Sub-breakthrough weirdness-taste of schizo Options
#1 Posted : 9/2/2009 4:57:12 PM

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I have finally taken a moment to read the post on posting etiquette. So, it is with deep sadness (we were VERY close) that I must inform you of SWIM's demise. I have ended her existence.

So, we're down to my psychedelic cat, Hathor, named after the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Love. But, since Hathor only gets "contact highs," and because spice has literally turned me into a religious "nut," I must confess it was me all along. I am the DMT extractor and user - it is my personal sacrament.

Ever since the "soul-orgasm" experience over a week ago, I have not been able to find/muster the mental wherewithal to consume a breakthrough level dose. I wish I knew why this was.

I have done two extractions, for friends and family who have recently expressed interest. There are five of them and they are each getting five breakthrough doses with a little extra. This has been exhausting but joyous work. I was very sad that I had no one to share this gift with.

So, when I finish an extraction I try it to ensure it is the same as my other pulls (before I give it as a gift). The past two tries have been sub-breakthrough doses that caused "elf encounters" nonetheless. I say sub-breakthrough because it was not the immersive, convincing, enriched (or more) environment of the breakthrough realms.

Regardless, I found myself in one of these realms and there were various objects/shapes/visions. Suddenly, from a mountaintop spotted with lights an anthropomorphic figure approached. It had something in its hand. The closer it got the smaller and less resolved it became and the larger and more resolved the things in its hand. The things looked like a large bundle of wires or threads or thin cables.

In my experience, when things go this way (or much more intense/worse) we have two choices: to resist all the way or to surrender and "go with the flow." Resistance appears to produce bad trips and rough experiences (and often results in surrender in the long run anyway). Surrender on the other hand can often produce fantastic results and personal insight-breakthroughs.

Well, I do not have any psychedelic resistance left within me. When I felt I had quit breathing on the mushroom/spice trip, I simply "sank into it." I know down the the core of my soul that if I embark on one of these journeys, there is no semblance of control.

So, these threads or wires or whatever were placed into my head. Specifically, the right side, at a high temple position above the right eye. As these cables were inserted into my brain I could feel them penetrating and spreading out to all areas, including the left side. The most intense physical sensation (tactile hallucinations) were on the right side of my face/head, particularly at the temple, but the feelings inside my head weren't that great either.

I came out of it disconcerted, but convinced it had something to do with healing. Yet, time passed. An hour, two hours, four hours. I was still experiencing tactile hallucinations on the right side of my face and inside my head. I was reticent to discuss this with loved ones, knowing that the statement that "I have wires in my head," sounded disturbingly like schizophrenia.

The next extraction I sampled at a very low level, and lo and behold I am immediately met by a green, anthropomorphic "elf" family of father, mother and child, who approach me in a gentle and friendly manner and without further ado begin to pull the threads out of the right side of my head. The family begins to recede backwards while the threads are still being extracted from my head. This felt at least as weird as the insertion process!

That was my last experience of any sort and days continue to pass. I presume that I will return to the breakthrough realms when my subconscious informs me that I am ready. My conversion to the firm belief that consciousness survives the death of the physical body is still strong, three weeks in. Amazing!

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#2 Posted : 9/2/2009 5:07:55 PM


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CNS downloaded into the hub.
That's how they say Hello.

Hyperspacial program, or actual being (millions/billions of years evolved) ?

Whatever it is/they are, data is being assimilated by both parties.

#3 Posted : 9/2/2009 5:18:56 PM

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reminds me of the chakra-cleansing i received by two light-beings a while back. complete physical awareness from a body i was NOT inhabiting....almost like I was the one assisting with the procedure. i was the one who told them what i wanted fixed and i watched the whole thing go down....i felt palpably changed (for the better) for days and days after that encounter...
keep posting pandora! i'm really enjoying your words Pleased

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#4 Posted : 9/2/2009 7:15:40 PM

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SWIM says: What an intense report. You went from dealing with the realm of the Dead (if I remember correctly) to having your brain implanted with wires and such! A strange question just came to my mind. I wonder if the DMT dimension along with other psychedelic locations treat the sexes differently? Men, and women do literally use different brain processes to think, and behave accordingly. I'm not saying what you experienced specifically in these reports are those differences manifested. The question just came to mind, because I'm new here and you're the only female member that I'm currently aware of.

That's really cool that you're sharing DMT with your family. I'm doing the is great having open-minded siblings!
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Reality is in the eye of the beholder.
#5 Posted : 9/2/2009 10:10:42 PM


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Sounds like a classic 'wire-to-head-insertion' DMT trip. Nevermind the schizoid angle. Just wait til the wasps start feeding you hyper honey. Right, Antrocles?


Thanks for sharing, Pandora.


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#6 Posted : 9/2/2009 10:44:42 PM

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mmmm....hyper honey......
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#7 Posted : 9/3/2009 12:29:08 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi Everyone,

Just got back from having a molar brutally extracted. Unreal level of pain leading up to an extraction event that looked more like it belonged in a medieval inquisition scene rather than a modern dentist's office. The tooth had to go but had unusually "strong and long" roots. It was when the dentist started swearing that I knew I was in for it. I could detail the procedure, but this is enough. No smoking, sucking, spitting, etc. for 2 days and I wouldn't let them give me any codeine (I am an opiate addict who's been off pills for under 6 months).

Hoping I'll be healed up for my attendance at Symbiosis 2009. Anyone else going?


I am heavily intrigued by this hypothesis!! I would love to see a comparison of male versus female (hopefully trying to control for some factors such as age, education, SES, etc.) reportage! The only other female I am aware of who has posted recently is felinefatale, but she has been rather quiet recently . . . Of course, being the ego-bloated, reading/writing addicted woman I am, I will continue to report everything related to spice or other psychedelic experiences that impact my life.


I have to admit that kind of creeps me out . . .You can lock me in a coffin, suspend me in space, let me handle a snake, put me in a plane, etc, etc, etc, but I cannot handle bugs. Irrational and phobic, I know . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#8 Posted : 9/3/2009 6:10:08 AM

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I have always wondered about the male vs female element as well. you would think that sex would be irrelevant in hyperspace since in my opinion our sex is a direct function of our current bodies and their associated egos, and therefore our existence in hyperspace and the eternal realms would be more ambiguous/universal. However, this does not always seem to be the case. so many questions...
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