benzyme wrote:what specifically are you looking for? there is a ton of material archived, from over six years ago.
I personally have a couple gigs on ergot/lysergic chemistry alone.
ok, a couple gigs is a stretch.. but it's a lot.
I dl'd everything from the synthetikal ftp site from the mid 2000's, as I was a resident bee.
Anything and everything involving psychedelic synthesis, my focus is mainly on lysergamide, tryptamine, and phenethylamine molecules.
I've been researching psychedelic chemistry for many years, I have a few years college organic chemistry, and I do apprenticeship/intern work in the field of organic chemistry, so I've already reviewed, learned, and transcribed most of the well known psychedelic synthesis work-ups.
Psychedelic chemistry by Smith, acid trips and chemistry by cam cloud, love drugs, amphetamine synthesis, LSD, and LSD-25 and tryptamine synthesis by Otto snow, PIHKAL/TIHKAL by shulgin, Daniel Trachsel' s phenethylamine publications, LSD synthesis by Will L. Garbrecht, Richard P. Pioch's patents (United States Patent 2,736,728, and others), David E. Nichols publications and research papers, I've really been looking into Pybop condensation of lysergic acid with diethylamine, Casey hardison did some great work in this area which can be found
HERE , and so on, should give you an idea of some of the publications I have already reviewed ad nauseam, though it's possible I may have missed things...
Basically any synthesis work-ups that you would think "this is essential for my reference collection" is what I am looking for.