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Posts: 51 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 10-Jun-2015
Last night(x-mas) my friend had the worst experience ever. He's new to this stuff. Been smoking about a month, prob 3-5 days out of the week, but maybe only once or twice the first week. He wrote the next little passage about 30 minutes after he "woke up" from the trip. He went to sleep about an hour after he wrote, and had some crazy dreams last night, has no idea of what, and woke up this morning feeling very confused. Today he's been in a somewhat disoriented head space. Not feeling completely [i:03bc0cee5a]there[/i:03bc0cee5a]. He's not certain what to make of it. All of his experiences have been beautiful, enjoyable, and a few very intense but remaining a good experience. Does this happen to any of you? What do you make of it? He wants to enjoy the wonders of the spice again, but might be a little afraid of having another experience such as that. Here's the passage he wrote(unedited): "i think i just saw the end of the world. I have no clue what happend. Nothing made sense. it seemed like everything was falling apart, i was losing my life, my soul, my world. it's 30 min after I 'woke up'. I have no idea what happend. I just figured out how to operate a computer. I have almost no clue how much i smoked. I had drank 4 beers before I smoked. At this point, I'm not certain the world will ever make sense again. I know i need to write. I didn't have music on, no incense burning. I was alone. It was like a screaming inside my head. I have no FUCKING clue what I saw/experienced, and that scared teh shit out of me. I could make sense of nothing. I came out, everything was hitting me a mile a minute. the computer wouldn't work, the phone wouldn't work, nothing would work. I was freaking out b/c i couldn't make sense of the things that were happening to me. I walked out side, i got scared. i came back inside, and all the amentities of this world were freaking me out. nothing made sense. I made a few attempts at human contact, but no one was there. It's 1:30 am/ everyone is sleeping, of course. What was the cause? To much? to drunk? no music to "coach" me? Abuse of a power greater than myself? I have no fucking idea. I just had the shit scared out of me. I have no how long it lasted. I can't tell if I'm affected by the beer right now, or if I'm just disacciated with the world. WHAT THE FUCK just happend? Holy shit. I was just cuddled up in bed w/ my cute g/f watching a movie and making sweet love less than 2 hours ago. Then, like nothing, the world ceased to make sense. I feel like all I need to do is get in bed, watch tv, and go to sleep. But that all seems so trivial. What is tv? and why is it worth a shit to me? Why is anything worth a shit to me? It sounds like I've got a lot to contemplate. How will I react in the morning. Did I abuse a ritual as a recreation? It's no joke. This fucking shit is no joke. I wanted to throw it all away, and tell everyone to never do this again. Everything has been so positive up until this point. Why the break? What gives? I have NO FUCKING clue. Now that I'm thinking about it. I smoked A LOT. I remember numerous HUGE hits out of the machine. I put a lot in there. A LOT. Easily 200mg. Easily. Was it my barely drunk courage that made that happen. I can't let go of the screaming. It wasn't a human scream, it was like the sound of an highpowered engine topping out. Man o man. " He would appreciate your thoughts.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 20 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 27-Mar-2012 Location: know-where
My friend had also had a bad experience on Christmas eve. My friend has only been experimenting with spice for 2 weeks so he is not sure about making his way around hyperspace. He had smoked some spice earlier in the evening with the "usual" beautiful geometric patterns. He wanted a "breakthrough" so he tried another big hit and held it until he could no longer stand the vibrations. At this point a wave of primordial fear hit him as he felt that he was existing in a dimension where human beings do not belong (probably due to the fear). The world looked plastic, which seems like a usual theme with spice, but not just plastic, everything in the room was vibrating and pulsing like something out of Videodrome. Anything my friend looked at became 3 dimensional with different patterns moving at the surface and down below. He thought that looking at the tiles on the wall was the equivalent of looking into a pool or pond; the depth was incredible. He claimed that time cam close to stopping , the second hand on the clock stopped moving and he became afraid that he would be trapped in this "reality" for eternity. Luckily the "real reality" eventually leaked back in and he was able to communicate once again with his fellow primates. Does this stuff ever scare the shit out of anyone else or is my friend just to weak for this experiance? Too much perfection is a mistake.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 51 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 10-Jun-2015
My friend has some more questions for those of you who've had negative experiences. After the bad experience, when did you decide to give it another go? Is it something that you'll know is the right thing to do? He has absolutely LOVED all of his experiences up until last night. His brain is working a million miles a minute today, he's just trying to piece it all together. Thanks for any of your thoughts.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Newswimmer, it seems from your description you experienced ego loss and this frightened you making you resist. This can cause discomfort and more fear due to the sheer futility of such a fight on such a high dose. As far as the triviality of every day things goes ive had that too off acid and salvia but theres a positive to come out of it. Think of the creativity and imagination that goes into some tv programmes and the things you can learn and see that you wouldnt normally see.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Just because its thrown up some tough questions and brought you out of your comfort zone you shouldnt be so hasty in calling it a negative experience. Sometimes psycedelics cause us to question the nature of existence and our place in this universe. You can learn from this and reaquaint yourself with the value of your life and the beauty of this physical realm. The 'screaming' is a common effect of dmt ignore it in the future.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Go back once youve digested the experience with your new perspective and you might learn even more but prepare to submit your entire being to it and dont resist. Maybe dont put quite so much on next time too.  Open your mind to anything and be prepared to be challenged. 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 51 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 10-Jun-2015
[quote:479f6a0440="DreaMTripper"]Just because its thrown up some tough questions and brought you out of your comfort zone you shouldnt be so hasty in calling it a negative experience. Sometimes psycedelics cause us to question the nature of existence and our place in this universe. You can learn from this and reaquaint yourself with the value of your life and the beauty of this physical realm. The 'screaming' is a common effect of dmt ignore it in the future.[/quote:479f6a0440] Mtripper....My friend thanks you for your outlook. It's definitely raised questions, and he certainly needs to do more internal exploring. It's near impossible for him to not call this negative. I'm sure he will find the silver lining sooner than later, but for now, he can't shake that it was negative. He remembers nothing other than the powerful machine screaming. NOTHING. But came out of it, tried to relax and couldn't. I think next time he's feeling up for it, he'll be going outdoors. It seemed that all the modern conviences around him were freaking him out. He's got a lot of soul traveling to do before he can go back to that world, I believe.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Ubik, looks like you had quite an intense trip but good all the same. Nice report but seems you werent quite prepared for the next level. Dmt is afterall the most powerful and visual psycedelic!  Next time just relax and enjoy the stunning visuals and dont worry we always come back! I wouldnt say you are too weak just were unprepared. 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 494 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 21-Apr-2011 Location: 49 th parallel
Are you going to do it again!? Now you have to ... no..?!~ The phrase "ego death" is no fun and games .. .. or 'ego-dissolution' - they mean 'bye-bye' world. And the ego clings with fear, and all that you know about yourself. Dmt will dissolve your ego, but not always as much as going All the way, into the White Light. Were you expecting any such things as psychic-death..? Or have you not yet entered a non-dualistic existance where yes-and-no become the same thing, where there are no opposites..? This is beyond scary but blissful timelessness. Scary is a dualistic notion, but getting to the White Light, by shreadding your egos definitions away can be scary ! ... You can get to the White-Light with dmt - where time no longer exists, gravity is gone, and you are everything before God lets it become 'made'. Then you come down and the first thought of God is yours... and you fractalize into a bizillion things again - this is a relief and when you realize you just had a Beingasm, and are drenched in love and appreciation for being alive at all ! So, do it again I say ... practice, and skip the beers maybe !
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 20 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 27-Mar-2012 Location: know-where
What is a reasonable amount to use on a regular basis. My problem is that swim has a crazy supply of spice but a limited supply of neurons and synapses. SWIM would like to partake on a daily basis but life and work get in the way. Also after consuming, as Mckenna would say, heroic amounts, SMIM is noticing some side effects such as anxiety, lack of focus on technical matters and such. Nothing serious yet, but has anyone heard of people ending up "flying over the cuckoos nest" from this stuff? Seen that before from Datura but I am still not sure how far to take this and where to draw the line between "reality" and the "cosmic playpen"? Too much perfection is a mistake.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 755 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 06-Jul-2011 Location: France
[quote:1cda10822a]where to draw the line between "reality" and the "cosmic playpen"?[/quote:1cda10822a] Smoke again, there is no such line  Ah well, in my friend's 'normal' state there is indeed such line but it is now more porous, making him to wonder how to focus on technical things that have so few interrest after all  But that lack of interrest does not come from an outside substance, it is more a second effect of some kind of awareness. But when paying the bills will require some technical efforts, I'm pretty sure the inner monkey will do his job to draw that artificial line and focus... I hope... Hmm, is all that have any sense ?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 20 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 27-Mar-2012 Location: know-where
I agree with the sentiment but there is still a need to be able to focus enough at work, especially if the job requires a memorization of complex technical facts and keeping track of minute details in a ever changing software development environment. Is it possible to indulge as much as you want and still come down enough to handle a stressful job or are these 2 things mutually exclusive? If I did not have to work to pay bills and buy food I would gladly give up the technical way of looking at things. Too much perfection is a mistake.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
Moderation is the key, as with many things i believe. It helps me understand my day to day life more and im generally more relaxed and upbeat with no reduction in my functions whatsoever if anything theyve improved. Thats on a once a week basis.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 20 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 27-Mar-2012 Location: know-where
I just found it and my supply is relatively infinite. How do you stick to once a week with out crashing? Too much perfection is a mistake.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
[quote:50de2d71c1="ubik"]I just found it and my supply is relatively infinite. How do you stick to once a week with out crashing?[/quote:50de2d71c1] Just discipline. The trips need time to be digested anyway and they have greater quality when a few days is between them. Something to look forward to rather than taken for granted as a habit.