I want to share this medicine with my brother. This will be my first time sharing something as powerful as this medicine.
He´s been partaking in ayahuasca ceremonies back in peru and also here in méxico for the last two years and have also smoked spice twice with me as a trip sitter. We where very close when we where children we even shared our first mushroom trip back in the 90´s as teenagers.
We havent been this close since those years. Before we met again after years not seen each other he was addicted to cocaine and used to drink very heavily. That all changed after his very first ceremony.
My experience with sapito medicine has been great even I´ve seen and heard of people that stopped breathing for some seconds.
How much is enough for a "safe" breakthrough experience?
Thanks in advance for any helpful advise you can give on this.
Tepezcohuitl Hueypatli moyolotatzin