These plants were grown from a cutting handed to my Earthling friend by his teacher. She was given it from the family patch of a Mazatec family she has worked with for years. They call it La Fuerza and it is very special. He was transported to the Salvia Zone after consuming about 10 leaves, thoroughly chewed and swallowed. Time tunneling including looping and precognition, together with a significant reset of reality. There has been limited hand to hand distribution of this variety. The aura around the veins and leaf shape are diagnostic. If you are fortunate to acquire it, treasure it.
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(641kb) downloaded 78 time(s).
(255kb) downloaded 77 time(s).
(1,478kb) downloaded 80 time(s)."You cannot see Me with your normal eyes, therefore I give you divine eyes with which to behold the Power of My Yoga."
Bhagavad Gita, chapter 11, The Universal Form, verse 8