the long ago past, or far away other lives there, and you may think that that is you're real life.

Or something completely different and alien, totally indescribable. There are lots of entities also, of many different types. The only common thing among these real high dose experiences is the very real sense of interdimensional travel for me..

Becasue of this, it canbe EXTREMELY disorienting for many people that take it is a less thanideal situation. Salvia requires set and setting more than any othr entheogen I know of. If you take a full dose, you are very literaly(feels like it anyway) ripped out of the fabric of this reality, and forcefully pulled into other may also feel spread across many dimensions at once, experiencing simultanious realities at the same time..this happens more if you take it in a light room with distractions though that can sort of hold you here a bit..but you take a real large dose you prob will completely leave this reality anyway.

Also one must be prepared to really let the ego self die in a salvia experience. Fighting it once it comes on can be tramatizing and futile. Sometimes I atually become another dimension myslef, my mouth will become the portal, and whatever is left of me will be ripped through that portal and pop out as something differnt altogether on the other side..really really strange stuff. This is where those strange twisting and pulling sensations come must go with those sensations to really have a salvia breakthrough..most people are taken off guard and dont like that, and end up fighting it, and struggle throught the peak and never really get to the meat of the experience. You cannot approach like it's a tryptamine, and try to get what you want out of just never works that way.

If you do choose to ever try it..I would seriousily suggest you do it in complete darkness and distrations at all..and have a sitter at least for the first time.. It not at all like classic hallucinogens, and doesn't usually have the same style of trippy feelings that go along with's more of a complete dimensional warp, or astral projection does not feel like a drug at all at a full feels like a reality shift.

Some have compared it to ketamine, but much more powerful and in you're face, and stranger. I have never tried ketamine yet so I cant speak to that.

The most convincing experiences of actually beings outside of myself in another place altogether I have ever had have come from salvia divinorum, more so than any tryptamine.

Most people are so sook up from the realness and bizzarness of it that they never ever try again..which is sorta a shame becasue it can really show one amazing things..I felt the same way after my first breakthrough..I kept wondering hwo inthe hell anyone could ever want to do that! But it was in a less than ideal setting outdorrs with music and too many things to distract me. I went back though many times and I find it completely facinating..the most interdimensional experience I could possible imagine. Spice may be more beautiful, but salvia seems so undeniably real, when you are there it's like you are completely convinved that it is really happpening.

In real low doses it is probabily the best tool I could imagine for meditation and quieting the mind..but some dont agree.

Anyway it's weird stuff..

With DMT and salvai together, a very light dose of salvia with spice is great. The salvia widens the inner visual screen and helps you feel outside of you'reself, so the breakthrough is easier, less forced..

I actaully enjoy a very light dose of spice at times with a large dose of salvia though..I like the added light that the tryptamines add to the salvia hyperspace.

Noone of this does justice to salvia at all's way too hard a thing to talk's just sooo damn wierd..It has definatily humbled me though over and over again, at times completely blowing my mind any any sense of reality, leaving me desperatily grapsing at any sense of the "me" I know know trying to put the pieces of my ego selg back together.

I would also like to add that in NO WAY does any ammount of experience with calssical hallucinogens prepare one for a real salvinorin A journey. I actaully think that insome cases people with lots of other experiences get over confident when approaching salvia, and are completely thrown off. I dont understand why people look down on salvia, trying to compare it up against other tryptamines..they are nothing alike.. Also people who onlyhave experience with salvia, sometimes are put off of the prospect of woringing with classical hallucinogens thinking they are all like that..they are nothing alike.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 9/16/2009 5:05:50 PM

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DiscipleofSpice wrote:
SWIM says: I'm exhausted! I had two consecutive breakthroughs. The first one was around 10 minutes, and the second was around 30 minutes according to my friend. I smoked the spice in a small glass pipe sandwiched between regular Salvia, and 10X Salvia. Again, the Salvia functioned only as a cannon which shot me the human cannonball through hyperspace. I did Not have any Salvia visuals. I was engulfed in the very familiar futuristic, dynamic fabric of that DMT dimension, and then interacted with humanoid E.T. It was beautiful, amazing, bizarre, enlightening, loving...I'm grasping for words but none will do! Words fail to no end in attempting to communicate feelings that have no human translation.

I sat for two of my friends. We all took turns with the spice in a dark room. Friend A. tried it three times and on the third try he broke through. Friend B. tried spice for the first time twice and he broke through each time. We talked about our hyperspace travels and found that we all experienced some things in common, but important distinctions were made...Thank God for DMT!!!

Cool trip disciple of spice! I will need to try this again soon, I haven't combined the two in a while..

BTW..have you read Back From the Void by Zoe 7?? He combines salvia with ayahuasca and mind machines..I have not read it yet but have been planning to for some time. Looks really interesting.

I am extracting some salvinorin at the moment..most out of boredom and over abundance of leaves from my plants..doubt I will purify it past around 70%ish though..really really frightened and curious as to the outcome of smoking something so strong!..
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 9/16/2009 6:44:46 PM

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SWIM responds to quotes:
Morphane wrote:
Isn't the essence of string theory that matter is but various frequencies of vibrating energy?

From what I gather, yes, but I'm just going from hearsay. I've never actually taken the time to seriously look into string theory. Your statement does bear truth in hyperspace...the astral grid that one is immersed in constantly pulsates while shifting, and the location itself puts out a Very loud artificial sound, and by artificial I mean produced by someone or something intelligent. The sound is hard to's almost like something out of a sci-fi movie.

polytrip wrote:
How do salvia and DMT interact? I have absolutely no experience with salvia. I have always heard that it's a completely different thing.

Salvia by herself is a very aggressive entheogen. She is not kind or gentle. She will rip you in an instant from your earthly ego, and she also has a tendency to play tricks on you. If you can put up with her antics she will take you places like fractal enchantment described, but she is also subservient to DMT. Like I said before if there was a solar system of psychedelics then shrooms, salvia, lsd, mescaline etc. would all be planets orbiting the DMT sun. Salvia is an extremely bizarre planet pretty close to the sun, maybe like Venus distance in relation to other planets. Salvia's essence is Nothing like DMT, they are totally different.

When Salvia and DMT interact a very brilliant synergy takes place. When dosed accordingly the Salvia is like I said a means of transport into DMT hyperspace. She is not able from my experience to take charge of the flight, DMT is infinitely superior and so is in control the whole time. I gave this combo to my friends to see if the results would be repeated in their trips. I had them try DMT on plain Salvia leaf, and DMT with 10X Salvia. Their trips were longer with the 10X, they described DMT trips to the T, and friend A who had previously done salvia said that he experienced no Salvia vibe or visuals with the combo. Friend A. also failed to breakthrough repeatedly while smoking just spice on a separate occasion, and after doing the combo finally broke through.

Cool trip disciple of spice! I will need to try this again soon, I haven't combined the two in a while..
BTW..have you read Back From the Void by Zoe 7?? He combines salvia with ayahuasca and mind machines..I have not read it yet but have been planning to for some time. Looks really interesting.
I am extracting some salvinorin at the moment..most out of boredom and over abundance of leaves from my plants..doubt I will purify it past around 70%ish though..really really frightened and curious as to the outcome of smoking something so strong!..

No, I haven't read Back From the Void. I'll put that on my list of books I need to read. I wish I had an over abundance of salvia leaves! My young salvia plants were massacred by some nasty caterpillars, and so are in a recovery stage. I'm sure you'll let us know how smoking the Salvinorin Extract goes!
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#7 Posted : 9/16/2009 7:40:32 PM

The Great Namah

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DiscipleofSpice wrote:
SWIM responds to quotes:
Morphane wrote:
Isn't the essence of string theory that matter is but various frequencies of vibrating energy?

When Salvia and DMT interact a very brilliant synergy takes place. When dosed accordingly the Salvia is like I said a means of transport into DMT hyperspace. She is not able from my experience to take charge of the flight, DMT is infinitely superior and so is in control the whole time. I gave this combo to my friends to see if the results would be repeated in their trips. I had them try DMT on plain Salvia leaf, and DMT with 10X Salvia. Their trips were longer with the 10X, they described DMT trips to the T, and friend A who had previously done salvia said that he experienced no Salvia vibe or visuals with the combo. Friend A. also failed to breakthrough repeatedly while smoking just spice on a separate occasion, and after doing the combo finally broke through.

This combo is not always an enjoyable experience. I once did a decent sized quid of salvia. Over the course of the night I consumed 12+ grams of good salvia leaf and went on a very slow paced, blissful journey through a multitude of landscapes, had multiple visions and one WONDERFUL afterglow the rest of the night and the next morning.

I quided a bit the next morning as well and decided to see how DMT and Salvia interacted. The second I took my third hit I knew something was going horrilby wrong. Everything turned red and green, I became extremely hot and the room felt like the humitidy just went up to 100%. I was blasted into hyperspace with Salvia on my tail. What ensued looked like to entites fighting like cats at 1000/mph. My body felt like I had shot up bee venom (best way I can describe it) I hurt everywhere, it was horrible. This lasted about 10 minutes after the visuals were over and I was coming down.

Personally, I won't be trying the combo again. I have read many reports where people find it enjoyable...but just be aware that this combo has the potential to turn into a nightmare.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#8 Posted : 9/16/2009 8:44:01 PM

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DiscipleofSpice wrote:

No, I haven't read Back From the Void. I'll put that on my list of books I need to read. I wish I had an over abundance of salvia leaves! My young salvia plants were massacred by some nasty caterpillars, and so are in a recovery stage. I'm sure you'll let us know how smoking the Salvinorin Extract goes!

I will post a report when I actually attain the courage to try it...might not be for a while..I have a bunch of 3x I made that gets me right through in 2 hits..and a big giant jar of plain leaves so I am in no hurry...I dont even bother to pick leaves from my plants ever anymore..they keep growing so fast and dropping more old leaves than I can smoke..even the old yellowed brown ones that fall to the ground are very potent..a plus when growing salvia..I made a few grams of 3x from all fallen leaves that I collect every other day or so, and tested it a few nights ago and it was very strong.

even Mckenna said he was slightly chicken shit to try the pure chemical...I alwasy wonder if he every did smoke salvia...I know he was quite enthusiastic about quidding the one interview he said that he thought it was definatily going to play a role in shaping the next few generations..

BTW..if you have bugs eating you're plants..spraying a tobacco tea on them worked well for me in the past to rid them of pests..just dont go overboard..I lost a few last yeay to I never mist them, unless I need to for bugs..but they seem to leave them alone these days..I let the spiders take up residence though of course..
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 9/17/2009 8:51:06 AM

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acolon_5 wrote:
This combo is not always an enjoyable experience. I once did a decent sized quid of salvia. Over the course of the night I consumed 12+ grams of good salvia leaf and went on a very slow paced, blissful journey through a multitude of landscapes, had multiple visions and one WONDERFUL afterglow the rest of the night and the next morning.

I quided a bit the next morning as well and decided to see how DMT and Salvia interacted. The second I took my third hit I knew something was going horrilby wrong. Everything turned red and green, I became extremely hot and the room felt like the humitidy just went up to 100%. I was blasted into hyperspace with Salvia on my tail. What ensued looked like to entites fighting like cats at 1000/mph. My body felt like I had shot up bee venom (best way I can describe it) I hurt everywhere, it was horrible. This lasted about 10 minutes after the visuals were over and I was coming down.

Personally, I won't be trying the combo again. I have read many reports where people find it enjoyable...but just be aware that this combo has the potential to turn into a nightmare.

WOW. It reads like you had a pretty horrific experience with the two of them. Unfortunate...your testimony will definitely deter the fear full ones of trying this combo.
Everyone beware that virtually any psychedelic trip whether it be shrooms, spice, salvia, LSD, etc. could potentially turn into a nightmare. There, now we've hit All birds with one stone! Fear mongering completed.Smile

fractal enchantment wrote:
even Mckenna said he was slightly chicken shit to try the pure chemical...I alwasy wonder if he every did smoke salvia...I know he was quite enthusiastic about quidding the one interview he said that he thought it was definatily going to play a role in shaping the next few generations..

BTW..if you have bugs eating you're plants..spraying a tobacco tea on them worked well for me in the past to rid them of pests..just dont go overboard..I lost a few last yeay to I never mist them, unless I need to for bugs..but they seem to leave them alone these days..I let the spiders take up residence though of course..

"You can do it if you try!"<--Old words of wisdom from Rob Schneider...So do what Mckenna may have failed to do or send that good stuff my way, brother! Gracias for the pest-control advice.

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