I just wanted to say you are all amazingly bright and wise and it's such a privilege to be engaging with such beautiful souls.
I've said this in other posts, but I'll say it here because it seems so relevant, and this is my favorite thing in the world to talk about.
Ufostrahlen, what you say here:
And if God realizes it's a lone single entity, it just splits. Bam! Illusion shattered. Maybe it's a law of Nature. As soon as God realizes, it is alone, it splits.I have always suspected this. Until one day, that understanding become a reality on 5 grams of mushrooms.
I believe this is why in Zen they say, nothing to do, nowhere to go, noone to improve.
The realization is a shock. The realization is an anamnesis of who you really are, or who you really aren't.
What's always puzzled me is just what to do with myself after hitting smack into that unspeakable place of buddhahood on a trip. With it comes a complete peace, I feel I could literally leave my body right there if I willed. I know I am Eternity.
What happens is you know you could do anything. But then you wonder what's the point. You remember there isn't a point. To the extent I realize that, THEN I am enabled to do anything, because I'm not taking what I'm doing seriously, because I know what the birds have to say in the morning is equally as important as anything I have to say.
Come on a thought experiment with me.
Imagine each of us are in the center of what we call a reality. Not The Reality.
Each of our realities are only so wide as what we are aware of any one moment.
The edge of your reality is the same as the boundaries of your awareness.
The same as my reality.
Question: where do the edges of our realities intersect? Where do we draw the line between what is true in my reality and what is true in your reality, if that very differentiation depends on our respective degrees of awareness? (keep in mind)
So, what happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality?
Well, I want to say this is actually an incredibly rare event (only if you're not paying attention).
This event I believe can be identified as a true synchronistic event.
Synchronicity happens when the edge of my reality meets the edge of your reality. It is when my awareness agrees with your awareness. And it is in these very rare moments, that between a certain friend and I, we don't have to speak, because we are instantaneously living the realization there is not two minds here, but one, not yours not mine, but something like God's awareness.
This happens to me guaranteed on psilocybin. I can't even talk - how pointless THAT is. I become incapable of communication with others verbally, because it's so obvious that I'm talking to myself by talking to them. And my friend has the same realization. We, I then sink into a peace unspeakable, becoming the evolution of existence itself.
So, to respond to the person who said that the enlightenment can be cancelled through taking another drug mid trip, well I think that's utterly preposterous! Because the real psychedelic awakening is the realization your entire life is The Trip, your life but a thought in the mind of Your Great Self. You are Eternal. Hard to cancel. It's only possible to go back to sleep, pretending to be unaware of It.
Bodhisattva, I really enjoyed your metaphor of the experience points. I've thought of that before! If we're going to come into Life, we might as well dive.
And psilocybin, through condensing the interconnectivity of the brain, is just the same process as this forum serving to elucidate and balance understanding in all the neurons of the great Human Brain. We are all one mind. There is no illusion. If illusion exists, that is God's game. Without illusion, you'd be a bore and boring knowing you are god forever and ever. Get lost, get lost... get lost. Isn't that what We said in the beginning? Why do we seek to return? and then having returned, seek to get lost? And having gotten lost for the eternalth time, we seek to return again! Why this ebb of come and go? Of knowing and not knowing? Is this the basis of the Buddha's message? Transience? Change.
Genesis is Now, the Mind is Incarnate.