Cooking is the art of life. Or as the Russians say, time taken out of food is time taken out of life.
Prime-time melodramatic baking shows, OTOH — when most people can no longer even make a soup without a recipe, and record numbers of people are using food-banks — are pretty odious, IMO. And that's before we even consider the "obesity epidemic", or the fact that cake-decoration sections in the supermarkets have gone from dusty backwaters to endless racks of glitzy shit targeted at the gullible. [Cue later tears/breakdown when said item doesn't end up looking anything like the airbrushed fantasy on the packaging]
Who really thought it was a great idea to dig up Marie-Antoinette?
I'll stick to the odd pancake ;-))
And my failsafe fudge recipe
“I sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come - blissful, even, in the knowledge that I am slowly becoming a well-evolved human being - only to have the illusion shattered by an episode of bad behaviour that contradicts the new and reinforces the old. At these junctures of self-reflection, I ask the question: “are all my years of hard work unraveling before my eyes, or am I just having an episode?” For the sake of personal growth and the pursuit of equanimity, I choose the latter and accept that, on this journey of evolution, I may not encounter just one bad day, but a group of many.”
― B.G. Bowers