Odd & wonderful manifestations of healing Options
#1 Posted : 8/25/2009 12:47:27 AM

Got Naloxone?

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SWIM's psychedelic sabbatical is beginning to draw to an end. She will probably move back home with her husband and get a "day job" within the next 2-3 months. Thus far, this has been an amazing time.

SWIM has been using spice with a heavy degree of regularity, perhaps upwards of 3-4 times a week, 2-3 times per session. She has found her optimal dose to be 45mg. It gets her to hyperspace every time as long as her intentions are good and her vaporization is committed.

Amazing things have been happening. Please remember, SWIM used to identify as stone-cold atheist/agnostic and thought she'd never see anything like elves . . .

Her journals are copious, but she hopes to be able to sum it up here.

She was sent to an intense "preschool" where she was in a fantastic infinite yet bounded room that had spinning rods with giant singular letters and numbers. Everything pulsing and changing in time with the siren-sounding "carrier wave." Whenever she tried to look at a wall, floor or ceiling, this surface would recede away rapidly but at an angle, to infinity.

She had her first vague elf encounter when she found herself in front of a spinning slice of a cube with archetypal images shifting on the faces. She was convinced there was a jester-type person off to the right spinning this cube. She wishes she could remember the specfic images. She tried to call/reach out to this person but was not successful.

She next danced with what she now believes were elf children. She found herself rapidly surrounded by the most joyous, ever-tranforming, colorful, anthorpomorphic entities who had hands joined and were dancing in a free-fall circular formation somewhat reminiscent of the free fall formations that skydivers make . . .These elves seemed to be all about the party, the dance, the celebration, the joy. They radiated appreciation and approval for DMT . . .

The next experience SWIM described as taking her to red on the bizarre meter and orange on the creep meter. She is a bizarre and creepy person so she likes to think she can take a lot on this front, but she also ultimately still views herself as a rational person . . .She was thouroughly examined in hyperspace. She was completely paralyzed in a way she had not yet experienced in hyperspace. She was in a room filled with distracting and stimulating objects that were designed to catch and hold her attention. She had outrageous tactile hallucinations. She told those she loved that she had been violated in a non-sexual manner and that her soul had been cut into slices and examined up close. She felt reminded of the weighing of the heart ceremony which would determine your outcome in the afterlife in Ancient Egypt. Whenever SWIM tried to figure out what was happening, some new distraction would get her attention. She came out of this journey with tears in her eyes.

She went in the next night feeling she had unfinished business in hyperspace. She found herself in the most bounded space she has ever encountered in hyperspace. Actually, she thinks it might have been an elf house. It was the interior of some structure with rooms and halls, but the ceilings were right above SWIM's head. She explored for a short while then came upon a room that she entered. This room had three anthropomorphic entities sitting on stools holding fascinating spinning objects that were ever transforming. Whenever SWIM tried to focus on one of these objects it would float away and the elf on that stool would begin to rapidly spin up another one. The objects were themselves made out of smaller component (different shapes) objects, kind of a tryptamine man-of-war . . .

SWIM's next session involved a light warmup of only about 20 mg which kind of got her in the right space. She then tried another lower dose, around 30-35 mg and found herself almost in hyperspace and resisting it for some weird reason. She found herself shivering with cold when the weather exceeded 80 degrees . . . She came out of this understanding that something weird and psychosomatic was happening. She lay in the bed awhile, got comfortable with the temperature and knew she was ready for the breakthrough dose. A tiny part of her thought of backing out and eating a cannabis carot-cake muffin instead . . .She felt something change in the room. The air became electric. Something tickled the right side of her temple. . .This was so very strange. She knew she had to vape the 45 mg now! She did.

She actually made it to the third hit. It was almost valueless - she had gotten the dose already and knew it. She could hear the carrier wave and the room was breaking up. She put the pipe down, lay down and lowered a blindfold.

She was IMMEDIATELY taken to hyperspace. Usually there is a climb-up transition. Not here. She was taken to a realm of pure and absolute ecstacy. She had experienced heavy ecstacy and pure bliss in the mystical realm, but this was something else. Though this place did feel timeless and beyond life, beyond death . . .SWIM laughed AND cried, intensely and heavily throughout her entire stay. She was floating in a magenta field. Nothing was visible except for the sounds coming out of her mouth.

When SWIM came out of hyperspace she was yelling, "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" sounding just like somebody having an orgasm or something. Except SWIM had just had a five-minute soul-orgasm! She is surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops! She is glad she was alone, what with all the yelling and tears an observer might have concluded she was having a "bad trip."

When SWIM came out of hyperspace she laughed longer, harder and deeper than she ever has in her life. She laughed deeply and uncontrollably with tears streaming out of her eyes for close to 10 minutes.

When she finally "pulled herself together" she still chuckled and looked completely, eye-bugging-out-of-head insane in the mirror. The insane smile didn't hurt this impression. The whole thing only helped to drive the laughter. And this is 30 minutes later when she is up and going to the bathroom!

SWIM came away from this feeling healed! She cannot explain exactly what happened or how she was healed or even for how long or how deeply, but she was healed! She feels that the "exam" was her subconscious (or perhaps the hyperspace entities) getting necessary data for the healing treatment.

Outrageous, fantastic, mind-blowing! A radically different experience every time, yet personally meaningful themes can be eked out . . .There is something going on below the regular level of reality. It may in fact just be a planck's distance away, but the LHC will never have enough energy to penetrate . . .yet 45 mg of spice can put SWIM there in about 90 seconds . . .

Peace & Love,

Pandora attached the following image(s):
dunecat.jpg (46kb) downloaded 80 time(s).
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#2 Posted : 8/25/2009 8:53:30 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 285
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Last visit: 28-Jan-2014
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Thanks Pandora, a pleasure as ever to read SWIY's experiences. I wish I knew why our minds can't access 'the realm of pure and absolute ecstacy' by default. I would happily settle for the realm of quiet calm, anything but this land of hungry ghosts which is all I know.
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