SCOBYs and the kombucha they make have a habit of growing exponentially if unchecked!
Mine have absorbed acacia powder and turned red
also have rue seeds stuck in flotsom.
They can be squeezed for a strong brew, very vinegary.
That's an interesting note actually on the vinegar; this reminds me of the use of acidity in brewing that some swear by; I never brew with vinegar or other acids but the SCOBY making its own acetic acid may be a useful trick for adding potency, perhaps I should soak bark in the kombucha while it ferments instead of filtering it all out. Some bark always makes its way over anyways.
Maybe adding some bark strips to the bottle for decorative purpose ... Oh that reminds me, once I added a split vanilla bean to the bottled drink and it tasted amazing! The last sip from the bottom had bunches of vanilla seeds
I believe in freedom for everyone.
'movies are for people who lack real drugs.' -anne halonium