has anyone experienced a person who spice doesnt work on? Options
#1 Posted : 8/16/2009 7:26:15 PM

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OK so SWIM let a friend try it for the first time, a bunch of us did it that night and some had breakthroughs where they hadn't before.. that was nice and SWIM was buzzing off it... but the first timer tried it 3 times, different methods, every time she got the right dosage and seemed to hold it in long enough and everything.... she claims to have felt nothing on it.... has anyone ever experienced a person that spice is ineffective on??? what shocked me was that someone had a proper epic breakthrough or her dregs in a vapo genie ???????? is this even possible?
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#2 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:18:10 PM

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I seem to remember that a certain percentage of people are "immune" to the effects of DMT, according Rick Strassman in DMT:The Spirit Molecule. (don't shoot me if my memory deceived me...)
#3 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:18:28 PM
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That is strange mate. before people round my area could readyly get hold of it one of my mates was saying DMT is shit and it doesnt work and that he had smoked it 3-4 times and felt absouloutly no effects at all! i dont no anything on the subject but it seems fucking weird to me concidering how potent it is with most of us! Confused all i can say is i feel sorry for the people who want to try it then when they get a chance they feel no effects at all kinda sucks really!
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#4 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:26:44 PM

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noothgrush wrote:
I seem to remember that a certain percentage of people are "immune" to the effects of DMT, according Rick Strassman in DMT:The Spirit Molecule. (don't shoot me if my memory deceived me...)

I've read it, but dont seem to recall.. I'll crack it open and get back to you later.
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#5 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:29:32 PM

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To be honest, SWIM knows someone who knows someone who knows someone else who has done even more testing than Rick Strassman, not officially obviously, not gonna discuss it, but never experienced any such occurrence, this would be the first.
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#6 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:42:43 PM

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Well, there are people that are completely immune to the effects of LSD so I don't see why there wouldn’t be people immune to DMT as well.

SWIM knew 1 girl who could not get any psychedelic effects at all from LSD. It has only mild stimulant effects on her even at massive doses. She was not a drug user and was very disappointed because she was fascinated by the effects she read about other people having with LSD and wanted badly to experience them herself. This was many years ago when SWIM was a teenager, and at that time LSD was pretty much the only psychedelic people had access to. Even mushrooms were extremely hard to find at that time.

At first SWIM didn’t believe it and just thought she had tried bunk LSD many times. SWIM once offered her his own LSD which was very good quality. 1 hit did NOTHING to her. The following weak she tried 3 hits. Still NOTHING. Then a few weeks after that she tried 10 hits. She said she felt some stimulant effects and felt a little sweaty but that was it. No psychedelic effects at all. That was decent LSD too. 3 hits of that LSD would be almost too much for most people to handle. SWIM found 1 hit was enough for mind blowing effects.

So apparently, such people do exist who are immune to certain psychedelics. I would like to know if mushrooms or something else would have worked or not for her, but SWIM no longer knows that girl.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#7 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:48:49 PM


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#8 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:53:48 PM

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69ron, yes, that's very interesting actually... because SWIM personally has had the same issue with LSD... SWIM had done 100 hits over the years, never more than 2 hits at a time, and only ever got strong stimulant effects.... for SWIM, the first time he ever got true psychedelic visuals was with DMT, and to be honest, became super interested in the topic immediately after... because SWIM didnt know what he was missing... SWIM somehow neively believed he had already experienced visuals or that people were exaggerating the effects of LSD... but get this, SWIM tried LSD once again a month or 2 following the first DMT trip... and wham, 1 hit gave the LSD visuals he had read about... the girl who the DMT did not work on has had a lot of acid before and is quite sensitve to the effects... it's a puzzler this one... just a suggestion, but it's probably worth trying again on a different night... SWIM has personally had a lot of drugs that didnt work first time, yet worked second time... best examples are MJ and MDMA, when SWIM first tried those they didnt work AT ALL... was amazed at the effects off the same dosage the second time.... isnt this called reverse tolerance?
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#9 Posted : 8/16/2009 8:55:34 PM

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also SWIM cant seem to get visuals from mescaline, just a strong amped feeling probably from the adrenaline and a MDMA like body glow that is much more natural feeling...
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#10 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:29:41 PM
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There probably are people who're immune to DMT. But there's one thing about DMT, i've noticed, that is quite extraordinary: For me, and i have noticed this in others two, it seems that i either get enough to get very strong effects or too little to get any effects at all. As if once you are over the threshold dose, you immediately get very strong effects. Many substances have a gradual increase in effects when you increase the dose, but with DMT i get or, very strong effects, or no effects at all, but never something in between. I never get moderate DMT effects.

The only substance that also has this, but to a far less extent, is LSD. Once you have noticeable effects, they're immediately very psychedelic.

For many psychedelics the opposite is true: mushrooms and cannabis are the best examples of this: People are so familiar with moderate mushroom effects that many people even seem to think that LSD is a heavier psychedelic then shrooms. If i tell that shrooms can give a trip that is equal to DMT, most people won't believe this, because of this.
Cannabis isn't even considered to be a psychedelic by most people, for the same reason, while it can be as powerfull as LSD.
#11 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:41:22 PM

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The first time SWIM smoked marijuana, he got absolutely NO EFFECTS. This is true for a lot of people. The second time, he got a little more. The thrid time he got the full effects.

Bufotenine is a good example of this phenomenon of some people being immune to psychedelics. SWIM gets fantastic visions from bufotenine. The only other psychedelics that can give SWIM rich movie like visions are mescaline and ayahuasca (oral DMT with harmala alkaloids). LSD cannot, DMT cannot, mushrooms cannot, etc. For some people, bufotenine barely does anything at all. On this very forum there are people that have never had true movie-like visionary effects from bufotenine, just some light visual effects and nothing more. But for SWIM, it is his preferred psychedelic for movie-like visions. Imagine the frustration SWIM has when he passes some of his highly pure bufotenine to others and using the exact same vaporizer and the exact same dose, some get almost no effects at all. It's a mystery. SWIM is amazed at the detailed movie-like visions he can get and yet others barely even get visual distortions of any kind from it.

For SWIM, smoked DMT almost never gives him visions, mostly a lot of mind fuck and visual distortions and the like. A few times this state approaches an almost visionary state for a few seconds, but the visions don't last. It's mostly just a bunch of colors and shapes, while really cool to view, it's normally nothing meaningful, nothing like a movie. But when harmala alkaloids are added to the DMT, then SWIM can get full blown movie-like visions from it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#12 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:46:58 PM

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snap...SWIM just tried some impure Bufo last night... and as you were posting this, I was posting my experience in another thread:

I really hope that's a reverse-tolerance thing, was pleased not to get an head pressure or naseu, but SWIM had to smoke quite a lot to feel anything, but what I felt gave me a hint of it's capabilities, it was super smooth, light body high, everything was more profound... need to try again and see what happens... will let you know Pleased
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#13 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:48:33 PM

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Out of the three people I've given my DMT too, 1 had nothing but a slight relaxing effect with doses up to 60mg. I think this is actually quite common, but as most people don't try DMT you never find out.
#14 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:52:45 PM

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soulfood wrote:
Out of the three people I've given my DMT too, 1 had nothing but a slight relaxing effect with doses up to 60mg. I think this is actually quite common, but as most people don't try DMT you never find out.

yeah, this is one hell of a substance... do you know what?, I just remembered that the first time SWIM tried DMT, he got nothing as well... just a tingling... but the second time, a few weeks later, that was so much more, more profound and so interesting, I guess SWIM just wrote off his first attempt as a failed attempt... but maybe not now that I think about it.
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#15 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:53:31 PM

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that being said your odds are 1 in 3... SWIM's are over 1 in 400, so I found it really surprising.
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#16 Posted : 8/16/2009 9:56:14 PM
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everybody is different, but before you conclude that DMT doesn't work for you, you better try again a few times.
Good chance that all of a sudden, it hit's you.

DMT seems to do very much or very little, depending on the dose. But nothing in between. I never ever had a moderate DMT trip, and i have never heard of anybody who had a light DMT trip.
#17 Posted : 8/16/2009 10:03:43 PM

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one more very real observation I have made, is that the "aesthetic" qualities of the trip are different after a nights sleep... meaning, one night of smoking always brings people back to the same kind of trip, the trip completely changes the next week or even the next day, but never changes in the same day, in fact it changes more and more as time goes on.... it's probably because our brains rewire themselves all the time, and new experiences directly influence future experiences, sounds obvious...
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#18 Posted : 8/16/2009 10:04:40 PM

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sometimes I get mild journeys, other times really strong ones, exactly as polytrip said.
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#19 Posted : 8/17/2009 4:48:27 AM

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Heck, it doesn't always work when ya do everything exactly right. I would guess as much as 15 or 20 percent of SWIMS launches fizzle a little.
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#20 Posted : 8/17/2009 11:40:01 AM

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opticuswrangler wrote:
Heck, it doesn't always work when ya do everything exactly right. I would guess as much as 15 or 20 percent of SWIMS launches fizzle a little.

Hmm ,sounds similar to salvia.
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