Just when I thought I hit the limit with the mimosa/rue (30g mimosa, 5g rue then an additional 20g mimosa then another 10g and more), things get even more (this space intentionally left blank).
Damn, I'm amazed. This experience involves just 7g of mimosa and 5g of rue. The last experience was a mere shadow of this one and I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face that time. Visuals were as expected, those characteristic of 7g. However something essentially amazing happened this time, I'll only give the highlights as the rest is stuff only significant to me. Keep in mind that I've had like 100+ dreams, I'm not that much of a newb to this experience though I'm certainly far and away from being a shaman. I don't get visions or visuals anymore (well, not the "in your face" type in any case), just a blank white/grey/ethereal canvas and a direct connect to the source.
Picture this, peaking on 7g and the classical white-ish pixellated canvas appears and swirls around as per usual, giving way to the tubular stuff, this is an indication that one is near the peak. I am rather tense and anxious, mind heavily cluttered. I'm having difficulty silencing the mind when an ego-centric thought comes to my head. The thought of "I" in a way that is associated with the self triggers memories of previous dissolutions. There is a thin but powerful veil separating me in reality and an infinite nothingness on the other side, the veil is in my mind in a hard to describe manner; those who have sensed this will know what I'm talking about. At this point my mind was racing and cluttered, then I get to the "I" centric thought.
Cue a sudden fleeting moment of complete stillness, a sense of deep calm which is rather hard to explain. Then through the veil comes a loving message in that calm instant of time, telepathic in its delivery. It's obscenely difficult to put it into words. In English it would be along the lines of "surrender, embrace, let go, clear all doubts, silence, be free, become love, become nothingness". It's really not something I can put into words but I'm sure peeps on this forum will understand the nature of this message and some of you may have gotten the exact same such message. It is like a packet of consciousness, or "quale". In any case, the message enveloped my soul and threw my consciousness into that state. And then I just was. Bodyless, formless, timeless, in complete bliss, unity, joy, love, peace. After what seems like a rather long time, I come back out of this state and piece together what the hell just happened.
Believe me, I've been far beyond gone and nothing has compared to this. There were no exhilarating rushes characteristic of 10g+ experiences. It's literally like I'm near the peak and God just says "fuck it, come in, I'll open the door and you can take a tour".
Another highlight; standing up opposite a fairly large and beautiful tree, oblivious that it is there. A vision of immense energy and euphoria in my mind's eye rushing through me, I feel like a warrior of light or something. Until I notice the tree. It's difficult to explain but it's as if the tree is watching me imagine this and laughing, in the same way that your wise old grandfather would laugh at your naivety as a toddler doing toddler things. A message from the tree, along the lines of "all that energy and power, yet I tower over you, you are small and undeveloped; look how still and serenely peaceful I am, look at how my leaves sway in the breeze, look at how conscious I am and you have merely a glimpse of my world" along with a strong sensation of being on the recieving end of a classic "you have much to learn, young padawan" sorta vibe.
Another message pushed through, along the lines of "you may conceal your thoughts from others but God sees ALL, purify your mind and strive to do so permanently". I've noticed a sudden shift in my thought patterns now; where I would get a case of road rage, that sudden surge of "OMG ARSEHOLE ALMOST TOOK MY LEG OFF" is replaced with an empathetic understanding, same with essentially all negative thoughts. I hope this is a permanent effect.
I didn't even get this far smoking the spice. It's not so much the ego-death, it's more so the way in which it was delivered, there is a sense of certainty that you are dealing with something rather powerful (and by that I mean infinitely so) on the other side. In the past I have rested just on the transition point of that veil but today I slowly but completely slipped into the other side. Now I understand the whole point of meditation. Silencing your mind in the right manner will give the source a chance to speak, provide and nourish you. Being in the moment is exactly what it's all about.
Peace to all