This is my first time posting here in a while for a few reasons :
I've been having many psychedelic experiences, too many to integrate into words to share.
I just write poetry now because that is the closest thing I have to a proper communication medium.
I have a high sensitivity to all psychoactives.
Small doses of Cannabis sends me into full blown visionary states.
I'm naturally half here and half "there".
I often wonder how normal people view the world...
Anyways, one night I decided to nibble on a small amount of dried Psilocybe Cubensis. (0.2 grams)
Actually it was Thursday night. (2 nights ago)
The Full Moon was right outside my window, alligned with my body.
I closed my eyes and saw the "galactic hyper-mind" of Psilocybin.
The infinite Mycelial intelligence that spans across many galaxies and dimensions.
I encountered Terence Mckenna in this space.
I saw him overflowing with technicolor data and energy.
He was explaining to me how he acquired lifetimes of knowledge with the help of Psilocybin.
It was like a super mind/internetwork of souls/consciousnesses/intelligences.
The walls were covered with pulsing geometric fractals, very DMT-like.
My Kundalini/Qi/Spiritual energy rushed to my crown, and then transcended outside of my skull.
It went far beyond my "Crown Chakra" and my "Third Eye".
This picture is the best representation I can find to illustrate my experience.
I then perceived a rift beginning to open. Like two parallel vertical fractal walls of immense beauty opening up.
It was directly in line with all of my chakras.
I felt an incredible urgency to smoke DMT. I knew that if I were to take even a small hit, I would be catapulted into something far more intense than I could imagine.
It felt as though time was of the essence and something in the universe was alligning.
Of course I missed this crucial opportunity.
(Think of Luke Skywalker trying to drop the bomb into that vent in the Death Star.)
As the allignment passed, I saw dark thorns, vines, snakes, serpents, demons consume my vision and I felt tremendous pain throughout my body.
I remained calm and brushed it off.
That's all I can recall for now.
I drink coffee daily with Pure Cacao (a known MAOI), I also smoke Rustica Tobacco daily (contains MAOIs).
I consider myself to be a very spiritual person.
I feel as though my true home is not on this Earth and I will never be satisfied until I return to my infinite home.
I follow the cycles of the moon and I'm planning on trying a DMT-breakthrough tonight after taking some MDMA.
Anybody else have intense experiences on low-doses of psychedelics?
P.S. Psilocybin is my new best friend and I want to microdose it everyday.
Heaven existing here between Hell
We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.
We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb