#1 Posted : 8/23/2009 2:30:59 PM

Reality Gazer

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considering the amount of times (frecuency) you smoke...
...maybe you can give a success percentage
And if you may want to make a poll, noproblemWink
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I have seen God as a warm and white, full of Love Dimention. I really Seeing right now?

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#2 Posted : 8/27/2009 7:53:51 PM

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SWIM does not always want to breakthrough, but when she does she vaporizes (in a freebase glass pipe) 45 mg of spice with good intentions. She makes sure she takes "stiff and committed" hits. Usually, she is almost gone by the second one and can begin to hear the carrier wave by the end of the first (monster) toke . . .This (thus far) seems to work every time, so 100%.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#3 Posted : 8/27/2009 8:12:45 PM

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Hmm well I might have to buck the inevitable trend and state, that to my knowledge...I have NEVER 'broken through' with spice...
#4 Posted : 8/27/2009 9:34:34 PM

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Pandora wrote:

SWIM does not always want to breakthrough, but when she does she vaporizes (in a freebase glass pipe) 45 mg of spice with good intentions. She makes sure she takes "stiff and committed" hits. Usually, she is almost gone by the second one and can begin to hear the carrier wave by the end of the first (monster) toke . . .This (thus far) seems to work every time, so 100%.

Peace & Love,

I like what you say about "stiff and committed" hits, since I really find this to be helpful. I usually take weak ones, mixed with a lot of air, to make it easier to hold. But by doing this one is making the need of a third toke much more probable and I know I have problems taking a third hit 35 seconds into the experience (15 seconds first toke + 5 seconds breathing and preparing + 15 seconds second toke).
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#5 Posted : 8/28/2009 1:37:54 AM

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100 % if intend to, with one BIG toke.
That stat really is a bit childish Embarrased
But I guess that people who have difficulties to reach a breakthrough can find it interresting and eventually question their smoking "technic".
I'm sure it really is only a matter of volume+density of smoke in a given amount of time.
But DMT vaporized hurt the throat if the rate is too fast. SWIM found recently that the tongue, 'bended' inside the mouth, can reduce the sensitivity of the throat and allow bigger tokes. This works because when you bend the tongue, the throat mechanically open wider, while the air flow reaching the throat is broken.
#6 Posted : 8/28/2009 2:01:36 AM

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I want to break through. For what I've read, people who have contacted entities are so lucky.

The awaited day will come.
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I do not aprove any illegal act as I don't do anything illegal.
#7 Posted : 8/28/2009 3:56:54 AM
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99% (Swim misfired once!) but less if your definition of breakthrough is very strict.

He does like to smoke the remnants of a friends pipe so he's slightly on their level when they're in there, like how a shaman takes a tiny dose, but he hasn't counted that because his intention was to stay in this reality in those cases.

shago wrote:
I want to break through. For what I've read, people who have contacted entities are so lucky.
Smoke MMMORE! And perfect your technique. SWIM uses a handsize glass water bong, but without any water in it Smile
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#8 Posted : 8/28/2009 9:16:43 AM

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SWIM found recently that the tongue, 'bended' inside the mouth, can reduce the sensitivity of the throat

That's interesting. In which direction do you bend it?
I also agree with your statement about the densitiy of vapor. I think the key is 2-3 really huge tokes with a high density vapor. Slow, so you won't cough it should also be a pretty good idea, because it absorbs while you smoke, savoing time.
#9 Posted : 8/28/2009 2:36:22 PM

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That's interesting. In which direction do you bend it?

Up. The tip of the tongue is 0.5 cm from the top of the palate.

because it absorbs while you smoke, savoing time.

Yes, good point.
Another possible important point I guess is to breath from the belly and not from the chest (sorry, I don't know the good wording). The idea is to fill the bottom of the lungs first.
#10 Posted : 8/28/2009 3:17:57 PM


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I also seem to have trouble with breaking through. I have done some pretty high doses and I can't seem to do it. I have even had ego loss without a full breakthrough, and that was quite strange. I could still see my body but I didn't know what it was.

But another weird thing is that I get entities every time I smoke dmt. No matter what the dose. It is just that I feel that I have never broken through because everyone says that you will know when you have. I have never had the feeling of leaving my body or being encompassed in a full 3D experience. It always seems that I just watching through the back of my eyelids more than actually being there.

I will soon have some thh so I will be experimenting with that also.

#11 Posted : 8/28/2009 5:54:06 PM

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Garulfo wrote:
100 % if intend to, with one BIG toke.
That stat really is a bit childish Embarrased
But I guess that people who have difficulties to reach a breakthrough can find it interresting and eventually question their smoking "technic".
I'm sure it really is only a matter of volume+density of smoke in a given amount of time.
But DMT vaporized hurt the throat if the rate is too fast. SWIM found recently that the tongue, 'bended' inside the mouth, can reduce the sensitivity of the throat and allow bigger tokes. This works because when you bend the tongue, the throat mechanically open wider, while the air flow reaching the throat is broken.

Hi Garulfo,

Was this meant for me? Confused If so, thanks!!Very happy I have not been addressed as childish in close to 30 years! Something good must be happening. Laughing

I was not trying to brag about my or criticize anyone else's technique. What works for one person can easily be a total failure for another. The response was meant to simply respond to the question as asked. SWIM had a tremendous number of failures not only to breakthrough but to even get off during her initial experiments and wasted a lot of material. These were her initial experiments, dealing with the learning curve of vaporizing spice. Once she started breaking through she realized that for her it was all about that first toke as she started to lose it within the second toke. Her first toke is long, slow and deep and she holds it for 20+ seconds.

This 100% (thus far) response was simple honesty. The number of attempts (n) is still small so the response is not significant. This is what has worked for SWIM, who is a middle-aged, experienced, toker.

The intention thing, though perhaps childish also, works for SWIM and in fact is essential to her being able to breakthrough. It's part of her ritual. Please believe me that if she tries to consume spice without the sincere intention of learning, memory and healing for self/others, she cannot breakthough on 50+ mgs. But, when she goes into a session firmly intenting to learn, wonderful things happen . . .

Being called childish is still making me smile! It's like getting carded for alcohol or cigarettes! Wonderful!

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#12 Posted : 8/28/2009 7:58:05 PM

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Hi Pandora,

Glad you enjoyed... Wink
But in fact I was adressing myself. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding, second degree is hard to master,especially in a foreign language.
#13 Posted : 9/3/2009 8:34:04 PM

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pretty much 100% for me. i've had a handful of experiences where i just didn't break through but it was usually with a changa that didn't have a high enough amount of spice in it... i've had hundreds of journeys at this point so a handful isn't much...AND...

it is interesting....i DO remember those journeys somewhat (i've been blessed to be able to remember a LOT of most of my journeys). the interesting thing about the sub-breakthroughs for me was the ability they presented for you to actually "work" with them. to assert (to a very respectful extent) a bit of your ego-mind in the form of questions or conscious surrenderings. it is a very important aspect of working with the spice in my humble opinion. breakthroughs are life-changing...every time...but the occasional sub-breakthrough journey is extremely valuable in it's own right. i believe most shamans would not always take a heroes dose when working with the intent of finding fact, "one foot in each world" is what the word translates to.

one foot in each world....pretty cool...sounds like a good way to experience this world. always maintaining a conscious connection to our common source....and THIS is the gift that the spice gives to me.

hooray for spice!

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#14 Posted : 9/3/2009 9:44:09 PM
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I break through most time i partake in some spice, still pretty new to the stuff had about 15 or so i think there been about 3 or 4 times out f that i have not had a break through.

I was lucky enough to break through on my first time really blew my mind Smile I dont usually like to jump in at the deep end but this time i think it was worth it.

Oh and vapour genie, can be a bit tricky at first but when you get the hang of it you can break through pretty much every time, money well spent Smile
Now marching through time.
corridors of my cells
#15 Posted : 9/7/2009 10:43:10 AM

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breaking through too often is not gud anyways. if SWIM had an unlimited DMT source he would smoke 4-5 times a day but breakthrough may be once in 2 months or 3. SWIM just broke through 2 times untill now tho, one of them very intense other one not as the first one Razz
#16 Posted : 9/7/2009 10:49:22 PM

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In swims experience..... he can breakthrough anytime he wishes. He has found a technique that works best for him, where he can get a breakthrough dose with one garulfo was saying.

Even though the method of injestion might seem a little taboo ( a glass stem w/ burnt chore boy w/ the spice melted into the choreboy), because that's how people smoke other drugs that i would rather not discuss.If one can get over that taboo, i find that method of injestion to be the most efficient for breakthrough's and you don't waste any spice.

Sometime's swim might take a break from the spice and then he will work his way back into it by a series of sub-breakthrough's.....which antrocles stated can be very beneficial in it's own right.

A little off topic, but swim had probably one of his most loving enbraces with the molecule the other night. He encountered these four blue'ish being's,they reminded him of the water entities from the movie "the abyss" and they were hovering over swim and just observing him, so swim started to smile at them, and they started smiling back and swim just started laughing with pleasure and they seemed to really like that and gave me the most loving smiles and loving emrace before they said goodbye.I came close to tears.....i mean swim came close to tears. Laughing
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