Dream scape vs DMT scape Options
#1 Posted : 9/9/2009 7:34:23 PM

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I had a particularly vivid dream the other night and I was struck with something. There seems to be a vast difference between the dream world and the dmt world. Even during the dream the feeling was that my mind had completely made up the landscape I was in. It was a fictional place filled with extreme realism and characters interacting yet the overwhelming feeling was that it was not real at all! it was a construct of my own mind.
Contrast that to the DMT realm where the feeling is so much different. Regardless of what the naysayers say it is the most real place and feeling I've ever had. There seems to be no doubt that you are in an actual place thats as real as any terrestrial reality you can find. This to me is what separates DMT from any other substance and experience.

I've found the distinct similarities are related to memory. A DMT experience is similar to a dream only in your ability not to remember it. Its vivid at the moment it happens then dissipates over time unless its written down or accounted to someone right after. My memory, as time passes is that something amazing happened I'm just not sure what. Over time this causes one to forget the true power of the stuff until your rocketing back in. Thats the moment where I think " oh yeah this stuff is strong as hell how did I forget that again?"

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#2 Posted : 9/9/2009 8:31:58 PM

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Yeah DMT and dreams are really nothing alike..but I have fallin into DMT-esque states before that were nothing like normal dreams, especially after taking B vitamines, drinking cocoa and eating lots of turkey, but still they are somewhat different from DMT..even more interesting is smoking DMT or eating mushrooms etc in dreams..I have smoked spice in dreams before and them had typical DMT experiences.

There is speculation by some that ketamine liek compounds are released at night and in dark rooms, along with endo tryptamines and beta carbolines..I have yet to experience ketamine but I have had experiences similar to whats reported while not on any drugs.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 9/9/2009 9:33:25 PM
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I've also had dreams in wich i took psychedelics.

So one night while tripping, i decided to do exactly those things that i did in my dreams.

Deliberately causing a sort of deja-vu trip. Realy weird, but also quite funny.
#4 Posted : 9/10/2009 3:56:40 AM

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I guess the point of my post and the eternal question regarding the DMT landscape is:
Is it real? or is it a construct of our own minds.

How is it possible that so many people have experienced similar things.

Is it just that when the human nervous system confronts DMT it reacts in a very specific way so everyones experience is similar. is it simple chemistry at work? cause and effect. a feed back loop perhaps?

My last experience was so profound and felt so real I am haunted with questions. My own encounter with entities was simply a presence, a definite felt presence. I could not see them but I knew they were there.

for some people its clowns or elves why?

are the entities deep seated software embedded in the core of our minds that we create as a last ditch effort to make sense of the skewed distortion the DMT causes.? a simple archetype that our mind lays atop the distortion to make it make sense...

does our mind need to put a face to the feelings? to the strangeness of it all?

or is it simply that our consciousness is mobile and can separate from our bodies and travel into alternate realms and then return back to terrestrial reality.

enough for now

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 9/10/2009 4:11:13 AM

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After my last mushroom trip I am thinking less and less a construct of just the mind..but who knows..
Long live the unwoke.
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#6 Posted : 9/10/2009 5:01:40 AM

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I noticed having very vivid dreams after taking fish oil capsules just before sleep Razz lol i was using them as dream pills for a while, i was bored of being unable to see any dreams so it worked well
#7 Posted : 9/10/2009 5:14:07 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
Yeah DMT and dreams are really nothing alike..but I have fallin into DMT-esque states before that were nothing like normal dreams, especially after taking B vitamines, drinking cocoa and eating lots of turkey, but still they are somewhat different from DMT..even more interesting is smoking DMT or eating mushrooms etc in dreams..I have smoked spice in dreams before and them had typical DMT experiences.

There is speculation by some that ketamine liek compounds are released at night and in dark rooms, along with endo tryptamines and beta carbolines..I have yet to experience ketamine but I have had experiences similar to whats reported while not on any drugs.

yes, keen observation
considering the pineal dilates in darkness, secreting melatonin, melatonin may further be metabolized into pinoline. this compound has been studied closely regarding its inhibition of CYP2D6 expression; in other words, in's an endogenous MAOI.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#8 Posted : 9/13/2009 11:48:01 AM

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I think this links with what for me describes the essence of breakthrough...
Its not neccesarily to see entities... it is to GO somewhere/time.
Sub breakthrough you don't go anywhere, its a little like watching something on the TV with the sound turned off. You realy observe so hard you can hear yourself think.
When you break through, you just literaly ARE somewhere else, I've never lost touch with my other (physical) self in the normal reality, but I've read it happens.
In fact I may do just that, but just blank out those moments upon reconstruction... Although its our ownly tool, observation is more of a skill than an ability.

P.S. my dreams are becoming drug like, and episodic...
Twice tonight in my dream I beamed (well more like going through a tunnel) up to the place I dream in.
Interstingly the second time around I had to do it without oxygen, I could literally feel the air being sucked out around me as I went up the tunnel/pyramid.
I woke up finaly this morning after comming down the second time, this time much more distintivly pyramid shaped tunnel, was very dirty, peeling paint, and at least I new the air was going to get sucked out, so I could hold my breath before it happend... then whooshe, the sucking started and the decent down started. felt like looking for a spot to surface during cave diving.
And I woke up as soon as I landed on this side and took a breath.

I've been going to that place so often in my dreams lately, that it is starting to become feesable that I'm now haveing a dream of typing stuff on the interwebs, as haveing dreams about going there...

Its not DMT like at all though, but it feels truely drugged, and the tunnel experience is preceeded by takeing something (in the dream), ( I don't know what, this is the first time I thought about it).

What I found most ironic is that these dreams decided to peak right on the day that I have my first spice supply in months again.

gotta love syncronicities.

#9 Posted : 9/13/2009 12:04:56 PM

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Its not neccesarily to see entities... it is to GO somewhere/time.
Sub breakthrough you don't go anywhere, its a little like watching something on the TV with the sound turned off. You realy observe so hard you can hear yourself think.
When you break through, you just literaly ARE somewhere else, I've never lost touch with my other (physical) self in the normal reality, but I've read it happens.

This is your definition of a breakthrough? If that is a shared definition, Swim breaks through every time. He is definatly somewhere else, doesn't loose touch with his body completly and he doesn't "observe so hard he can hear himself think" . But it's still....well, a small room and above him this "alien skin" layer of patterns, affecting him and reacting to his thoughts.

I don't think he's broken through.

Btw, my friend also has these DMT dreams...sometimes, he would even re-experience enormous joy.
#10 Posted : 9/13/2009 12:38:34 PM

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if you are still watching a veil/skin you are not through yet, I agree. Lol I still trip balls even when I don't break through.
But yeah, what I left out was that I didn't even realise my first breakthrough till much later. It never quite left the back of my head until I did either.
Anyhow, watching milkdrop visulisation on winamp like visuals is still on this side of the fence... In my little opinion, of course.
#11 Posted : 9/13/2009 1:12:57 PM

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It's more like a small room or tunnel and it'S different every time, depending on the amount of spice taken. The first time the veil is shed upon Swim, it is rough, edgy and feels like beeing dissolved by patterns. The second time, it's more metallic and refined. Swims moving towards the pattern and then there suddenly is very strong telepathic alien contact.

Swim feels like the alien is the outside of a globe, and he's on the inside at the center. The inside of the globe would react to his thoughts and feelings. At the peak, the globe starts to somehow implode on him, drowning him in love. There'S this distinct feeling of his soul cutting into the alien flesh, melting into it.

And no, it's nothing like a dream, but there are different dream states. Some can be picture and colorless...these are very similiar to DMT in a weird way.
#12 Posted : 9/13/2009 1:18:14 PM

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glad to see you posted, allthough I just came back to say, that I realy have no opinion/right to even begin to deconstruct your experiences useing only my references.

I've had one or two experiences which were just a coloured blur-twist, one or two that were of just such a big scale that I needed to explain to myself what I was seeing, etc...

I have also come to realise that spice for me, gives me what I realy need at a particular time, and has never revealed more than I was ready to handle.
#13 Posted : 9/13/2009 1:21:46 PM

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I have also come to realise that spice for me, gives me what I realy need at a particular time, and has never revealed more than I was ready to handle.

My friend will be excited to hear this. It mirrors his feelings exactly. One of these beeings explicitly told him that he "needs to learn his lesson" first before getting deeper into the experience.
#14 Posted : 9/13/2009 1:28:20 PM


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My two cents. There is a current theory that psychedelic experience is indeed a function of controlled feedback loops in the brain and it has real merit. Google it.

As for similarities, it is impossible to truly know how another percieves the world, my blue might look more green to you, etc. But most all of us have learned the ability to recognize faces(look up greebles) and it starts with vertical symmetry.

If I have milkdrop or AVS on, I see lots of faces because programmers use symmetry in their designs. If you have an otherwise blurry design that has two eyes and a mouth between and below then your brain tries to start an interpretation of it.

With psychedelics, your much more aware of those background processes and it is easier to see 'faces'. Plus, human nature 'personifies' things. We might feel sorry for a tree that is being cut down, even though we know it has no central nervous system.

Human nature plays a huge role in our experiences because they are so amplified.

Like I said, Its just my two cents. I only have my personal experience to go by and I am not speaking for anyone else. I don't believe I have broken through, yet so I can only yap about what I have read.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#15 Posted : 9/13/2009 4:43:13 PM

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^^ about the trees, I cannot remember where, but I remember reading that there has been come evidence that trees do feel pain, and can even communicate that pain between other trees...comething to do with utilising the gravitational fields..W waves I think they are called..not sure how credible it is though.

heres some links to that

Long live the unwoke.
#16 Posted : 9/14/2009 1:49:21 AM


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Bad example. I thought that might elicit attention. My goal was to demonstrate that humans personify inanimate objects or rather externalize our empathy/sympathy. I say this only out of personal experience having witnessed this behavior in humans and being one myself have also done so.

I notice this behavior in swim when they are under the spell of spice. Making reference to 'them' or 'they'.

However, to burst my own bubble. Swim did see the chair his fiance was sitting in morph into a being that made menacing looking actions and a mock-attack at her and then put 'its' hand THROUGH her chest and give swim the finger! As if to say, "See. We have full control over this flimsy reality you believe to be so solid."

Swim has long since learned to ignore such 'jesters' and laugh them off.

Interesting information about the trees. Thank you for sharing it. I do try to be aware and sensitive to all life. After all, if it made it here then it deserves to be here. Survival of the fittest and what-not. When I was four years old, my Grandfather had an old and beautiful oak tree cut down(shading the garden) and I cried for two hours. Why didn't he consult me first?Smile

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#17 Posted : 9/14/2009 5:15:07 AM

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SInce making my original post I went on a journey that was quite intense and interesting . completley left field . The idea that it shows you what you need is quite relevent to this. Not at all what i would call a breakthrough. My present day life was flashing by me at great speed showing the strangeness of all my human relationships. It left me with the thought What are you doing? I believe it was showing me how disconnected I really am with people around me. It was shocking to say the least.

The next one left me in a complete heap pondering the question What are we?
my whole frame of reality was shattered. There was a moment where I wasn't sure what kind of lifeform I was . It took me a few minutes to recollect myself and my sense of Self as it related to reality. It was like a rebirthing of sorts scrambling my whole frame of reference . It has caused me to deeply ponder the questions of whats real?. Is our perception of reality as we experience it an evolved human creation ?

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#18 Posted : 9/14/2009 1:31:41 PM


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Congratulations! Mission accomplished!

The idea is to be utterly pulverized so that each granule of 'you' can be examined as it is reintegratd!

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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