I had a rather pleasant low dose experience this morning with some smoked plain leaf. As is my usual ritual I loaded up first with some rue harmala loaded marshmallow leaf and meditation. I then partook of a small amount of plain leaf Sally and got some nice expansion in my consciousness and some subtle gravity waves.
I then had another go around about 5 minutes later. Effects were slow to kick in but I then started getting some more gravity pulling from my front passing by my side which then turned into a full on embrace like I was getting a hug from the salvia gravity! An embrace from the goddess... A nice interface with a divine plant spirit, it felt beautiful and plastered a smile on my face
Who else here enjoys the low dose effects of plain leaf?
I found it such a nice way to start the day and calibrate myself. Wonderful mood lift and euphoria after the experience and for most of the day. I could do this everyday as my morning ritual. I do like to delve deeper into the visual realms at night time and in total darkness, but this was a beautiful experience for a day time meeting.
"The love I've made is the shape of my space"