When I was a kid, the only marijuana experience I had that was more than a few shallow puffs was when I was with a fellow sixth grader and a teenage girl who thought it would be cute to give us pot. I don't think it was pot. Older kids had a tendency to sell parsley to younger kids. It didn't seem to affect me. Well, the bicycle ride home was a bit weird, like, the pavement was very detailed and going in slow motion, but I was a plenty weird kid anyway, and had just been through an intense social experience (smokin' illegal dopes with hoodlums), so it could have been an altered state triggered from that.
But that's not the trip report I want to post here. That's just a long-winded way of saying I consider myself as never having had pot until this year, 2016. Now in my early 50s, I thought it might be a way to work my way up to serious hallucinogens. Below is a report I wrote in realtime while taking a Wyldcanna.com BLOOD ORANGE WHITE CHOCOLATE, SATIVA ENHANCED. Net Wt. .19 oz (5.5g) Total THC 11.71 mg, CBC 0.48 mg, USABLE CANNABIS 18.6 mg. Or so the wrapper said. Some of what I ramble about has to do with the idea of
am I high yet? When does one who has never taken a drug decide the drug is affecting him?
<begin report>
2:30 july 25. 2015 [actually 2016]
Nom nom gulp.
m [That's supposed to say Three P.M.]
Maybe I feel slightly drugged. Not sure.
I feel a bit of dry-mouth, concentrated behind the tongue, which is odd. If I stretch logic, I can say I am a bit munchie-obsessed, and a little paranoid.
Feeling a bit swimmy-headed.
I am wondering what this is all about. A bit swimmy-headed? Not even in a way that I like or dislike, so far anyway. Rillih?
Dizzyheaded. Like a playground spin-dizzy, but without the nausea. on the pleasant to unpleasant scale, maybe on the unpleasant side. Not much.
I came up with a name for the poetry readings in Gambrills: Person and Poetry. Is that any good or, like, what?
My thinking is getting weird. Oh, yeah. There is some kind of real effect, if my might (mind, I mean) isn't faking it.
Okay, I am insisting on looking through my left eye as I am doing this. I'm laughing (just one belly-felt laugh.) because it seems really real. Oh, it is really real. Oh, man, it's happening - I am getting a drug effect that feels pretty freakin weird. I thought I have, by nature of my neurochemistry, felt all the supposed "high" feelings that people say drugs induce, but this is, it seems, a really different feeling. I can't tell whether I am making basic sense. And, it's like, uh... meet you downstairs (in next paragraph)...
I don't, by this time remember what the "And, it's like, uh..." was leading to, but that's no real difference from my usual lack of short-term memory-control (if you will).
Lot of drowsiness despite the salesman told me this was a middle-of-the-spectrum high/low energy and then "enhanced" with sativa.
It is hard, here, to keep my thoughts together enough to write. Logic is doing a weird lock-tumbler dance. The logic of trying to write words and struggle with bouncing questions of why I am writing. I know it is to record canabinoid effects, but why? I am going to sit back for a bit and abserve without writing. Note it is 4:23pm
And I am - affected. Doubts are gone - except doubts are not gone, still.
Was going to bathroom in all the time I was supposed to be doing nothing but thinking (all of 3 minutes), but got thinking done still. My thinking is really weird right now, but not in a creepy way, except still it is creeping me out that my thinking is weird (as in different from my usual weird or other weirder-than-my-usual weird). Really hard to keep my thoughts together for writing. And yet I keep writing; just can't tell if I am missing the thoughts in ............. ah, I am losing my ability to articulate feelings at this point. Anyway, It seems like it's just --- crap, I had a real thought and lost it- don't know if this my usual kind of forgetfulness but just feels weird cause I am high or ........... ah, just lost thought again. I wonder fi I will be able to replay my state I am in now later and have that help me.............uh, just lost thought again. Keeping thoughts together def harder than usual. Feeling a lot of emotion too. Also wondering if part of me is doing in this above style just from a power of suggestion of my ............. lost tought again. I was distracted by, and this is going to sound more crazy-drug effect than I mean it to... Oh, crap, lost thought. I thought I would have more ................ that was a good thought, too, but I lost it. This sounds like one of my satirical poems, but, just note that this is really happening. And it is 4:34. I am becoming much more ............. more precise about what times I write down. Early in the process, I rounded up or down as juch as 8 minutes. I am marking times as I see them now. It makes me wonder a thing but I just forgot the thing I was wondering.
4:36 Still losing thoughts, ones that feel brilliant, in a way, but they are lost. Important info. There's various important infos I want to log here but can only ...........give the info kinds I can give--------ah, I ...........oh, lost that one too.
Losing thoughts a lot. I expect to be creeped out when I read this later. Can't tell if I am creeped out now, even. Thoughts can't keep together well.
Weird. Not good. Not bad-bad, but probably not good. I am, on a scale of my normal writing self and now, I am a worser writer now, in terms of having reasonably clear streams of thought-- what am I even talking about. Even when I write a phrase, it feels like I am recording a phantom of what was just thought, rather than having the thought wile typing it. As if I have a memory of something I have no longer any interest in, but my fingers insist on following the echo. It is 4:42.
It was 2:30 when I ate a Wyldcanna.com BLOOD ORANGE WHITE CHOCOLATE, SATIVA ENHANCED.
Net Wt. .19 oz (5.5g)
Total THC 11.71 mg
CBC 0.48 mg
Keeping thoughts together not easy, not easy. Uh, I, uh, something is definitely happening. I like this idea that this is real. It is. I am definitely under the spell of a weird drug. Ah, spell? Too dramatic a word. I think someth;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sfffffdddddddddd................. Did I ever get around to that ............... Man, I am drugged. Gonna stop and think. It's 4:50.
Couch-locky enough to want to, and i am gunna, go lay on the bed. (time: 4:52)
[Here in the timeline, I recorded a series of videos as I lay on the bed]
1. [video]
2. [video]
3. [video]
Slept for quite a while. Not pleasant. Trying to figure out if I am functional for dinner. You know, going out. Girlfriend is home and wants to go.
Back from dinner. Had a little bit of a hard time walking there. Dinner was otherwise normal, I think.
<end report>
A friend tells me that this unpleasant experience was probably because it was too great a dose. In other conversations he tells me that drug experience can be unpleasant because of too
small a dose, because there is a discomfort hump to get over in the ascension process, and too small a dose never gets you past it. <shruggyface>