First Breakthrough With A Little Help From A Friend Options
#1 Posted : 8/26/2009 6:32:03 PM

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Get a cup of caffeine and kick back if you want to read because I have a lot to say. Very happy

SWIM says: So I had a little spice oil leftover in my glass pipe from my first experience. I reheated it, and attempted to toke but the vapor was far too hot for my throat and lungs to hold in, and I don't think it was vaporizing enough. A tiny bit of oil had also made it's way into the shaft of the pipe from the bowl which burned my lips a little. Frustrated, and not wanting to give up I decided to take the unburned, pea-size pinch of plain salvia leaves that held the spice before it melted down into the interior of the bowl, and put it into another bowl. The crushed leaves glistened with a thin skin of spicy oil. I transferred the remaining oil onto the crushed leaves in the new pipe...a whopping 2 drops! Failure! This isn't even enough for a sub-breakthrough experience. Very disheartened, I decided I might as well top the bowl off with a fat dose of 10X of the Green Goddess AKA Salvia. I lit her up, and by the second toke, I realized something was wrong.

This isn't Salvia smoke...the smoke was different, less harsh, rather pleasant in fact...and soothing. Wait a second here, why aren't I feeling the lunacy of Sally knock me flat on my back? And what am I feeling now!? I suddenly felt a deep sense of superiority from the smoke, but wait! I was feeling a superior intelligent presence of beings all around me!!! Sally's antics filled my vision only they were moving dynamically in a spiraling motion in brilliant tessellations that I'd never seen before, and I had not forgotten who I was? Unheard of! The green goddess never failed to violently rip me from my ego/earthly self.

The intricate, living tessellation shrunk further and further away. At a distance it appeared to be disc-shaped with hundreds of sections like a dart board, reminiscent of the Mayan Calender. My brain began to feel immense pressure as if I were at the bottom of the ocean and the weight of the water were going to crush my skull. I held my composure, and ignored the pain. The Salvia disc disappeared, and new constantly shifting, space-age, neon-colored patterns that contained shape shifting entities grew out of the nothing and filled the black void. I know those patterns! DMT! Oh my God there was enough?! The patterns I saw in my first DMT experience were pale in comparison to this powerful cosmic skin that seemed to be unraveling like a flower blossoming before my eyes opening an entrance to somewhere very far

The presence of superior beings became stronger, and then as if awaking from sleep I found myself lying on a table surrounded by humanoid beings in a very bright, white room. My head still felt like it was imploding, but it didn't seem to bother me. "What are you doing here? Why did you go with her? Why is she here?!" They asked me with a startled, defensive tone of voice. They moved aside, and pointed to Sally who was standing about 15 feet from us. She stood silent with that forever present insane, open mouth grin on her face seemingly indifferent to my situation. "WOW." I thought. Even to these tall, powerful god-like beings Salvia is bizarre...she really is a cosmic oddball of a God! "I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing. I had no idea this would happen!" I said helplessly. Salvia left, and they turned
their attention back to me still on the operating table.

They examined my body, touching me here and there quickly but carefully with their cold hands. I could sense they meant no harm, they were just really startled by my arrival. They were on the defensive doing their job. While they checked for physical problems to see if I was trustworthy an Amazonian Shaman appeared in full, regalia. He bent over the table, and spoke strange, beautiful words inches from my face. His leather brown, face searching with deep dark eyes. His words convinced the beings that I was okay to show what they were willing to show me.

They began talking more in their strange language, which to me was no louder than a whisper. They discussed my beliefs, and one of them reached into my body and pulled out a very strong personal belief of mine which was that we should stick to coupling within our own tribe, whites with whites, blacks with blacks, yellows with yellows etc. I don't know why but I felt very comfortable with them, and what they show'd me was mind-shattering visually so much so that I cried tears of joy.

I could not even begin to visually describe what I saw, but I can say what they communicated. They showed me the creation of our species, and the evolution of our species. They narrated it explaining why they created us, and how we will go to the stars if we continue on the same path we are on right now. They said that it is good that we keep mixing racially, and that it will help us reach the stars being more integrated globally as a people. They showed me that a One World Government is needed before going to the stars. These beings were very enthusiastic about our future, and I accepted what they were saying as an open rebuke. I have always been against interracial marriage, because I feel it destroys thousands of years of culture, and identity. I have always been against globalization and consolidation of political and military power because I feel it is sinister in nature...but after seeing what they show'd me I can't help but think I've been wrong.

Now these beings seemed to be physical more or less. They shined brightly and the room seemed to be white because of them. I had a feeling they were Caucasion in appearance. The Shaman bent over looking down at me with a wise grin and next thing I know my eyes were feasting on a radially dynamic field of color and pattern which filled my vision. The colors were predominantly black, green, red, and a little bit of blue. The whole sea of shifting forms was very earthy and organic. Out of the patterns came smirking black faces with big eyes looking up at me as if I were hovering directly above them. I wondered in amazement at their identity because they looked very alien. I couldn't tell if they were African or South American or Indian. The language they were speaking was very strange.

I asked them why millions of Africans were dying of starvation needlessly, and they only smiled widely as if I already knew or would understand soon enough. Then in an instant I was at their feet, and they were examining me. There's a blank area in my memory of what happened as I lay at their feet, but after that I was with another tribe distinctly Native American...only I couldn't tell if they were North American, Meso-American or South American Natives. After that I seemed to be in the midst of an Asiatic Tribe.

I was totally taken off-guard by the course of this cosmic journey. I was not expecting to meet any people. I was anxious to meet the self-dribbling, basketball shaped, machine elves that Terrance Mckenna spoke of! I didn't see anything like that. The people were very puzzling to me. I'm not sure if I was traveling through time visiting these tribes on Earth, if I was with them in their afterlife or if they were the Alien predecessors of the peoples of Earth. They did seem quite Alien.

I do feel enlightened in every sense of the word to my very core. I was educated by the Gods.
I can no longer call myself a StudentofSalvia. She is amazing in her own twisted nut-job ways, but she is far below the spirit beings of DMT in that white room. She is more of a friend to me now, and a helpful friend in that I think I have her to thank for the breakthrough. It was as if I were the passenger in her spaceship taxi and she drove with light speed to my destination.

One thing that amazed me was the length of my trip which totaled 45 minutes! What I mean by that is the first segment was about 10 minutes, and the cold air in my room brought me back. So I shut the windows, toked twice and was back in it right were I left off! It lasted another 20 minutes and then they told me to go tell someone what I saw so I would not forget. I got my sitter, my brother, who was outside the room and told him everything. Then another 2 tokes and I was gone for another 15 minutes right where I left off! One thing I noticed with those last 2 tokes was that I didn't collapse immediately on my bed like the previous departures. I looked around my room and everything was warped, and shifting. My artwork on the walls came alive; intense OEV's and then I broke through.

Now I've never read anything about three breakthroughs back to back. From what I've read DMT is one round trip only, that is why I think I have the awesome power of Salvia to thank for launching me successfully. Has anyone here tried this?! If so did you feel an intense headache for hours after doing so like me? It was well worth it but damn what a headache.

The whole experience was life changing, I can't say that enough. Another thing they showed me that was mindblowing was the fact that art which people make is inspired by things that actually exist in these other dimensions! People are subconsciously drawing their inspiration from other planes of consciousness without even knowing. They showed me something utilitarian and then it morphed into the hands of a tribal woman as beads and a dress with the same texture and colors. Totally weird stuff. They showed me that where words fail miserably, Art succeeds as a higher form of communication.

Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#2 Posted : 8/26/2009 9:10:54 PM

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Dude that's unbelievably awesome. Why settle for a bunch of elves when you can talk to awesome beings like this!
#3 Posted : 8/27/2009 12:11:36 AM

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Inspirational report! Instills me with hope for the future!

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#4 Posted : 8/27/2009 5:15:38 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:
Dude that's unbelievably awesome. Why settle for a bunch of elves when you can talk to awesome beings like this!

SWIM says: Yes, I'm in no way disappointed! It was a very surreal human experience...I think that's why I remembered 95% of what happened; like one of those special dreams you never forget. If it were irrational and totally Alien like with the machine elves from what I read I would not be able to compute what happens and store everything in memory.

The whole experience blew my expectations out of the water once I realized in the beginning from the smoke that the DMT had saturated the Salvia smoke and taken charge. I believe the Salvia acted essentially as a cannon that shot me (a human cannonball) into DMT hyperspace so to speak. I can't say with precision how many mg of DMT were in the bowl but I would gestimate between 5-15mg. It was such a tiny amount! What I want to know is if anyone else here has tried this combination because I'm really excited about my accidental discovery. I just need to figure out what else to add to the mix to prevent the headache.

pandora wrote:
Inspirational report! Instills me with hope for the future!

Yes, it gives me hope as well.Smile

So to anyone who reads this, and is having trouble with breakthroughs I highly recommend the sandwich method using Salvia. Also, anyone who would like to be able to be re-launched successfully immediately after you come back to Earth She is your ticket. I used regular, and a fat dose of 10X on top that filled most of the bowl. Don't worry Salvia knows her place as a servant to the DMT spirits. She couldn't keep control if she wanted to.
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#5 Posted : 8/27/2009 5:48:41 PM

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That was a pretty awesome report. It's interesting to see how they actually educated you and how friendly they were, even though your brought in salvia. It's not the first time hearing about DMT and Salvia not going well together....

If so did you feel an intense headache for hours after doing so like me? It was well worth it but damn what a headache.

SWIM always gets a pretty nasty headache/migraine from long travels.
#6 Posted : 8/27/2009 6:49:09 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
That was a pretty awesome report. It's interesting to see how they actually educated you and how friendly they were, even though your brought in salvia. It's not the first time hearing about DMT and Salvia not going well together....

Thanks, I feel extremely fortunate, and grateful for having experienced what so few people in the world experience. It is an awesome time we live in where the secrets of existence are available to us, the fearless few who escape our extremely sickened society.

So you've read other reports of people mixing DMT and enhanced Salvia? I can't find any here.

obliguhl wrote:
SWIM always gets a pretty nasty headache/migraine from long travels.

Okay, so you're saying that DMT journeys alone cause massive headaches in which case it wasn't Salvia's fault. There must be something herbal that can ease that immense pressure....

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#7 Posted : 8/31/2009 12:11:02 PM

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Wow... Thanks for sharing.

Here's a report from

"In the 3 times I've tried it, the first two I had a reason to go. The second time I wanted to piggy back a salvia trip into a DMT trip. She(salvia) would not allow that to happen. She mocked me and paralyzed me and threw things at me. She made me feel like I was insane. She demands respect and I won't go back without a reason."

But this method differs from yours.
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#8 Posted : 8/31/2009 2:50:26 PM

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StudentofSalvia wrote:

So you've read other reports of people mixing DMT and enhanced Salvia? I can't find any here.

A foaf who is very experienced with salvia tried salvia with DMT and found that the salvia blocked the DMT breakthru. Another time he tried using some cannabis first, then tried the combo of salvia and spice and this combination was most excellent. It seemed that the cannabis acted as an enabler for the spice/salvia combination. He tried this another time and didn't get the same results he chalks it up to sometimes things work better than other times and he doesn't quite know why.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#9 Posted : 8/31/2009 3:29:35 PM

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My most blissful, and long lasting changa experience was some changa with a nice pinch of was like amazing psychedelic opium. One was so incredibly blissed out and content just to be that you couldn't move. A beautiful afterglow as well. Now all my changa has a little pinch of Salvia added...never managed to recreate that particular feeling though.
#10 Posted : 8/31/2009 4:31:36 PM

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Awesome report! I love a bit of salvia with spice as well..for some reason I barely ever do this though..but it's really cool when i do!
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 8/31/2009 6:34:20 PM

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SWIM replies to the following quotes:
PsilocybeChild wrote:
Wow... Thanks for sharing.

Here's a report from

"In the 3 times I've tried it, the first two I had a reason to go. The second time I wanted to piggy back a salvia trip into a DMT trip. She(salvia) would not allow that to happen. She mocked me and paralyzed me and threw things at me. She made me feel like I was insane. She demands respect and I won't go back without a reason."

But this method differs from yours.

That's interesting, because Salvia didn't have a problem with what I set myself up for unknowingly, and actually helped me succeed in breaking through intentionally twice more.

mad_banshee wrote:
A foaf who is very experienced with salvia tried salvia with DMT and found that the salvia blocked the DMT breakthru. Another time he tried using some cannabis first, then tried the combo of salvia and spice and this combination was most excellent. It seemed that the cannabis acted as an enabler for the spice/salvia combination. He tried this another time and didn't get the same results he chalks it up to sometimes things work better than other times and he doesn't quite know why.

Hmmn, I guess what I'm gathering is that whether or not the Salvia extract/Spice combo works or is a positive experience is dependent on the user, and his/her relationship to both entheogens. I didn't need cannabis.

Bancopuma wrote:
My most blissful, and long lasting changa experience was some changa with a nice pinch of was like amazing psychedelic opium. One was so incredibly blissed out and content just to be that you couldn't move. A beautiful afterglow as well. Now all my changa has a little pinch of Salvia added...never managed to recreate that particular feeling though.

I felt that psychedelic opiate is amazing!

fractal enchantment wrote:
Awesome report! I love a bit of salvia with spice as well..for some reason I barely ever do this though..but it's really cool when i do!

Thanks. What happens when you mix? Do you have a DMT breakthrough, a Salvia breakthrough or do you breakthrough at all? Do you use regular Salvia or enhanced 5X, 10X, 20X, etc.? I'm very curious to know because as you can see there is very little to read on the subject aside from what we're saying.
Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#12 Posted : 8/31/2009 7:50:33 PM

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I have used both plain leaf and 3x with sort of widens the DMT visions and yeah, helps me break through..the breakthrough this way is very smooth..which makes sense becasue low doses of salvia are extremely smooth..the smoothest entheogen I can think of at lower doses.

I did this once with 3x and about 20mg of spice, while sitting in my tent in the forest at a psytrance party in the mountains..I was camping beside a river and when i broke through it was like I could see into the forst with my eyes closed, and rushing river was like white noise in the background that helped me to trance was actually very pablo amaringo-esque..something DMT really doesn't do to me..although psilocybin does..I dont knwo why that is..I want to try some plain leaf on mushrooms one day..but mushrooms for me are the most frightening/real and visionary psychedelic I can possibly think of taking, soI havent gotten the courage to try this combo yet..which is ironic becasue I have taken mushrooms well over 100 times and love them..but it takes ALOT of courage these days for me to work with themCrying or very sad
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 8/31/2009 8:05:40 PM

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Well I don't think I've had a full breakthrough (I'm under the impression I will know when I have), but I add just a leaf or two that my Salvia plants have shed when I make up a changa mix.
#14 Posted : 8/31/2009 11:39:22 PM

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beautiful experience brother! i have also worked with the king and the queen together. very intense, powerful, all-in, full-on, massive amounts of complete surrender are experienced...

i have never smoked the two together as i don't smoke the queen...i quid the leaves of a big plant i got.....during the peak i (with great difficulty i might add) i hit the vapor genie with the spice....

so hard to smoke or do anything that requires dexterity when the queen has you....those energy vortex twisting and cross-twisting're like a towel getting wrung out and you somehow have to hold something in your mouth and light it and inhale all in synchronistic fashion...??

i am really touched by your journey. not that mine was bad per se....just more that i have a very challenging relationship with salvia. i never have a visit where i don't feel like i just barely escaped with my life afterward....dmt is MUCH more friendly and blissfully touching to this swimmer. i'm in favor of the seratonin system as a portal to my enlightenment...the kappa opiod receptor doesn't come with any love-bliss guarantees..... Shocked

you're a new member i see...WELCOME MY FRIEND! i've been away for a little while but i'm back now and you'll be seeing more of me. i am a devoted student of the spirit molecule and have done a lot of "church going" . tales of deep exploration as well as entheogenic EXPLORATION such as your combining two extremely powerful medicines....they make a part of me smile. they are not for the faint of heart..that's for certain.....but as one can clearly tell by reading your experience, they are ALWAYS deeply rewarding.

thanks for that! Smile

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#15 Posted : 9/1/2009 1:43:42 AM

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Bancopuma wrote:
Well I don't think I've had a full breakthrough (I'm under the impression I will know when I have), but I add just a leaf or two that my Salvia plants have shed when I make up a changa mix.

Interesting you have not brocken through yet..I find it hard to really break all the way through at times as well..only about 20% of the time I really do make it to the other side..but yeah, you will definatily know when you do!

For me it's as if my third eye area starts protruding out of my head, quickly forming a morphing, spinning tunnel, sucking me in..and usually I will see the fibionacci(sp?) sequence spiral thing at the end of it and once I am at the end of the tunnel it becomes this vast room..really weird but VERY awesome. Most of the time the room in like a giant shaft actually that is pulsating with energy and it seemes to go up for a long distance, sometimes with the domed roof..and then the entities...

I dont think it's a dose thing either..I have brocken through on only 25mg more than once..I usually take some MAOI's with my spice as well, so when I dont break through it's more like a half hour aya trip. When I do break though reguardless of the cappi I take before hand, breakthrough is still only 3-5 minutes, and then 30-60 minute aya like afterglow.
Long live the unwoke.
#16 Posted : 9/1/2009 1:48:47 AM

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Antrocles..thats crazy that you can still smoke spice after quidding! I will need to try that one day much do you quid when spice is involved?

I usually smoke both together becasue salvia incapacitates me!..I can see why you dont like to smoke her though..I think I have learned all I can from taking her with that method..Every time I quid though it's really gentle..never brocken through with quids yet.
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 9/1/2009 7:10:38 PM

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SWIM responds to quotes:
fractal enchantment wrote:
I have used both plain leaf and 3x with sort of widens the DMT visions and yeah, helps me break through..the breakthrough this way is very smooth..which makes sense becasue low doses of salvia are extremely smooth..the smoothest entheogen I can think of at lower doses.

I did this once with 3x and about 20mg of spice, while sitting in my tent in the forest at a psytrance party in the mountains..I was camping beside a river and when i broke through it was like I could see into the forst with my eyes closed, and rushing river was like white noise in the background that helped me to trance was actually very pablo amaringo-esque..something DMT really doesn't do to me..although psilocybin does..I dont knwo why that is..I want to try some plain leaf on mushrooms one day..but mushrooms for me are the most frightening/real and visionary psychedelic I can possibly think of taking, soI havent gotten the courage to try this combo yet..which is ironic becasue I have taken mushrooms well over 100 times and love them..but it takes ALOT of courage these days for me to work with themCrying or very sad

Awesome. It's good to know that Salvia helps others breakthrough on DMT. I've never done mushrooms, but I plan on getting some from a friend of mine soon. I want to try the Salvia/Shroom combo and the Shroom/DMT combo...I wonder what would happen if one made it a Trio? The most powerful synergy of spirit molecules possible maybe? Ah, but then there's Mescaline...hmmm so many possibilities. My San Pedro are just about ready to show me their way. Shocked

antrocles wrote:
beautiful experience brother! i have also worked with the king and the queen together. very intense, powerful, all-in, full-on, massive amounts of complete surrender are experienced...

Thanks for the warm welcome, antrocles! I'm glad to know that you veterans get the same benefits from this combo that I'm getting. It means I'm not crazy! For some stupid reason I thought I sensed a negative stigma against Salvia floating around the Nexus. Fortunately it was just my vain imagination. I'm happy to share my experience with you! You, and everyone else here are the only ones that understand, and take me seriously. I've told my friends about my journeys and they just give me a blank stare like I'm crazy except for the friend who told me about DMT in the first place of course. I ask them to join me, and they just shake their heads...gutless cowards they are! They are undeserving of such enlightenment.

Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#18 Posted : 9/2/2009 1:48:25 AM

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DiscipleofSpice wrote:
I've told my friends about my journeys and they just give me a blank stare like I'm crazy except for the friend who told me about DMT in the first place of course. I ask them to join me, and they just shake their heads...gutless cowards they are! They are undeserving of such enlightenment.

I know how you feel, but you should realize the the US government has spend many billions of dollars in brainwashing its citizens to fear "drugs" and over several decades. These people who give you the blank stare are victims of the brainwashing and can no longer think for themselves.

I have friends from the 60's that I used to trip with who also get all freaky when I try to tell them about spice or salvia. They ask me what I "need" that stuff for. So I ask them why they "need" that beer or glass of wine, but I might as well be talking to the wall. Decades of government brainwashing as well as many years of raising kids has turned them into Stepford people.

Just be glad that you've kept your mind open and that they ( the govt) haven't taken your soul from you!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#19 Posted : 9/2/2009 7:12:11 AM

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mad_banshee wrote:
I know how you feel, but you should realize the the US government has spend many billions of dollars in brainwashing its citizens to fear "drugs" and over several decades. These people who give you the blank stare are victims of the brainwashing and can no longer think for themselves.

Yes, I have tried to tell them about government brainwashing, but they only stare at me harder lol but seriously. I do feel lucky to be where I am today, soul, and mind intact.
Every post made past, present, and future by DiscipleofSpice is purely fiction.
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#20 Posted : 9/2/2009 5:09:33 PM

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to be fair, the combining of salvia and dmt is NOT for the feint of heart. i would suggest it only to those who have had a fair amount of experience with both medicines. it is extremely powerful and always leaves me a little "drained" in the cranium for a few hours afterwards....
when i quid, i usually take 3-5 leaves that about the size of my hand (i have big hands). quid quid quid and when i'm going under i get myself in position on my already set-up bed with my preloaded vaporgenie at my side...
it is difficult beyond words when you are under the queen's control to do anything of your own free will. actually, a while back when i overdid it with some green-goddess tincture i was actually "possessed" for lack of a better word. i was picked up, marched around, slammed down on my knees at the lapping ocean's edge....really intense....
adding dmt to this powerful experience actually deepens it AND makes it more gentle. DMT is a loving force. it almost feels like it "soothes" the salvia and explains that "hey, this is a fragile little human we're working on here....let's not freak him out..."

sally don't like to tone her game down for anyone....but i think that she and the king have a special love for one another. last time i took them together it was like giving the sage goddess access to a neat magical power. without blinking she knew just how to work with it and proceeded to give a master class on how to be everything. humbling.

humbling indeed.

i would recommend this combo to the experienced psychonaut....but it's one i wouldn't find myself doing but a handful of times a year. takes a while to digest it all....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
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