What's this feeling? Options
#1 Posted : 8/11/2009 11:02:18 PM

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Hello guys. This is not really a recolection of an experience, but I think it's appropriately posted in this subforum. So please, mates, bear with me here.

I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway;

Well, I've recently noticed something pretty weird. It seems to me that every time I break through to a very specific state, to a very distinct plateau, I get a phunny psycichal feeling on my lips. It's like I've got little pieces of tobacco stuck from a joint on my lips. It's pretty distinct. It's like the feeling you get on your foot when you sit on it for a long time or have it still for a long time.
I'm having a great difficulty describing this. Long story short, every time I wake up to this state - and I intentionally say "wake up"-, one of the first things I notice is this feeling like little pieces stuck on my lips. I am usually weirded out, so I touch my lips trying to feel if anything is on them indeed, but nothing never is. It's just a psycical feeling.
Then, after I touch my lips and see that there's nothing on them, I always remembered that I did the exact same thing the last time.
Now, folks, you know how these tryptamine induced states are like: they're slipping through your fingers the minute you gat a grip on reality. Like a dream. This is why it's taken me so long to realize this. I remembered it once, twice, I don't know how many times, but at some point it stayed with me afterwards.

When I say "a very specific state", I mean a state of consciousness very distinct to me. It's the place where I come to realize my higher self. It's really shamanic. It's the state where I remember recollective memmories seemingly thousants of years old, where I remember being in the same state countless times before. I see bizare things in these states. Dudes wearing gold stuff on their faces, jewels of mayan craftmanship, weird biomachines with golden outter covers and coloured light threads swirling inside them looking at me, focusing their attention on my focused attention on them. Voices are heard singing hymns of incomprehensible beauty, and every time I get the feeling that I am there, to this place where time has no significance any more, and everything is possible.

And the first thing I always notice, is this funny feeling on my lips. It's like an indication now, when I feel this I know I'm nearing this dimention.

Once again, I know it's a long shot. But has anyone had any experience like that before?

Take care friends.

~A wasted, rambling Dug.

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#2 Posted : 8/11/2009 11:20:14 PM
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>> It's like I've got little pieces of tobacco stuck from a joint on my lips. It's pretty distinct.

I get that lips feeling too. I've been thinking it's just DMT condensing on my lips. Maybe not though.

>> where I remember being in the same state countless times before.

I really get what you mean. On heavy trips I get this distinct deja vu feeling, like it's all happened before. It's easy to get stuck on that feeling... I don't know why. Can't quite explain it either.

#3 Posted : 8/11/2009 11:31:33 PM

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For me all kinds of physical manafestations may occur one that I know of that is common is strange feelings on mouth forehead even the very unpleasant sensation of something obstructing the throat. Some may think they are being probed by Aliens HA.

But its is nothing more than physical Hallucinations in my opinion. I could not begin to document the strange mental and physical perceptions I have experienced. I was always just fine within a hour still its a lot to think about and much impossible to comprehend.

I have learned great things as well and will be continuing my many many years of expermentation.

#4 Posted : 8/11/2009 11:47:37 PM

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MagikVenom wrote:
Some may think they are being probed by Aliens HA.

LOL yeah that's the place where the rectal examinations and the anal probing occur like mr McKenna said hahah.

True, psysical feelings are not the important part of the experience, I just find it interesting that such an indicator exists for me for the times I trancend to these states.

Just managed to drill a hole in a bottle, after many tries (and broken bottles). Gonna try this machine hype.

Lets see where that takes us...

~Anything I post online is fictional.
..Who said that?
#5 Posted : 8/12/2009 1:55:06 AM

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I always feel the spot on my lips where the pipe was touching later on, and also feel in the back of my throat where the smoke hit.... but not feeling like tobacco on my lips. I also usually come out of the trance and notice im biting my lips where the spice hit, not sure if im biting my lips cause the spice cooling on my lips or something the spice is making me do though.
#6 Posted : 8/12/2009 8:51:10 AM

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SWIM gets a similar thing also.

See post 10 on this thread
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#7 Posted : 8/12/2009 3:26:09 PM

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Yes yes, I too get that feeling all inside my mouth.

Feels like very thin paper pieces. Ive tried to get it out but never been able to find anything.

Very odd.
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