"What the fucks going on..?" Options
#1 Posted : 8/21/2009 11:59:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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It's hard to clearly remember what was happening last night, I don't know the chronological order to this, because it was that distorted. I was in the dark, sat down on my bed thinking, gazing silently, but my room was jumbled, furniture everywhere, my bed was raised even though I sleep on an airbed on the floor, I tranced at some point, and this strong enveloping space was taking over, a space I normally get coming over me when I have outer body experiences with conscious starts, and also like I get on heavy ayahuasca sessions, a transition kinda space that takes over everything, probably best described as a forceful death.

I'd be trying hard to keep my eyes open but the will power was been sucked from me like usual, I wasn't ready for letting go, especially seen as I didn't know what the fuck was going on, I was caught off guard. "what the fucks up with this room?" "what the fucks going on..?" What's now amusing is that it didn't even occur to me that I was awake in yet another dream, but I didn't know this, and I always switch on pretty quick, especially when my room doesn't look right. I think because it was all happening so fast, that I didn't have space for any contemplation.

I was fully awake with all this happening, but stuck in that space, normally when I'm awake in dreams I recognise that I'm awake, and that my body is asleep, and if ought kicks off or it gets boring I can just snap myself out of it, but because that didn't register, I was just trying to get out of this dark fucked up room. I remember trying to crawl to the door, but I'd lose energy and get taken into the dark, but then I'd try to snap out of it to get my energy back (as I normally do with this type of space when I'm not ready, which normally sends it away) but it kept coming.
I remember a few times where I'd go in and out of it, but like I was relooping trying to get up and get to the door, I remember that the more it took me, the more fucked up it kinda got, like I'd see my hands in an abstract type way crawling but the direction was twisting all directions but a direction towards the door didn't exist. The space felt sludgey like. I got to the door, and then awoke in my room (actual room) but this space was still with me and because I had low energy from burning it in a conscious way in this state, I could barely move, plus I wasn't quite connected into my body, so I couldn't properly wake myself up, so it came over me again, but I didn't give a fuck at that point because I was now normal me, fearless not give a fuck me haha and knowing what was going on I just gave into it again, but then in this other state, I kept trying to stop it, then it enveloped me again, then I'd stop it, kept doing this, and think I've built an automatic program to it now. Because I was automatically doing this, without fear or anything, like in a thoughtless trance. (Which isn't something I want, because I won't be able to break-through in it anymore).

So anyway, I came back round in my room again, by which time this gravity pulling was fading. I was paying attention to how I was perceiving. And it was quite interesting how sharp my sight was, and how still everything looked. More frames to everything which gives it a cool look.

Was going to mention something the other day about my dreams after my last session with the caapi, rue and mimosa, because my dreams have been more clearer, like all my senses in those states are more dimensional. Also first 2 nights of dreaming after the experience something outside of the normal happened in my dreams, but thats harder to remember because the state was more deeper.

Oh, another thing whilst I'm writing this, the other day as I was preparing for bed, I could feel the presence of my last session, like as if the dose was coming on, but yet it was as if it just showed up outside me, like paying me a visitRolling eyes haha I could even see the light black and white visuals I get after a session.

Even though I had a wonderful trip last time, theres still a part of me that slightly fears a part of my trips, and I think it's a part thats alien like, but has no heart or understanding whatsoever. Which makes a part of me a little anxious. Which then makes me want to go head on with it, because I really hate fear.

Thanks for reading, and if anyone has any awesome dream like stories please share them!


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#2 Posted : 8/22/2009 3:40:36 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Your first two paragraphs definitely remind me of a pretty uncomfortable trip I had. I took what I suspected was a higher dose, and the visuals that I got were not very fun - I didn't get any of the fractals or colors or lights, but rather my room had suddenly become completely jumbled and all the objects in it were arranged EVERYWHERE, it was like an MC Escher painting. All I could do was look around and see various objects and surfaces repeating themselves, and my mind simply could not comprehend what was going on. To make things worse, every time it seemed like things were returning to normal, it all came back in waves again. Ever since then I have decided only to have closed eye trips until I feel comfortable enough to open my eyes again. Having hyperspace overlap with your own reality can actually be a lot more freaky than one might think...
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#3 Posted : 8/22/2009 2:59:45 PM


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O&C. Swim knows exactly what you mean! Swim got overcome by a single large toke recently and once again(maybe the fourth or fifth time) the things in the room he was in became jumbled, smoothed over like glossy clay, overlapping, etc. Swim was not sure he was not his girlfriend on the other sofa! The best part though was the firework effect. It overlapped anything of the same particular tan color in the room and ONLY that color. It was as if instead of a 'green screen' effect in the movies it was a 'tan brown screen' effect with fireworks overlaid. Intense and wonderful.
The cable music station was on some cool soundscapes channel and all of a sudden in the middle of this instrumental ambient electronic music a voice says something like,"It is imperative that you do what the spirit tells you to do." Nothing more...
Swim and his GF cracked up so hard, She later said she thought God was talking to her directly but then she heard swim laughing and they were floored.
All in all a quick but wonderful experience. Swim loves the eyes-open journey. The world just gets shattered. It is truly a sight.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#4 Posted : 8/22/2009 3:39:54 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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OrderAndChaos wrote:
Having hyperspace overlap with your own reality can actually be a lot more freaky than one might think...

You can say that again!
#5 Posted : 8/23/2009 10:10:04 PM

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I didn't get any of the fractals or colors or lights, but rather my room had suddenly become completely jumbled and all the objects in it were arranged EVERYWHERE, it was like an MC Escher painting

It's funny that, when you have expectations, and then there replaced with the unexpected.

#6 Posted : 8/24/2009 1:58:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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OrderAndChaos wrote:
Your first two paragraphs definitely remind me of a pretty uncomfortable trip I had. I took what I suspected was a higher dose, and the visuals that I got were not very fun - I didn't get any of the fractals or colors or lights, but rather my room had suddenly become completely jumbled and all the objects in it were arranged EVERYWHERE, it was like an MC Escher painting. All I could do was look around and see various objects and surfaces repeating themselves, and my mind simply could not comprehend what was going on. To make things worse, every time it seemed like things were returning to normal, it all came back in waves again.

YES! I had that exact same trip one time, the only time i can say i honestly smoked the massive inhalation without thinking about how much i had put on... it was absolutely frightening, i was sure i had died and become pure consciosness and if i didn't relax i'd never return to my body.. well, i returned, and i've been looking to get the same leve of experience again without success, in fact i thought this might have been something to do with the "red jungle" spice.. that batch was actually reddish.

What was weird lookig back is that all other visual experiences have been beautiful and in pattern, but that time was just like.. like you said, an esher painting.. or what i had thought of then was an old itchy/scratchy cartoon on fast-forward.
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