Legarto Rey wrote:Merry Christmas e-g! Your admirable diligence digging and sharing is the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks.
I'm in the "maximal entheogen" school of human history reference frame(egodeath.com). Explored with an entheogen informed curiosity, the near certainty of plant based, "mixed wine" catalysis of mystic experiencing, ubiquitously applied across long spans of human history reveals itself as laughingly obvious.
Not to discount current and renewed emphasis on study and culturally sanctioned "research" of tryptamines/phenethylamines as "potential" faciliatators of the mystic state. Pragmatically speaking, the plants are so overwhelmingly established as the absolutely most ergonomimc and widely applied religious tools throughout the entirety of sentient, Homonid>>Sapien "history". Debates suggesting that plants may not be the actual, Eucharist, are actually absurd. In a theologic perspective, plant driven access into the mystic realms is likely PREEMINENT. All other "techniques" have been/are adjunctive. Meditation is huge, only deep states available for the superlative. The medicines, skillfully administerd>>>>KABOOOOM!
Good time for meditation, peaceful contemplation, and of coarse research.
Good time to get some research done, finish up old projects, search for new ones...
Good time for entheogens...
Heffter institute is truly amazing.
Whether you believe this or not David E. Nichols, and Denis McKenna (founders of the heffter institute) , are actually fairly mystical individuals, however not through personality or psychology, but through their experiences. These are both well educated, reasonable, rational, and scientific individuals, yet when you watch a film like "neurons to nirvana" you will see these stuffy intellectuals and scientists begin to speak like prophets and priests when describing psychedelic potential.
The shamanic view has always been that mysticism or spirituality is something you must experience first hand, there is no substitute, and that devotion to dogma, political hierarchies, books and sermons, all these modern concepts of "spirituality" and "religion" are actually antithetical to what spirituality has traditionally been...
And this research in a way is simple confirmation of what most of us already know through first hand experience...
I had the DMT experience, then, quite a while after, I was researching sufi spirituality, I read about the concept of "fanaa", and instantly I understood that the experience being described is identical to my DMT experience:
Quote:Fanaa (Arabic: فناء fanāʾ ) is the Sufi term for "passing away" or "annihilation" (of the self).[1] Fana means "to die before one dies", a concept highlighted by famous notable Muslim saints such as Rumi and later by Sultan Bahoo.[2] Fana represents a breaking down of the individual ego and a recognition of the fundamental unity of God, creation, and the individual self.[1] Persons having entered this enlightened state obtain awareness of the intrinsic unity (Tawhid) between Allah and all that exists, including the individual's mind. It is coupled conceptually with baqaa, subsistence, which is the state of pure consciousness of and abidance in God. -Wikipedia
Most DMT users will describe this as "dissolving out of existance", and most will also describe their DMT experience exactly as "fanaa" is described, yet they feel it's somehow absurd to feel that "fanaa" was actually referring to a state identical to that of the DMT flash.
After my DMT flash, I read "The Great Liberation upon Hearing in the Intermediate State" also titled the "Bardo thodol", and rather than reading something interpreted as "spiritual abstractions" I actually
understood, and it was understood from experience, the experiences being described were identical to how I would have choose to describe my DMT states, and I could instantly relate to what was being described...
The "The Chikhai Bardo" was the initial concept which first drew me to the bardo thodol. "The Chikhai Bardo" and the way in which it is described could double as a description for the initial states of the DMT experience...
Quote:The Chikhai Bardo is the after death state described in the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead) wherein the consciousness of the dead person fully enters into the light of the dharmakaya or "truth body." (explained in the first part of this series).
In this state, the person temporarily experiences for the first time the state of awareness without a second, that is to say, a state of pure consciousness.
This is the state of non-duality. The first experience here is the sight of the Primordial Clear Light or the "Clear Light of Reality." This is the pure mind of the Buddha, Christ, and all the perfected saints and mystics.
...so, this happens over and over again...and you think, it can't be coincidence, obviously these psychedelic states and mystical states have a good deal in common, if they are not in fact the same thing...
I think heffter is doing some amazing work, particularly involving psilocybin.
...I think they still need research subjects for the johns Hopkins "meditation/psilocybin" research project, figured someone here may be interested.