Something like love is born from the spirit. When we try to break it down with reason, it doesn't make sense. Why would someone risk their life to save another? Well, love. Right? Right, but what does that mean?
Depends on who you ask. A evolutionary biologist would say we are programmed to imprint ourselves into the gene pool. Doesn't explain a person risking their life to save a friends. No matter who you ask, love is always irrational and illogical. But we don't exist to be purely rational computers. "When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity." - Dale Carnegie.
Spirituality cannot be measured, unlike empirical evidence. Empiricism is derived from what you can sense. In other words, what you can measure. Some say that the spirit is eternal and boundless. And from my DMT trips, I can see that. In regards to people who can sense chakras and things like that, I am skeptical. Purely because I can't sense it myself. Who knows, maybe they are BSing, maybe they're not. I have seen auras emanating from life, but only on psychs.
Releasing emotional tethers is one of the steps towards enlightenment. Specifically, this means releasing negative emotions. With positivity, you ascend. With negativity, you are grounded. Some people are constantly flying. Others are chained to the ground, only growing more bitter when they look up at the sky. But it is a self defeating mentality, they're just adding weight to their chains by being bitter. If one wants to release the people chained to the ground, they must stop flying and help. Which means empathy. Grounded, not by chains, but by compassion and empathy. At any moment, they can take to the skies again. I think it's incredibly important that we help every suffering soul on this planet.
Those who are too wrapped up in rationality are also weighing themselves down. I used to be that guy. It bred apathy and ignorance, mainly because I saw everything as futile. Psychs took off my chains. And now I'm flying to hyperspace and back. I realised that empiricism only applies to the physical world. The spiritual world, well, one must experience it to even attempt to understand it.
hug46 wrote:The nearest that you can get to explaining it, at least as far as drugs are concerned, is to talk to them in language that they understand. Try steering them towards the recent David Nutt brainscan/lsd trials and how the re-routing of brain activity contributed to one-ness and ego dissolution and how you feel about any possible resulting benefits from these kinds of events.
Maybe they will decide to experience for themselves and see what all the fuss is about.
This can go either way. It might completely liberate them, or it might shatter them. They might try to analyse every singe thing happening, and their brain winks out. Again, could be good or bad. I've seen some people have bad experiences with any substance that liberates the mind. They were uber-rational. They thought that the psychedelic experience is unnatural. I think they were scared because they couldn't understand it.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."