RLS issues and focusing problems Options
#1 Posted : 4/13/2016 12:21:32 PM

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Hello family! Anyone here on the nexus with RLS ?

So I have come to an conclusion about myself. I have now been sober for 2-3 weeks, and two problems have occurred in my life. (This happens every time when I stop using psychoactive substances)

1.Restless Leg Syndrome (driving me nuts, poor sleep, a lot of pain, waking up in the morning feeling terrible)

2.Problem focusing and finishing projects.(music production, painting, drawing, talking, ++.)

When I smoke cannabis both of this problems "disappear", I can really focus and be in the moment, i feel balanced and confident and I can also work out my problems much easier instead of pushing them away. I don't even stress, this is the best medicine for me so far but it's illegal where I live. (EDIT,; I´m totally wrong about this)

I don't need to smoke every day to heal this pain, but maybe every third day, that's enough.

I also work out once in a while, due to my job routines it's hard to work out often. healthy food is also important for me.

any tips ore tricks ?

Blessings <3


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#2 Posted : 4/13/2016 4:00:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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What is "healthy food"? That can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.
#3 Posted : 4/13/2016 6:26:13 PM

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Fruits and vegetables is healthy food for me. I really like oat and eggs tho. What is healthy food for you?
#4 Posted : 4/13/2016 9:09:09 PM

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Foods that contain the essential nutrients my body needs in a form that it can readily assimilate. Also with as low as possible amount of things that have a negative impact on my body.

I like to eat a lot of slow cooked grass fed meats. I eat a lot of bacon(naturally smoked no sugar) and free range eggs. I eat a lot of herbs. Homemade yogurt and kefir from fresh raw milk. Raw cheeses. Try to eat Veggies grown in real soil(almost always cooked) and spices. Some fruits like Pineapple, berries, bananas, avocados. I like to use liberally unrefined sea salt on my food. I take an unprocessed cod liver oil, colostrum, Raw honey. I supplement with some vitamins such as magnesium, vitamin C, some B's off and on as I see fit. I use lots of fats like Butter, lard, coconut oil.

I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I make all my own sweets using things like raw caocao powder, raw honey, maple syrup, butter, bee pollen, colostrum, etc.

I eat more nuts than I would like to admit, I try to limit them. I think they are not beneficial to my digestion or assimilation of nutrients.

I think eggs are a super food. I ate eggs everyday for a period of at least 2 years. I never get sick of them.
#5 Posted : 4/15/2016 6:47:46 PM

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A dopamine boost, in the most natural way such as eating high protein foods and exercising, will help with RLS.

Herbs help too, such as Mucuna. Dopamine also boost the focus.
#6 Posted : 4/16/2016 12:39:05 AM

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Great advice,^, both of you. Thanks.

During the first stages of PAWS after detoxing from methadone for me, I suffered greatly from the problems you describe , OP.

For me they were intertwined, the RLS keeping me up all night therefore affecting focus, mood and general cognition. It sucked, bad. Good food and yes, I agree with the dopamine thing, it seemed the more I did enjoyable thing, the more the symptoms abated and would return if I started moping around. That and time away from the poison.
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#7 Posted : 4/22/2016 1:47:15 AM

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During the w/d's I went through before staying clean seemed to really take - I always took Magnesium supplements to help with the RLS, which seemed to help to a certain extent. Beyond that, as long as you're outside of acute w/d's, a hot bath will take care of the RLS most of the time.

If it keeps up see your doctor, I was prescribed Cyclobenzaprine which completely obliterated RLS better than anything else I'd tried.
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#8 Posted : 4/26/2016 2:34:49 AM

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I get RLS. It totally blows.

I get it in only one specific area - directly behind my left knee. The feeling of restlessness begins in the muscle there, and I get an insatiable urge to flex that muscle - but it is not involuntary.

The urge grows stronger and stronger, until it's almost like it is aching, and if I don't flex that muscle, it continues to build and build. And then it stops. And then it starts again. It's maddening.

The things that trigger it for me is:

Thinking about it
Sitting in a confined space (on a bus, plane etc)
Stimulants like sugar, caffeine, and cacao.
Lack of exercise

If I address these things in my day to day life, it's not really a problem. If I drink a coffee in the morning, and take a plane or bus at night time, it's excruciating and drives me crazy.

The number one thing that helps is taking my mind off it - and it's very, very difficult once it begins.

On bus and plane trips, listening to Terence McKenna talks has been a godsend. It means I can take my mind off it for long enough to forget/not notice it and potentially fall asleep as well.
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#9 Posted : 5/8/2016 10:33:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for all the nice feedback on the subject, great advice all of you. thanks Smile
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