Wanting it 'badly' ? Options
#1 Posted : 8/15/2009 6:19:40 PM

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Hello friends of alien communication,
My colleague from peru really wants a breakthru experience. He had wondeful sub-breakthru experiences, but this is his first bad one:

"So I vaporized quite a bit of the spice even though I felt tired and was a bit angry/worried because of a worldy/financial matter. I tried to wash it off saying that the spice is more important. I was quickly pulled under the veil, heard the usual pjoing sounds of near hyperspace...but there was no love. The patterns were starring angry at me...hostile. What was wrong? As the patterns were dying a voice telepathicaly told me

"Well, that's it! You've got your chance, your not welcome anymore"

The voice seemed to be offended by my behaviour. Upon opening my eyes, I was told "This is not the time. Not today. Don't go back."

So I said "I accept that...I have to accept that"

Now I feel just sad, angry and a bit confused about todays lesson"

Well, what can I say....poor fella.
He wanted it so badly and now he's having to fel the consequence of his action.
He was also told that well beeing of body and soul is important, and that one should never attempt to launch if there are worldly matters that need to be solved.

Curiosity is not an excuse for everything.


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#2 Posted : 8/15/2009 6:53:54 PM


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It's probably just his method of space travel. Trying to vape pure spice? I used to get trips like this.
Synergistic combinations are where it's @, IMO.

Big Inhale
#3 Posted : 8/15/2009 7:48:02 PM

The Enlightend One

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Sometime its just not the right time. I want to smoke spice everyday but I dont. I barely smoke it once a month. It just has to be the right time to get down or you will be let down.
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#4 Posted : 8/15/2009 8:13:10 PM

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You can never know what obscure processes are working in your subconscious. Anxiety, angryness may not be perceived or you may think they are gone but the 'processes' are still active.
SWIM always find that the DMT act as a lens on inner processes.
He also had a similar experienced during a deep salvia trip (and I guess it is much more common with salvia).

Combining DMT with a relaxing substance is efficient for that purpose (kratom, kava, benzos, rue extract...).
#5 Posted : 8/15/2009 9:45:49 PM

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Sub/unconscious issues are always going to be cooking, but I suspect this is a set and setting issue . . .Hopefully your friend will take the messages as being pertinent to only that session or he may be setting himself up for another trip with a less than ideal mental set . . .

Loved your last sentence. Curiosity is a very powerful, driving force (especially in people like us) but when dealing with something as powerful and profound as spice, one must weigh many other factors . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#6 Posted : 8/16/2009 2:01:28 PM
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I've heard reports before of people being told never to come back. I wouldn't take it to heart, as those same people have been welcomed back.

I definitely have negativity issues, so I'd be interested to see how spice would react to me.
#7 Posted : 8/16/2009 3:46:52 PM

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I believe the spice is very forgiving. When I get the "don't come back" vibe, I take it more as "don't come back in that mindset".

Incidentally I seem to have zero anxiety on my journeys now. It's mainly because I've figured out when it's needed, rather than just blasting off for the sake of blasting off.
#8 Posted : 8/16/2009 4:28:05 PM

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The spice has denied me breakthroughs as well. I find that premeditative preparation helps a lot. Smoking changa, or DMT mixed with plan matter MAOI in the same bowl, can also do well to facilitate an experience. Being able to understand, learn, and grow comes easier. Setting counts. It's impossible for me to breakthrough with anyone around who isn't as intimately familiar with the experience... you smoke DMT enough, and eventually you can "feel" when it's right. You really have to give yourself up in order to let hyperspace surround you.
#9 Posted : 8/17/2009 11:59:38 PM

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You're so right.
do it when the feeling is right....

and yes, it's forgiving...kind of. Swim just woke up from a very nice dream, naked in his bed. He was feeling 2 curious and friendly female entitys thru the veil. Do I have to say that it was a very sensjual experience? My friend always complains about not beeing able to break thru. the beeings are mocking him for this. They were showing him an amazing place where thoughts could freeze to stgructure. Machine like structures crawling thru what seemed like flesh...he went to the top of the dome ...he could almost poke at it. At this moment it was so violently

They told him after this "Well, yeah...just tell them that nothing has happened you little fool Pleased"
They always give him the impression of having reached a fantastic level...but after coming down, it just seems like a sub breakthru's a paradox!!!

They also don't accept negative thoughts. They want you to enjoy it and have the right thoughts at the right time....SWIM heard himself think in several earth languages ...evemn found new words.

150mg in 1,5 hours...anbd there is nothing to be afraid of. He's even learned that the thought who told him not to come back was his EGO!!! It was trying to trick him not to smoke again....EVIL!

DMT is the best thing that has happened in SWIMs live. It's a relief, it gives swim what he needs most. It's caring,'s the truth. Swim loves it.

After the peak, he kept lying in his bed uttering "Thank you!" over and over again....

#10 Posted : 8/18/2009 2:29:28 AM

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He's even learned that the thought who told him not to come back was his EGO!!!

Great 'finding', really ! It's not easy to get such insights.
#11 Posted : 8/18/2009 9:33:27 AM

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Well let me make a new sentence: He found out that it could have been his ego. He's not that sure. He wants to be sure, but that's his ego again talking. All he knows is, that he has to learn to distinguish between the annoying chatter of the ego, trying to sabotage the experience, and the voice of the truth.

The ego annoys the hell outta SWIM during spice experiences. It would always tell him "Well, it's too late, go to sleep already!" or "Ha, you've not taken enough this time" or "Ohhh..looook..the female entitys are gone, now you're left with ME!!!"

Just like a little annoying brat looking for attention while you're trying to meditate.
#12 Posted : 8/18/2009 10:21:59 AM

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chatter of the ego, trying to sabotage the experience

What 's interresting to find is 'why' the inner voice (not obviously what I call the ego) would want to botch the experience. Reasons are different for each people I guess but this is a common issue that may have roots far, far away in childhood.
SWIM found that cannabis at small dosis is very powerfull for that purpose. And it mixes very well with DMT. That one pushing the insights to new levels.
#13 Posted : 8/18/2009 10:44:24 AM

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It think it's 2 things:

1.The voice/ego doesn't want to lose control to the subconsciousness/god spirit
2.Deeply engranied Self hatred

Swim also finds it cver peculiar to know that the spice is the best thing ever, but having the feeling of it beeing alien, strange, dangerous, the same time. I guess that's also the ego, trying to discredit the experience.
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