New "Hamilton's Pharmacopeia" episode about Salvia Options
physics envy
#1 Posted : 11/10/2016 8:48:30 AM

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"Hamilton's Pharmacopeia" series released a new episode about Salvia. He travels to Oaxaca (I think) to find and partake in a traditional ceremony. It's pretty cool, especially if you're interested in traditional methods of using salvia in ceremony.
Salvia quid enthusiast

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#2 Posted : 11/10/2016 10:30:57 AM

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how can one view it for free?
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physics envy
#3 Posted : 11/10/2016 10:35:01 AM

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You can watch the episodes on demand if you have a cable TV subscription. I logged in with a uVerse account. There may be other options as well...not sure.
Salvia quid enthusiast
#4 Posted : 11/10/2016 10:46:53 AM

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no have, so no watchin'.... Sad
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#5 Posted : 11/10/2016 2:03:48 PM
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This is my thread on the series, I've been following it since it aired...

I have "slingTV" which is internet television, on the viceland channel they have free on demand episodes accessible at any time...


#6 Posted : 11/10/2016 2:23:21 PM
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The man responsible for all those salvia internet videos is despicable...

... he said "I never thought my videos would be shown in court getting the substance banned" and I think, well what did you think would happen? You were the poster boy for irresponsible salvia use, and you didn't think it might have negative effect on the compound and the community?...

I appreciate that Hamilton also showed traditional use, it was interesting to see a salvia ceremony, though it did still seem like he rushed into finding any shaman who would preform it, the first shaman called him a "drug addict" and turned him away, in my mind this would have been the shaman to go to, I at least would have made more attempts, sometimes if you try hard enough these shamans will give in, well, it's more like proving that your intentions are proper and that you are serious about having the experiance...
...I'm not sure that Hamilton was, but then again, it would be entirely improper for me to say that he could have gotten more from the event.

Any way, I think Hamilton is doing a good job, honestly I was very skeptikal, and somewhat worried...but, overall, a good series.

physics envy
#7 Posted : 11/10/2016 6:05:52 PM

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@Ganesh - Viceland has a list of free episodes, and currently the first Hamilton episode is available for free. The Salvia ep is #3, so perhaps it will be available at some point as well. Here is a link to a 3-minute trailer from the episode:

I didn't realize until this week he had an actual TV show now. I have watched several of his videos over the years - some have been pretty interesting. The previous TV episode on PCP was pretty eye-opening.

I enjoyed finding out that Hamilton is a Salvia enthusiast. We are few and far between!
Salvia quid enthusiast
#8 Posted : 11/10/2016 8:13:00 PM

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If you have access to Viceland TV, this episode is showing tonight at 8 PM central.
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#9 Posted : 11/11/2016 4:38:01 AM

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I'm familiar with the kensington area... I got wet not far from there, 21 years ago.
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#10 Posted : 11/11/2016 10:43:28 AM
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This upcoming Wednesday is the psilocybe fungi episode, I assume people here would want to see this one as well...

Series so far...
*psilocybe fungi


#11 Posted : 11/11/2016 12:48:23 PM

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I thought it was one of his better episodes actually.
His experience with the shaman looked really genuine to me.
He mentions that an experience with salvia as a teenager got
him interested in psychedelics in the first place. I can totally
relate to this . I had a profound salvia experience as well that was definitely the spark for my own complete fascination with psychedelics. It has continued to this day .
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#12 Posted : 11/11/2016 2:21:00 PM
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Felnik wrote:
I thought it was one of his better episodes actually.
His experience with the shaman looked really genuine to me.
He mentions that an experience with salvia as a teenager got
him interested in psychedelics in the first place. I can totally
relate to this . I had a profound salvia experience as well that was definitely the spark for my own complete fascination with psychedelics. It has continued to this day .

I didn't mean to criticise his experiance, it actually was a very interesting salvia ceremony, I just feel that out of necessity to complete his program he may have passed up some amazing things as well, most good shamans will turn you away the first few times, I understand he did not have the time to really get to know these people, but I think that had he had more time he could have witnessed in greater detail the indigenous use of the plant...though he did end up with a very caring shaman, she really wanted to help him, and by all means she did a great job.

An interesting note regarding the episode:

When Daniel Siebert describes the first salvinorin-a extract experience in that episode, I remember him saying "it was no longer My house, I was in my grandparents house as a child" it really struck me, on my first salvinorin-a extract experience I was in an old friends front lawn, it was a beautiful sunny day, green grass, clear blue sky, we smoked, the first thing I thought was "I can't stand the sound of my own voice"...i may have said that out loud...speaking made me feel foolish, like a child, then laughter, then I was a child again, I was in the lawn of my childhood home day-care center, I remembered specifically a yellow "slip and slide" in the lawn, this was from my childhood, in perfect clarity, not only was I there, I was a child again, I was in that time and space...This was actually a profound experience...I never told this story before...

This living through childhood events struck me as one of the more profound aspects of salvinorin...I can't believe it was a piece of the first extract event as well...

For me, salvinorin-a introduced itself to me as "the water teacher", and all my salvinorin-a experiences are heavily connected to water...first there's this "pins and needles" feeling that rushes across the surface of the skin, as this happens, I always fall over to the left, as if some invisible currant is pushing me on my side, I've always interpreted this stage as a river, as being stuck in the currant of a raging river....

Here's an older anecdote:
I had just obtained the salvinorin-a extract and decided to smoke in a tunnel where I would often smoke cannabis as a youth, it's an isolated place, no worries about the public or police. I loaded a fairly large bowl of the salvinorin-a infused leaf into my marijuana pipe and finished it in a single inhalation...I held my breath, then I open my eyes, exhaled, and I look at the wall in front of me...
The bricks on the wall began to form a pyramid like structure in my visual field, a rush of cold pins and needles moved over my skin as I slowly lost contact with my body and the outside world, the pyramid structure became more defined, it was an Aztec style pyramid, covered in dense vines and jungle, climbing in to the pink and yellow sky...the air felt humid, like there was a thick layer of mist hanging heavy in the atmosphere surrounding me, I could hear this loud high pitched squealing static noise, I looked on its direction, I saw I was surrounded by small creatures, they were shaped like upside down horse-shoes or like a lower-case letter "n", they had feet at each point of the "n" shape of their body, large black eyes, and funny little arm like appendages that were warped around a stick which was resting across their "shoulders" with a bucket full of water on either end of the stick. All these little beings were carrying these pales of water up the pyramid steps. They communicated in this squeaky high-pitch ossiclation of frequencies which were packed with telepathic significance. "Follow us" they telepathically communicated, so I did, I followed them to the top of the pyramid, up a long line of wet stone steps, when we reached the top I could see a raging river was running down the back side of the pyramid, all the beings were dumping their buckets full water into this river, thousands of these little things pouring bucket after bucket into the river, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I felt wet, and blind, and as if I were falling, I had apparently jumped,( or was pushed? ) down into this raging currant, I falling as if I had just jumped off a thousand foot high water fall...i remember screaming, and opening my eyes, I slowly regained my vision, and regained physical coordination, and eventually reached baseline... -eg

I have entity contact far more often on salvinorin than I do on DMT. The salvia beings are rambunctious, ornery, mischievous, little things, bouncing and jumping, playing with your psychology, playing with you, but they also show you things...I don't think the "water teacher" is connected to these things, the wise teaching soul of seems to be separate, and it teaches in such an odd way, you will get a deep concept or phrase, like a thought, though it's an "alien thought" like an idea that you could never have generated, and its implanted into your psyche, the teacher is such a personal and difficult aspect of salvia to explain...

I probably sound foolish so I'll stop here.

#13 Posted : 11/17/2016 1:21:28 AM

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Here's a link to a free version on YouTube. It's a bit annoying to watch it on the corner of the screen, but maybe you have a big monitor Smile
#14 Posted : 11/18/2016 2:20:24 PM
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Just finished the psilocybe fungi episode.

Not bad.

The mushroom growers he found had some really nice equipment, and I'm sure they are good at cultivation, but I was somewhat astounded that they had never heard of Maria sabina or Gordon wasson, they were not the "hard-core fungi nerd" types that you would expect, but rather reminded me of cannabis cultivaters in the sense that they were great at producing a product, but did not have much background knowledge regarding the fungi or its history...

I was surprised to see how Maria sabina's grandson handled the ceremony...when wasson participated, the fungi were eaten in pairs, and 6 to 8 mushrooms were consumed, where Sabina's grandson said "only eat one" he nibbled the mushrooms, and only expected an hour experience from them...

The man who had the Psilocybe caerulescens growing in his cane mulch seemed much more in touch with the fungi, he said "most shamans are frauds, it's the mushroom that is the real teacher", and he urged Hamilton to consume the whole mushroom, when Hamilton asked "what should I be doing?" He said "let the mushroom let you know what to do", this man had a deep respect for the amazing fungi growing on his property, he encouraged proper use, use that was actually much closer to how Maria Sabina would have used them.

The "fungi nerd" Alan Rockefeller was the type of person I expected Hamilton to feature on this program, Alan knows his fungi, and has a passion for collecting and identifying them, most mushroom enthusiasts have this level of passion and education.

I wish he would have spent more time with Laura Guzmán-Dávalos, this is Gaston Guzman's granddaughter, she is an expert in psilocybe fungi, she is incredibly educated, and provided accurate and sound information regarding the fungi.

As for the kid in Florida and his friends, they are a dime a dozen, and that's really what it's like, I lived on the gulf coast of Florida at one point, this is prime stropharia cubensis country, and every person knows of a few fields, it's said that some farmers put something in their cow feed that kills fungi, which may be true, the farmers who don't are just as bitter and as angry as the one Hamilton featured, usually they will shoot you with salt rock and release their dogs on you, some will shoot at you with shot-guns, so it's best if a local guides you to a safe field, rather than just jumping into the first mushroom dotted cow pasture you encounter. I really did not see those kids as real mushroom hunters, they were more like teens who learned how to identify cubensis online or from friends, but that did not know much else, not expert by any means, and not necessarily the best representatives.

Overall I think it briefly touched on most topics associated with the was objective, and presented accurate facts, there's a good deal that was left out entirely, but then again it's a dense topic.

I'm a bit disappointed that terence and Denis McKenna were not mentioned, as they introduced home stropharia cubensis cultivation to the United states with their book "psilocybin: magic mushroom growers guide" (published under the pseudonyms O.T. Oss and O.N. O'eric ) I wish Hamilton would have featured a better history of clandestine fungi cultivation, as well as cultivaters who not only had top notch equipment, but who also had top notch knowledge.

As a psilocybe fungi enthusiast and researcher, I was somewhat disappointed, though I must admit it's better than any program regarding the fungi that I have ever seen featured on cable television.

#15 Posted : 11/19/2016 3:46:39 AM


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Here is another version of the salvia video, full screen but some of the translations are cut off by the side of the screen, still for me preferable to watching on the tiny screen.

Just watched the episode, and all in all I liked it, and i give him extra cred for doing a traditional ceremony, and chewing the leaves instead of smoking.

Not a whole lot of new info, but an enjoyable watch. I wish they would have gone deeper into the ceremonial aspects of traditional use.

I find myself jealous of Hamiltons job Cool
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#16 Posted : 11/19/2016 3:17:46 PM
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I was somewhat disappointed with the shaman he found, don't get me wrong, she was a good hearted person, and a good shaman, but she admitted that salvia was not her primary ally in shamanic practice, she knew enough to preform the ceremony, but was not a salvia expert or a "master" salvia practitioner, he was only scratching the surface, and he made a very light scratch, but it was a good show, and she was a good shaman.

He should have gone back to the shaman he turned him away, the best shamans will always turn you away the first few times...I guess he did not have the time to build relationships, he just wanted to film a ceremony...his intentions were not to be healed of anything, he was not in a desperate need for connection with the spiritual, he was a simple researcher, and I think the shamans may misunderstand this as having intentions that are not pure, as it is not an "emergency" of body or mind...

The salvia leaves are never smoked in traditional use.

They are always eaten or quided (chewed and held in the mouth for extended periods of time) or at times combined with water to make a drink, though this "drink" doesn't make any sense as salvinorin-a is nit water soluble, and thus it's not likely that much or any of the active compounds would be transferred into the water.

#17 Posted : 11/20/2016 8:54:58 AM

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physics envy wrote:
@Ganesh - Here is a link to a 3-minute trailer from the episode:

Thanks for 3 minute link, but the rest of official video's are off limits to people from UK.

BecometheOther wrote:
Here is another version of the salvia video, full screen but some of the translations are cut off by the side of the screen, still for me preferable to watching on the tiny screen.

Thanks for that link, at last i can watch it. It looks like a seedy camcorder copy, and that adds to the creepy vibe. Wink Can you like me the mushroom one please, if you get it?
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#18 Posted : 11/21/2016 1:43:30 PM
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Why are the blocked in the UK?

You figure vice of all people would allow free internet access to episodes once they have aired...

#19 Posted : 11/25/2016 11:33:45 AM
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This upcoming Wed:

Hamilton's pharmacopia: "Ichthyoallyeinotoxism" or "hallucinogenic fish intoxication"

#20 Posted : 11/30/2016 1:58:53 PM


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I only recently found out there was an actual TV series now.
Really enjoyed it so far. I've seen a lot of people rip on Hamilton for whatever reason, but I think he's been doing a great job documenting a lot of cool psychedelic history that is a bit off the beaten path. The old webisode on the Pickard missile silo immediately jumps to mind for instance.

The next episode is supposed to air today IIRC, highly likely featuring at least 5-bromo-DMT. I'm very curious to see a full 40+ minute episode on such an obscure topic.

I've actually been trying to find an old episode of his web series, which is strangely missing from youtube. It's the episode where he meets the Shulgins, I remember that one being a very enjoyable and touching episode but I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore Sad
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