Morning changa meditations Options
#41 Posted : 6/27/2011 2:16:54 AM

Cloud Whisperer

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dreamer042 wrote:
After a long night round the fire pit in woods,

Climb the nearby mountain, follow a trail to a lookout point.

Surya Namaskara greets the rising luminescent ball as it ascends the cliff faces.

3 puffs this morning, not too small but not too big.

The tryptamine body load rushes on like a freight train.

A frequency gently sounds as if off in the distance.

The dark valley below transforms to rich vibrant greens and blues as the heavenly rays chase away the last of the shadows.

The waves shimmer on the horizon.

Behind the eyelids geometry hints and teases translucently within the darkness.

Breathing. Smiling, Blissful.

Just a few moments here.

Grateful and humbled begins the stroll back to camp where fresh cut cantaloupe awaits.

Very nice.


Your post is really lovely, it made me beam from ear to ear... Thank you ever so much for sharing... ♥

Much Peace and Sunshine
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#42 Posted : 6/27/2011 8:03:29 AM

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Dorge wrote:
rOm wrote:

there is something very good to be gain without seeeking for visions. So some poeple could benefit form it without being bashed to hyperspace.

Right?! It doesn't have to be about launch and exploration! It can also focus on grounding, centering, and staying open to that awareness changa brings us through out our day.

It's only a few months I've realized the power of microdose with psychedelics (which are no longer really psychedelic).
It's true that I know some relative that are too anxious to ever want to dive in hyperspace and I always respected that. Better safe than sorry, not everyone should take the plunge. But when I start to speak about the benefits of low doses, lots more relative are finally up for trying it.
The result so far is as they finally aren't scared of what may happened, they slowly or fastly want to get the most out of it. And see what's on the other side.

A good friend of mine really beneficiate from a low dose of iboga (600mg) in the day fellowed in the night by a pharmahuasca session.
He most definitely got some healing and felt amazing days after. Keeping speaking about how amazing it is.
The most easy thing to tell them is even if sometime you may purge of deal with something during the process. You'll see the day after (or days-weeks) you'll overally feel better, as opposed to a party type of substance wher eyou enjoy you're night and feel dirty the day after.

Just a blessing to work with these tools.
It is really something I wan to dig (group work focused on healing, after all my lonely-but constructive sessions).
Thinking of ayahuasca/pharmahuasca, enhanced by some changa to pick if needed.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#43 Posted : 6/27/2011 2:19:08 PM


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Failed to take little puffs and wound up floating in a shower of healing white light that sang a high pitched tone of oblivion. Beautiful. Like a seam of heaven ripped and the light found me and sang to me (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the light was there all along and I had to attune myself to it via the molecule). Wonderful. Good thing I work from home and could "play hookey" and keep puffing for a couple hours (my sole responsibility being to walk the dog).
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#44 Posted : 6/28/2011 10:57:33 PM

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Day three: it's only getting better and better..
Going up in life .. too much ??
=) never too much love for my fellows !!!
Bliss and light.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Hyperdimensional Cuttlefish
#45 Posted : 6/29/2011 2:22:18 AM

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I have at least 10-12 days of vacation time coming up next week. This thread is relevant to my interests!

I planned on doing a long term aya expeience anyhow, so this is gonna be added to my daily routine to get the spirit-ball rolling.

I love this place, an awesome place to confer with like minded explorers of the soul.
All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
#46 Posted : 6/29/2011 7:16:33 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Wonderful posts!
It's great to see how jazzed folks are, and how it's been beneficial. Showers of light, opening to so much love. That's fantastic.

This mornings session, was just a wake up, a centering. Needed.
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#47 Posted : 7/1/2011 5:12:37 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Morning changa meditation message:
"See the light in the dark, it is a star, which has no shadow. We are each a star. Be that for others today."
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web site

#48 Posted : 7/27/2011 2:50:10 PM

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SWIM has been experimenting with this since Dorge made the initial post, on top of her microdosing of caapi extract several times a day. So far it seems to have positive effects, but with a very narrow dosage window. When she takes just enough to feel it a bit, it doesn't feel like any improvement over oral caapi microdosing.

In the higher range, it deepens her morning prayer and meditation, but often enough she would accidentally breakthrough, so she stepped it down to threshold.

She's been putting off breaking through intentionally for three weeks now, and yesterday went deep. It brought together a lot of what had been coming up into a complete understanding.

Definitely worthwhile if you can make the space for it in your life, but does not replace breakthroughs, and would only be one half of the work without them.
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#49 Posted : 4/15/2016 6:24:29 AM

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Great idea, also in 2016 Smile

It was a good morning.. Wake up, very low Dose Changa, Meditation, Ginger Lemon Honey Tea. Great start.
#50 Posted : 4/28/2016 3:46:05 PM

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woogyboogy wrote:
Great idea, also in 2016 Smile

It was a good morning.. Wake up, very low Dose Changa, Meditation, Ginger Lemon Honey Tea. Great start.

Thank you wooogyboogy for reviving this thread. It's funny but this has been on my mind. I have this amazing magical garden that I did this in last year at sunrise before a long road trip with my wife and kids that cleared a lot of gunk that had me super uptight. Now i just have to kill the nightly cannabis/movie until 1am pattern I fell into, yet again. Reading through this I feel inspired for the work.
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down"

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#51 Posted : 5/23/2016 4:00:04 AM

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Just for the sake of intellectual thoroughness, what about the argument that this shouldn't be a daily or even common experience?
Infrequent high doses vs frequent smaller doses seems to be a very polarizing concept. I don't honestly know which side I would fall on. I feel like daily use will just build tolerance. On one hand I would love to wake up every morning and familiarize myself with hyperspace. On the other hand, it feels like I am not fully respecting this plant by making it common practice. Thats what weed is for.

I am no one in particular

#52 Posted : 5/24/2016 5:09:25 PM

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Spirit_Seeker wrote:
Just for the sake of intellectual thoroughness, what about the argument that this shouldn't be a daily or even common experience?
Infrequent high doses vs frequent smaller doses seems to be a very polarizing concept. I don't honestly know which side I would fall on. I feel like daily use will just build tolerance. On one hand I would love to wake up every morning and familiarize myself with hyperspace. On the other hand, it feels like I am not fully respecting this plant by making it common practice. Thats what weed is for.

Very well put. Weed is definitely the daily medicine.

I gain more benefit from higher doses more infrequently and often times find the lower doses to be uncomfortable. I have seen this thread up for quite some time so curiously I tried smoking in the morning a few weeks ago -- Sub-breakthrough dose outside on the back patio at about 6AM after morning meditation. I was very calm and comfortable and it felt right, but it left me feeling a bit dissociated and uneasy. Maybe if i had broken through it would have felt better. I think changa is best done infrequently, fully, and ceremonially for me.

असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
#53 Posted : 5/27/2016 4:01:39 AM

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smoothmonkey wrote:
Spirit_Seeker wrote:
Just for the sake of intellectual thoroughness, what about the argument that this shouldn't be a daily or even common experience?
Infrequent high doses vs frequent smaller doses seems to be a very polarizing concept. I don't honestly know which side I would fall on. I feel like daily use will just build tolerance. On one hand I would love to wake up every morning and familiarize myself with hyperspace. On the other hand, it feels like I am not fully respecting this plant by making it common practice. Thats what weed is for.

Very well put. Weed is definitely the daily medicine.

I gain more benefit from higher doses more infrequently and often times find the lower doses to be uncomfortable. I have seen this thread up for quite some time so curiously I tried smoking in the morning a few weeks ago -- Sub-breakthrough dose outside on the back patio at about 6AM after morning meditation. I was very calm and comfortable and it felt right, but it left me feeling a bit dissociated and uneasy. Maybe if i had broken through it would have felt better. I think changa is best done infrequently, fully, and ceremonially for me.


This feeling of dissociation broke for me once after i shared some heavy things that came up during a low dose session. A vision of myself old and alone waiting for family at a nursing home. I shared it with my wife and wept. It was more about an enormous lack of gratitude for life I had been falling into yet again. After I wept and saw how amazing my life really is at this moment i was freed of everything I had carried. I think the harmalas can stir up the mud a bit and only the work of clearing it can quell the uneasiness.
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down"

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#54 Posted : 4/23/2017 5:12:59 PM

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Dorge wrote:
rOm wrote:

there is something very good to be gain without seeeking for visions. So some poeple could benefit form it without being bashed to hyperspace.

Right?! It doesn't have to be about launch and exploration! It can also focus on grounding, centering, and staying open to that awareness changa brings us through out our day.

So I am bumping this thread. After a day with an intense Kundalini practice under instruction, an evening of processing recovery work with my sponsor followed by gong bath meditation i slept deeply. Upon awakening the next morning just before sunrise I contemplated the onset of anxiety around my session. My intuition said "say one word" From my mouth came "faith". After hydrating and clearing my bowels i sat in easy pose on my bed and pulled an easy lungful slowly and sat the pipe down. Maybe slightly less than my target dose but "enough" is what my intuition spoke. Closing my eyes I breathed my heart rate back down and i could see relief carvings of angels and symbols as if thhrough a mist. Then it was like staring at stone. Intuition said "try this kriya" look left eyes closed breath in, look right eyes closed breath out, look up breathing on eyes closed bow down breathing out eyes closed rise to center breath in breath out and repeat. It was immersive and centering and after about 10 min I opened my eyes and started the day. Making coffee I could see my fig tree which was recovering from a late frost. Reaching deep withing to bring new growth after nearly dying. I could feel this same aspect in my own life, first being an addict with nearly a decade clean but also recently coming through some life shattering personal trauma in my marriage and having that be the basis of our relationship fealing and becoming our dharma after the beatdown of unavoidable karma.The message was so clear in the burgeoning life of this fig leaf. I wept tears of joy as I poured my morning joe and headed out to soak up the aferglow in my expansive garden. Dialing in these low doses is my new goal. I love a good breakthrough but this way seems to offer more intention and sunrise offers the new beginning aspect that each new day presents. I space these sessions and take time to let them soak in rather that doing a daily thing but morning changa is simply the best.
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down"

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