A Small Walk With Shiva Options
#1 Posted : 4/8/2016 1:32:27 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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"A Small Walk With Shiva : The Meeting"

This one has me puzzled. The story begins with our recent trip to Chicago, in which we had tickets to see David Gilmour perform live. After a long, uncomfortable bus ride (12 hours both ways), pushy homeless people, and hustlers around every corner, we did eventually get to the show. It was absolutely unbelievable. Like a DMT experience, it just happened to us. The concert was nearly 3 hours but was not long enough for me as I could have listened to that music for the rest of my life, or until my ears gave out on me. Even then, I'd still be content to just feel the vibrations. I'm still getting chills thinking about it. Of course, none of this really has anything to do with this mushroom journey but on our way home, we decided that we would eat some mushrooms as a final hurrah for the mini vacation we took.

I have felt that I haven't been going as far as I would like to with my babies and thought that perhaps it was because I was not chewing them up enough. To remedy this problem, I blended the mushrooms (4.5g cracker dry each) into powder and mixed them into a cup of orange juice. Don't get me wrong, my experiences lately have been profound, just in ways I didn't expect. I am aware that we should leave expectations at the door, but in order to fully work with these plants there has to be some intention which, in a sense, is a form of expectation.

So we got home around 1130pm, and had the mushrooms ingested no later than 12am. Using this OJ method, it came on pretty swiftly. We decided to take a shower to help pass the time and ease the initial come up jitters. By the time we got out of the shower, our eyes were already dilated,

"We need to hurry...I can already hear them babe. They will be here soon..." she said.

This always fascinates me. We were only 30, maybe 45 minutes into the experience and she could already feel entities nearby, gathering... waiting to communicate once again. We came into the bedroom and got comfy on the bed. For the next hour and a half we said pretty much nothing to each other...just feeling the energy build up around us. A vibratory phenomenon it seemed. Pulsating and alive! It was like being drenched in warm, electrified water that you can breathe in without drowning or being shocked to death.

At about 1.5-2 hours in or so, she turned to me and said,

"Do you feel anything...?"

Jokingly I said, "no babe, I don't feel anything at all!"

She then looked downwards and seemed confused and said, "are you joking? or telling the truth..."

"I'm joking babe, I'm sorry...I do feel it, quite strongly actually...I...uh...I..."

I didn't really know what else to say at that point, I thought maybe she had got caught in a time loop because she thought that she must not have waited long enough for the mushrooms to work. This was in fact, quite the opposite of what was about to happen (happening). Honestly, this wouldn't be the first time I've heard about or encountered a trip that "stopped" right before it blew up into some crazy heavy peak period. I just held her close and let the confusion pass, which it did after a few minutes.

Due to the strangeness of the last trip, I decided I would not place any rules or stipulations upon what happens. I told her that if she wanted to make love (or do anything else in the world, whatever it may be) that we would do it with no questions asked. I know no one really cares to hear about these parts but love making on mushrooms is pure bliss. So that is what we did for a while and it was good...


It seems that the physical activity increased the visual aspects for us both, and it is after this point where things really kicked into HIGH GEAR!

Entities making contact in the bathroom with my GF seems to be a common theme. That and the mirror play big roles in these events. Upon entering the bathroom the first time, she reported that she may in fact BE one of the beings that she encounters. While gazing in the mirror, she saw herself adorned with jewelry and a crown, in the same style as the "important ones" as she calls them...

It seemed to her that this was important, a part of her in some way. She belonged there, or came from there at some point in time, be it a past or future life. Whatever it was, she felt like she may have found home.

She came out of the bathroom and quickly started telling me all these things. I couldn't write them down at the time because my handwriting would look like a drunk 3rd grader learning cursive so I asked her again about these things over the past two days and we have since been drawing theories and possible conclusions based on notes and observations.

All of these recent trips have made me think that my GF is more in tune with spirituality than anyone I have ever personally tripped with. Almost like she is a perfect conduit for supreme energy. I have also realized that I have become her mouthpiece for these events. So, in some respects, it seems as though we are a perfect match...two earthly beings who were meant to be here, to tell these stories. Even if they mean nothing, it does not make it any less interesting or important to us.

Moving on, her next trip into the bathroom was probably one of the most significant psychedelic events I've ever been a witness to, and it wasn't even happening to me. She reported that upon gazing in the mirror again, that she was still adorned with beautiful jewels and that it seemed like she was supposed to be there. That is when Lord Shiva appeared.

She said that it was in a sort of "swooping in" motion that he came into her line of vision. Almost like Shiva was approving of what was happening and was trying to send her a message. She said that she didn't know if he was there in the room or not so she turned around only to see nothing but when she turned back around towards the mirror, he was the only thing she could see, and that she was completely enveloped by him. She was him. He was her.

"I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together"

I think John Lennon may have been onto something here! Eventually the image of him faded, but the message was strong albeit a little unclear. We are still trying to piece that one together,

"Oh my, babe, I just met one of the Gods...I don't know which one, but I know he was powerful and one considered prominent..."

"okay, well we can look it up if you want..." I said.

That is what we did, as her visions seemed to come in waves. We searched and searched until we finally found out that Shiva is indeed the one she met. Normally, the entities seem to have some sort of ranking system, none of them being too notable. This is important because she said that she has felt Shiva before and is more than likely the one that told her that he is always with her in previous trips. But Shiva had an enormous presence, shutting out anything else at that moment when meeting him. The energy was immense.

"It felt too familiar to be anyone else..." she said.

Now, this is the only time he made a face to face appearance but there were still some strange synchronicity(s) that played out later. I don't know a lot about Shiva, except that he is supposed to be the destroyer according to the Hindu triumvirate. In this case, he destroyed my GF's identity and made both of us question the nature of existence. I think it is strange that we are both born and raised Americans, with semi-typical religious upbringing, yet the beings and messages that come through to us, are completely separate from anything we have EVER learned. Neither of us have studied any Hindu religions, so it seems strange to me that these things would come up in an experience. I've read all about the pragmatic approach to what is real, but I can't help but question some things here...Nature of the game, I suppose. We are not losing our grip on reality, we are simply punching holes in the logic behind it.

This initial meeting with Shiva was quite fascinating, even if short lived. he did not come back the rest of the night. However, he may have made an appearance in a different form in one of my lady's later visions.

At a later time, who knows when, she said that I became one of THEM too. I was a blue skinned almost reptilian sort of being in which my "real face" (or the face of this reality) was hiding behind my newly found "beingness"...It actually startled her for a moment. Startled me too to be honest. I didn't spend too much time in the bathroom or gazing at mirrors so who knows... although, naturally, my skin did look weird to me too. Yay, more thoughts to ponder! hehe!

At some point we decided to go outside and have a tobacco sort of ceremony. Nothing special, we just go outside, smoke, and think a lot...hehe...tripping is the only time we enjoy tobacco anymore so....yeah...

Anywho, she said she needed to use the restroom first so while she was in there, I whipped out my electric guitar and started playing some bluesy riffs and solos. just experimenting here and there with the different sounds. Little did I know that I would be setting the stage for her to peak even harder. Music absolutely has the ability to guide one further into the trip safely. This is what I did for her. We forgot about going outside, and I just played whatever came to me. In one such instance, I noticed her going into a trancy closed eye state, so I kept playing.

When she came back she reported that she had been transported to "the rolling hills of Ireland"

It was sunny and brilliantly lit. There were butterflies and dragonflies roaming around happily and carefree. Everything was organic and beautiful. Shifting. Existing. Living. Perfect.
She was not alone. A young boy wearing Oliver Twist-esque clothing was accompanying her. They ran and ran until they reached a barn with the doors wide open. Inside was another young boy who was wearing a tattered sack cloth (like the Hebrew slaves from the biblical days). Together they unraveled a mysterious energy which grew in strength and swirled into a black hole style vortex. I think the black hole is an interesting concept since I've read in a few places that Shiva may sometimes be considered a black hole, capable of destroying whole star systems and more. Not sure if it is related, but again we are just doing our best to draw conclusions.

This black hole grew into a pure light. A pure energy beam of sorts. When one thing is destroyed, something new is born, again on point with Shiva it seems. Whatever it was, she didn't have enough time to explore as she said it was over as quickly as it began.

I continued to musically guide her next few visions, but most of which were either unspoken or not important enough to mention. All I know is that she went DEEP! Probably a lot deeper than any other time we have tripped on anything! And that includes DMT! She mentioned that the beings are usually 2d-ish and stick to the walls but they sometimes surround her and pull her into different realms. This time, however, she said that they were nearly popping out of the walls in a full blown 3d "in your face" effect. My personal trip was nothing even close to any of that. I can't really put my finger on it but mine are deep in a different way, a lot less mystical. I've only ever met beings on DMT.

Even on 9g mushrooms, I still never experienced things like she did. It is so wonderful to be able to be here for her to try and assemble coherent thoughts about such things. My trips are profound but usually just insightful and full of amazing shapes and colors. No beings or mystical conclusions. I've been doing this for a while but every time I trip with her I am blown away by her intensity. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

This is getting incredibly long so I'll try to wrap this up. We are thirsty for more knowledge on Shiva and what you all think on this matter. Trying to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical is quite the task, I tell you what...but her visions were so clear and concise it is hard not to get wrapped up meanings. For now, it is what it is and we are what we are. The answers may never for now I've got observation and speculation at my side as my exploratory instruments. We will keep pressing onwards and upwards, for now and forever!

If you took the time to read all this, bless you, I always love hearing what the Nexus community has to say about such matters. I hope I made things clear because this was really hard to put into context properly. Thank you for your time and have a lovely day!

Yours Truly,

-The Grateful One-

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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/8/2016 2:06:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Cool story. You may find this interesting.
Here it is - right now. Start thinking about it and you miss it. ~ Huang-po
#3 Posted : 4/9/2016 1:48:04 AM

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Location: here and now boys, here and now
The relationship that you and your woman have is truly beautiful man. Psychs are so incredible on their own but when you can openly share and journey together with somebody you love it opens up whole new doors! This is a cool story man it's like she's exploring these mystical realms and you're the wizard leading her through with the awesome musical power of your hyper-dimensional lute!

Shiva is not only the god of destruction but of meditation. He has come to me in hyperspace before but what's interesting is that you have no serious prior connection or (very little) information tied to Shiva. I chant a Shiva mantra during meditation and prior to smoking spice so I was not too surprised when I encountered him. Destruction, black holes, meditation, rebirth... It all links together in beautiful correlation with psychs and the "rebirth" that happens when we take these substances.

It sounds like your lady is super open and has an easy time letting go. I think it is possible for you to have these experiences too but possibly because she goes into them first you are subconsciously not letting yourself go as deep as you'd truly like to out of protection for her -- like a built in auto-protect. Maybe if you went into it with the intention of having a mystical voyage or contact with the divine, as well as eat more than her and have her take the passengers seat and guide you/hold the space for you, it will be easier Smile I know that once you go deep like that too it's easier to go deep the next time if you so choose. I bet that's why it was so easy for her this time.

Anyways, thanks for the post I always enjoy reading your reports! Happy and safe cosmic travels friend! Big grin

असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
#4 Posted : 4/9/2016 6:02:13 AM

Don't Panic

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TGO, your lady's trip report sound very similar to my strongest ganja trip. Stronger than acid and mushrooms.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#5 Posted : 4/10/2016 1:33:36 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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@zhoro and Bodhisativa: Thank you for the links, we will both have a look through them shortly!


Thank you for your thoughts and your kind words. I am just glad to be able to share these experiences with fellow travelers and overjoyed that they can not only help me organize my thoughts, but that it is relatable to others too.

Playing music for her was definitely one of the best parts of the night. Something about the vibrational energy of specific sounds can really colour the trip in interesting ways. She has mentioned more than once that the entities that hang around her really enjoy the tunes. Dancing and whatnot.

Meeting Shiva has definitely given the two of us a lot to ponder. I too have always found it strange that there are numerous reports of people stating that contact has been made with deities even when they have no connection to them in everyday life. Since this trip, my GF has become increasingly curious about Hindu Gods/Goddesses and their purposes for obvious reasons. I'll have to look more into mantras as mine are normally brief homemade chants to help calm my nerves (note: this is in relation to smoalked DMT, I've never chanted a mantra on or before any other substance). Perhaps that could extend the visit next time (if that is even what she wants to do, I'll have to ask as she at work atm)...

She is definitely more of a spiritual person, also more in tune with what some would call the "super natural" so it makes perfect sense that she would be more susceptible to these visions. She embraces and goes with the flow. It is beautiful to watch. I, however, am an over analyzing skeptic at times and therefore I do not always allow myself to see what is right in front of me seemingly. I'm getting better at letting go on DMT but even after years of mushroom journeys, I am still learning how to let go fully in those states. I have a whole lifetime of course, and I love growing mushrooms as much as I love taking them so there will never be any shortages, hehe!

I think I'll keep gradually building up dosage and will definitely be dosing it via mushroom powder in OJ from now on. This 4.5g journey was more powerful than when I ate 6 strangely enough. I guess it goes to show that there are many factors that can influence a trip and that obviously dose is not the most important factor. But you are right, I think it may be time to try and turn off my "auto-protect."

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#6 Posted : 4/14/2016 2:19:59 AM

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When I was a younger man, I often found myself deeply embedded in quite dysfunctional and abusive relationships. The more abusive the relationship, the more ego loss I experienced in my desperation to hold on to the idea of perfect and unconditional love. In the later stages of these relationships, I inevitably felt it was Shiva who I was wooing.

The destroyer of ego's.

Hope it's relevant in some way for you. By no means am I implying there is anything dysfunctional about your relationship.

"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#7 Posted : 4/16/2016 3:54:08 AM

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It's so beautiful to be in love with a magical being Love
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#8 Posted : 4/23/2016 2:17:06 PM

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How stupid of me. While there are abundant references to 'Shiva the Destroyer', I somehow substituted Shiva for Kali, in my over-exuberance to participate in your thread. I meant to say Kali - obviously, much less relevant.

"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#9 Posted : 4/25/2016 6:06:16 PM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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roninsina wrote:
When I was a younger man, I often found myself deeply embedded in quite dysfunctional and abusive relationships. The more abusive the relationship, the more ego loss I experienced in my desperation to hold on to the idea of perfect and unconditional love. In the later stages of these relationships, I inevitably felt it was Shiva who I was wooing.

The destroyer of ego's.

Hope it's relevant in some way for you. By no means am I implying there is anything dysfunctional about your relationship.

Ironically, this has been the least dysfunctional relationship that I've ever been in. Things have been going surprisingly well, considering my track record with attracting bad relationships. We are going on 3 years, come July, and we have even been discussing the idea of moving things forward. While that may be a couple years away, it is nice to be making some serious plans for the future.

roninsina wrote:
How stupid of me. While there are abundant references to 'Shiva the Destroyer', I somehow substituted Shiva for Kali, in my over-exuberance to participate in your thread. I meant to say Kali - obviously, much less relevant.

No worries! We spent a decent amount of time researching who it was she came into contact with and Shiva fit all of her descriptions. Once Shiva popped up on the screen she said, "him! it was definitely him!" I still find it fascinating that even though she has no cultural background in the Hindu religion, she keeps coming into contact with beings from it.

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#10 Posted : 5/7/2016 5:01:56 AM

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The Grateful One wrote:

Ironically, this has been the least dysfunctional relationship that I've ever been in. Things have been going surprisingly well, considering my track record with attracting bad relationships. We are going on 3 years, come July, and we have even been discussing the idea of moving things forward. While that may be a couple years away, it is nice to be making some serious plans for the future.

roninsina wrote:
I meant to say Kali - obviously, much less relevant.

No worries! We spent a decent amount of time researching who it was she came into contact with and Shiva fit all of her descriptions. Once Shiva popped up on the screen she said, "him! it was definitely him!" I still find it fascinating that even though she has no cultural background in the Hindu religion, she keeps coming into contact with beings from it.


I was eight years old and visiting the house of a friend for the first time. He was a member of a Hindu family, though I wasn't sure what that meant and had never been exposed to the religion at all. Passing by his parents' room, I saw what appeared to be an animated statue of Ganesha. The small statue trumpeted like a tiny elephant and I was mesmerized. As my focus was drawn by its gesticulations, I heard a deep guttural sort of popping kind of sound - I've spent years interpreting that sound. My friend called to me from another room, and I found him and related the story. He alerted his mother, who it turned out was something of a Hindu scholar, being well versed in the ancient languages of India, and my visions caused her some considerable excitement. It was never clearly resolved, but it was a simple bronzed statue and no one else in the house had ever seen it moving or making any noise.

This was my first of many encounters with deities. [yes, you can call me completely bat-5h1t crazyLaughing ] I have come to consider them an artifact of human brain function - one of many automated patterns within the collective conscious. And like the holy books that describe these beings and their actions and attributes; they are patterns within reality that repeat themselves on every scale.

Anyway, it's great that you have someone you feel that way about. I'm in my middle years and in my first "functional" relationship as well. Nothing in the world like it.
"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost

#11 Posted : 5/8/2016 11:38:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Apart from pharaohs and the abstract, the only bonafide deity I ever encountered was the Egyptian Bennu Bird. Nobody else that I could find has written about the bird in a psychedelic sense. You have the great opportunity in the fact that there are literally dozens of trip reports here at the Nexus alone where people have encountered Shiva. You owe it to yourself and your girlfriend to take full advantage of this. Find all of those reports. Compile them. Read through them all, and note the commonalities. Being somewhat of a household name, it could be argued that there is a greater possibility for subconscious influence, but personally I would be skeptical of that argument.

I've seen lots of threads in this forum over the years (understatement), but threads on deities in particular catch my attention. I can tell you from memory, there are a bunch of Shiva ones. When I began to detect a pattern in the Ganesha encounters that were scattered out over the years, and started to realize how the vast majority of the encounters were initiatory experiences, and Ganesha is known as an initiator or the "Lord of New Beginnings" or gatekeeper, I knew those threads needed to be compiled. If there are commonalities among the Shiva threads, I would be very curious to hear it.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#12 Posted : 5/8/2016 1:48:51 PM

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Interesting thought that came upon my mind days before.

Our mind could be able to access the universal data space, which contains data gathered from all living things throughout the Universe.

When human demands access to that data space, he gets what humans should get. Archetypes and characters from thousands of years old human history, even before Homo sapiens, vistas from the plains of Africa through the eyes of Homo habilis even. This might explain why white Caucasian agnostic like me gets the Arabic images and vice versa. Or Mesoamerican. I have nothing common with those folks and their tradition and culture. Nor I ever was particularly interested in them. I always preferred the worldview of Ancient Greeks, and loved the architecture art and religion of Ancient Egypt. And so far, I haven't met anything even close to of Ancient Egyptian origin.

What I also think is that there is a consciousness behind these images. A cosmic James Cameron, directing an entire movie just for you. Smile

I would like to test this hypothesis further, but my abstinence from psychedelics is preventing me.

Peace and love.
#13 Posted : 5/9/2016 12:23:32 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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roninsina wrote:
The Grateful One wrote:

Ironically, this has been the least dysfunctional relationship that I've ever been in. Things have been going surprisingly well, considering my track record with attracting bad relationships. We are going on 3 years, come July, and we have even been discussing the idea of moving things forward. While that may be a couple years away, it is nice to be making some serious plans for the future.

roninsina wrote:
I meant to say Kali - obviously, much less relevant.

No worries! We spent a decent amount of time researching who it was she came into contact with and Shiva fit all of her descriptions. Once Shiva popped up on the screen she said, "him! it was definitely him!" I still find it fascinating that even though she has no cultural background in the Hindu religion, she keeps coming into contact with beings from it.


I was eight years old and visiting the house of a friend for the first time. He was a member of a Hindu family, though I wasn't sure what that meant and had never been exposed to the religion at all. Passing by his parents' room, I saw what appeared to be an animated statue of Ganesha. The small statue trumpeted like a tiny elephant and I was mesmerized. As my focus was drawn by its gesticulations, I heard a deep guttural sort of popping kind of sound - I've spent years interpreting that sound. My friend called to me from another room, and I found him and related the story. He alerted his mother, who it turned out was something of a Hindu scholar, being well versed in the ancient languages of India, and my visions caused her some considerable excitement. It was never clearly resolved, but it was a simple bronzed statue and no one else in the house had ever seen it moving or making any noise.

This was my first of many encounters with deities. [yes, you can call me completely bat-5h1t crazyLaughing ] I have come to consider them an artifact of human brain function - one of many automated patterns within the collective conscious. And like the holy books that describe these beings and their actions and attributes; they are patterns within reality that repeat themselves on every scale.

Anyway, it's great that you have someone you feel that way about. I'm in my middle years and in my first "functional" relationship as well. Nothing in the world like it.

I don't think you are crazy at all. I do, however, think that children are more susceptible and open to strange occurrences and if a deity were to "make their move" to impress or bewilder someone, it makes sense that they would appeal to a child's curiosity. As an adult in the current world, people are quick to slap the label "insane" on someone who encounters strange visions without being under the influence of anything.

I have mixed feelings about those labels. If a person is truly delusional and has potential to cause physical harm to themselves or others, I can understand why they may need medication or to be secluded from society. It isn't fair, but that is the way it is sometimes. There is a lady that I work with whose husband is schizophrenic with bipolar tendencies. I've seen her come into work with her face all bruised, battered, and swollen because he beats her up when in these delusional states. She has made excuse after excuse as to what happened but I've known her for six years now and you can only "fall down the stairs into a doorknob" so many times. Not trying to stray too far off topic but I think I made my point for that side.

(As a side note, what is "truly delusional" really mean anyway? What if these people who talk to things or people that aren't there are actually the sane ones...? We just view it differently because we can't see what they are talking for thought, hehe)

On the other hand, many religions claim that there were prophets who had visions of things to come. Were they crazy? Were they on psychedelics? Were they delusional? Did they even exist? Who knows, I think it is interesting to contemplate. Except for religious persecution, prophets were revered as great men/women which leads me to believe that they may be onto something...or on something...can't quite figure it out...Razz

That brings me to your comment about being crazy. I wonder what was really going on as you looked at that statue. I honestly think that the mind is so much more powerful and complex than we could ever imagine...we, as a society in general, are just quick to dismiss anything out of the ordinary as "scary" or even "dangerous" ...and if it isn't those then it is "just your imagination" many thoughts to ponder here...

As I've mentioned here and on other trip reports, my GF has breakthroughs on mushrooms on doses as low as 3 grams. I tested it last time and intentionally gave her less and she still saw beings and had a visionary experience. Terence said 5 grams? Not for my lady, she only needs 3, Very happy ! But as for me, mine are a lot less visionary unless I dose upwards of 10 grams dried cubes.
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#14 Posted : 5/9/2016 12:40:47 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

Welcoming committee

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Location: Lost In A Dream
Global wrote:
Apart from pharaohs and the abstract, the only bonafide deity I ever encountered was the Egyptian Bennu Bird. Nobody else that I could find has written about the bird in a psychedelic sense. You have the great opportunity in the fact that there are literally dozens of trip reports here at the Nexus alone where people have encountered Shiva. You owe it to yourself and your girlfriend to take full advantage of this. Find all of those reports. Compile them. Read through them all, and note the commonalities. Being somewhat of a household name, it could be argued that there is a greater possibility for subconscious influence, but personally I would be skeptical of that argument.

I've seen lots of threads in this forum over the years (understatement), but threads on deities in particular catch my attention. I can tell you from memory, there are a bunch of Shiva ones. When I began to detect a pattern in the Ganesha encounters that were scattered out over the years, and started to realize how the vast majority of the encounters were initiatory experiences, and Ganesha is known as an initiator or the "Lord of New Beginnings" or gatekeeper, I knew those threads needed to be compiled. If there are commonalities among the Shiva threads, I would be very curious to hear it.

I really love your perspectives on things, Global! For me personally, I have yet to figure out any connections to deities in my personal experiences. And by that I mean that I have not been able to identify their origin. These mushroom experiences that we have been going on have really opened my eyes to the power of mushrooms, which is really incredible because when it comes to experience with psychedelics, mushrooms are what I know most about and have used more than any other substance.
I have met a few entities while on DMT, but the only one I could even slightly identify resembled a character from the animated TV show BLEACH...other than that they have been very hard to describe.

My GF has greatly increased my curiosity about such matters and we have been looking into the Hindu religion a bit more lately because of these trips. For whatever reasons her vision gets flooded with Hindu symbols and whatnot. The last trip we went on about a week ago, she mentioned meeting a goddess who was "all about her beauty" and was "flaunting it all around and making a point to show poise" ... more things to consider I suppose. But anyway, I think I'll start compiling some Shiva threads in this post so that they will be easy to reference...I've already looked through a few that were interesting although I'll have to talk with her more to find similarities:

Encounter with Shiva?

On Shiva

2nd trip "Shiva & Moving Masks"

Flashes Of Shiva, Ishtar, Aphrodite & patterning geometric constellations

First Breakthrough!!! I saw the true nature of reality, talked to god, pure ecstasy

Enter the Void

the morphology of the ALL?

Changa sessions with the Great Goddess
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#15 Posted : 5/9/2016 12:51:58 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

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Location: Lost In A Dream
oversoul1919 wrote:
Interesting thought that came upon my mind days before.

Our mind could be able to access the universal data space, which contains data gathered from all living things throughout the Universe.

When human demands access to that data space, he gets what humans should get. Archetypes and characters from thousands of years old human history, even before Homo sapiens, vistas from the plains of Africa through the eyes of Homo habilis even. This might explain why white Caucasian agnostic like me gets the Arabic images and vice versa. Or Mesoamerican. I have nothing common with those folks and their tradition and culture. Nor I ever was particularly interested in them. I always preferred the worldview of Ancient Greeks, and loved the architecture art and religion of Ancient Egypt. And so far, I haven't met anything even close to of Ancient Egyptian origin.

What I also think is that there is a consciousness behind these images. A cosmic James Cameron, directing an entire movie just for you. Smile

I would like to test this hypothesis further, but my abstinence from psychedelics is preventing me.

Peace and love.

I like this thought a lot. If there is a universal data space, and psychedelics help us tap into it, it only stands to reason that my GF is tuning into some sort of message completely void of time and space. It may not even be a message at all, but just something that she happened to experience right at that moment, with no rhyme or reason. Or perhaps there is a reason behind it? I don't really know and I'd probably drive the both of us crazy trying to figure it out! Very happy

Besides her Hindu connection and my apparent BLEACH connection, I've yet to be able to identify where these beings originated, as I mentioned above. but that is me of course, and these last few mushroom experiences have been me writing what she tells me. I try not to embellish anything for the sake of the experience. Hell, I even take notes when she talks to me about it so I don't forget anything...anywho.... ... ... ... ...

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