SWIM's First Jungle Spice experience! Options
#1 Posted : 8/14/2009 8:22:45 PM

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SWIM has this to say about his first Jungle Spice experience: I am extremely happy that after spending a month using an old-school Erowid Tek I successfully extracted some spice (which btw smells incredibly good) and reached The Gateway/Entrance! I didn't break through the entrance but I thoroughly enjoyed everything that happened.

The first toke hit me with a strong inebriating sensation and by the third toke I had to lay down. My body felt as if it were melting down to a warm goo. I closed my eyes, and pulsating white on black geometric/fractal patterns filled my vision. Then colors came, deep violet, green, red, blue...all in pulsating, dynamic fractal forms. Eyes appeared in the patterns, and I felt a presence that seemed to be on the other side of the portal to wherever that may be. I was immersed in a sense of euphoria...very pleasurable, and the vibration of the trip was pure, and bright unlike Salvia which from what I've experienced has a tendency to have a slightly dark vibration.

The duration was about ten minutes, followed by an afterglow effect of peacefulness. I used a small glass pipe and heated the crystals slowly until they melted down to an oil, and then was careful to vaporize it without burning it to a black residue. My friend held a torch lighter close to the pipe I held, and the flame never touched the glass or crystals. It worked out well! The experience was nearly two hours ago, and I think I'm ready to try again! There's still a lot of oil inside the glass pipe...How long will the oil stay good for? Anyhow I'm going back to the fractal jungle now...I might report more later!Very happy

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Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 8/14/2009 10:56:44 PM

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.How long will the oil stay good for?

Why do you call SWIY topic "jungle spice" while you are speaking of crystals ?
#3 Posted : 8/15/2009 12:39:43 AM

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SWIM says: Weeks ay? That's convenient! I call it jungle spice because that is what it is to the best of my knowledge. It fits within the general visual description of this thread:

The first pull from my MHRB yielded translucent crystals which I thought were purely DMT but when I scraped them up with a razor blade a brown oil accumulated with the clear crystals that I couldn't see before because all of it was spread out over a large pyrex surface area. The second pull yielded white crystals that had tighter, smaller formations, and when I scraped them together it took on a yellow tan a little lighter than in the picture of the left "tan wax specimen" shown in the above thread link. The first pull I evaporated at room temperature and let the crystals form over a week, and the second pull I partially evaporated at room temp. for a few hours and then placed in a fridge for a day which seemed to suffice.

I used the first pull, and my friend used the second. When both pulls were melted down they both turned into the red/brown oil shown in the linked thread titled, "Red/brown jungle spice goo from Critical Switch Tek (left)." I hope I answered you're question, Garulfo. BTW I'm envious of your salvia garden and baby mimosa's! I have three small Salvia plants, and some San Pedro. I hope to get some Mimosa Hostilis seeds to plant soon!
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#4 Posted : 8/17/2009 12:13:47 AM

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When both pulls were melted down they both turned into the red/brown oil shown in the linked thread

DMT can get brown/red quite easily with very few impurities or by oxydation or heat. It can look likes the jungle spice but is still 'simply' brown DMT.
DMT N-oxyde also look likes "jungle spice" and is quite active and 'smoother' than pure DMT.
Jungle spice is known to be extracted with xylene when mimosa is exausted from DMT. It has a distinct wet and sticky aspect. IN SWIM's experience, jungle spice is less potent than DMT or N-Oxyde and produce different kind of visuals and has no mind-fuck effect.

Well, the name does'nt matter, only the experience does Pleased

SWIM is a bit proud of his salvias. 3 plants are more than 1.5 m tall Smile
Mimosa are funny small plants, they almost 'close' their leafs at night..
#5 Posted : 8/19/2009 5:58:55 AM

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SWIM says: Hmm, now I'm not so sure of myself. It looked like jungle spice to me, but you say it's extracted with xylene; I used Naphtha. I didn't experience any "mind fuck." The CEV's were brilliant but I stayed calm the whole time. Makes me wonder...

I'm excited to try the traditional Salvia quid method once my plants get large enough. Do you prefer quid over smoking Salvia?
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#6 Posted : 8/19/2009 12:44:38 PM

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In case you missed it, see for a jungle spice experience.

For the salvia, it depends the aim. Quid is the best for a meditative/introspective trip.
#7 Posted : 8/19/2009 5:49:36 PM

The Great Namah

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StudentofSalvia wrote:
SWIM says: Hmm, now I'm not so sure of myself. It looked like jungle spice to me, but you say it's extracted with xylene; I used Naphtha. I didn't experience any "mind ----." The CEV's were brilliant but I stayed calm the whole time. Makes me wonder...

I'm excited to try the traditional Salvia quid method once my plants get large enough. Do you prefer quid over smoking Salvia?

If you used Naphtha you don't have jungle spice. Jungle Spice is not soluable in Naphtha, in fact that is how we seperate out the N,N DMT from the Jungle Spice, the jungle forms a puddle when hot naphtha is poured over the extraction from Toluene, Xylene, or D-limonene, and I think DCM will also pull jungle.

Since you took a month with your extraction I suspect you have a TON of oils in your spice, probably a small amount of DMT N-Oxide as well. This produces a different experience (subjectively of course) than crystal clear DMT.

The Spice extends life
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#8 Posted : 8/19/2009 5:49:37 PM

The Great Namah

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StudentofSalvia wrote:
SWIM says: Hmm, now I'm not so sure of myself. It looked like jungle spice to me, but you say it's extracted with xylene; I used Naphtha. I didn't experience any "mind ----." The CEV's were brilliant but I stayed calm the whole time. Makes me wonder...

I'm excited to try the traditional Salvia quid method once my plants get large enough. Do you prefer quid over smoking Salvia?

If you used Naphtha you don't have jungle spice. Jungle Spice is not soluable in Naphtha, in fact that is how we seperate out the N,N DMT from the Jungle Spice, the jungle forms a puddle when hot naphtha is poured over the extraction from Toluene, Xylene, or D-limonene, and I think DCM will also pull jungle.

Since you took a month with your extraction I suspect you have a TON of oils in your spice, probably a small amount of DMT N-Oxide as well. This produces a different experience (subjectively of course) than crystal clear DMT.

The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#9 Posted : 8/19/2009 6:32:57 PM

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Garulfo wrote:
In case you missed it, see for a jungle spice experience.

For the salvia, it depends the aim. Quid is the best for a meditative/introspective trip.

Thanks, I did miss that thread somehow. I don't want to strip my plants of a ton of fresh leaves at once so I'm going to use a lot of dried leaves I collected over a long period of time as quid. I read it works the same. I plan on chewing them in Sequoia National Park this weekend. I will report if anything unusual happens meditating on Salvia next to the largest & oldest trees in the world.

acolon_5 wrote:
If you used Naphtha you don't have jungle spice. Jungle Spice is not soluable in Naphtha, in fact that is how we seperate out the N,N DMT from the Jungle Spice, the jungle forms a puddle when hot naphtha is poured over the extraction from Toluene, Xylene, or D-limonene, and I think DCM will also pull jungle.

Since you took a month with your extraction I suspect you have a TON of oils in your spice, probably a small amount of DMT N-Oxide as well. This produces a different experience (subjectively of course) than crystal clear DMT.

SWIM says: K, so it's impossible for it to be Jungle Spice. By oils do you mean DMT or non-alkaloid oils from the MHRB because I removed what little fat there was in the bark. From what I'm gathering this means DMT & DMT N-Oxide can be visually indestinguishable from Jungle spice. Correct me if I'm wrong it's just that when I scraped my pulls they were visually nearly identical to the Jungle shown in the pictures in this thread:
I pride myself on being able to describe what I see and that is what I saw. Thanks guys for the helpful feedback.
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#10 Posted : 8/19/2009 7:37:29 PM

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What people jungle is spice is mostly dmt anyway, most people think dmt is exhausted but its probably not. its just got more impurities in it that seem to potentiate / alter the experience.
Big Inhale
#11 Posted : 8/19/2009 8:50:10 PM

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burnt wrote:
What people jungle is spice is mostly dmt anyway, most people think dmt is exhausted but its probably not. its just got more impurities in it that seem to potentiate / alter the experience.
How do you explain the low doses being so powerful.Jungle Doses at 10 /15 rivaling 50/60mg doses of nn.
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#12 Posted : 8/20/2009 12:58:25 AM

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Jungle spice looks a bit more reddish and it also looks more 'wet' (bright) than DMT N-Oxyde. I suspect however than there is a lot of N-Oxyde in the jungle as SWIM reported some similarities in the visuals. Jungle's visual are pretty different from DMT tough.

Dried leaves works very well in quid but it is quite unpleaseant in mouth. Fresh leaves are more potent. If you are a bit sensitive about salvia one big fresh leave is enough.
#13 Posted : 8/20/2009 8:24:49 AM

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How do you explain the low doses being so powerful.Jungle Doses at 10 /15 rivaling 50/60mg doses of nn.

This is good question jungle is for sure more potent. There is some other compounds in it that may synergize with dmt. Its hard to say. The jungle spice SWIMs friend of a friend had fit all the descriptions that others had and SWIMs friend of a friend analyzed it in detail and detected most dmt along with some other betacarboline like compounds that couldn't be identified with certainty.
#14 Posted : 8/20/2009 8:42:05 PM

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Garulfo wrote:
Jungle spice looks a bit more reddish and it also looks more 'wet' (bright) than DMT N-Oxyde. I suspect however than there is a lot of N-Oxyde in the jungle as SWIM reported some similarities in the visuals. Jungle's visual are pretty different from DMT tough.

Dried leaves works very well in quid but it is quite unpleaseant in mouth. Fresh leaves are more potent. If you are a bit sensitive about salvia one big fresh leave is enough.

One leaf? Wow, I guess I'll see how sensitive I am. The dry leaves shouldn't be a problem. I'm a health freak. I can stomach any earthy morsel people put in front of me...except peanuts, I'm allergic to peanuts!

SWIM says: Well the first pull definitely contained a reddish brown oil that was sticky wet. Like I said in my second post in this thread the first pull yielded nice looking clear crystals and when I scraped the whole pyrex surface the blade gathered the oil along with the crystals.
The second pull didn't yield that oil along with the crystals, instead when I scraped them up they condensed into the light tan waxy substance identical to the jungle shown in that thread I linked to. The differences in pull content my have to do with how I evaporated the solvent differently and exposed them to different temperatures.

burnt wrote:
What people jungle is spice is mostly dmt anyway, most people think dmt is exhausted but its probably not. its just got more impurities in it that seem to potentiate / alter the experience.

I'm just thinking out loud here, because I'm totally new to the process, and I'm soaking in what you guys are saying. There seems to be some discrepancy on where to draw a line between pure spice and jungle.

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