DMT-Nexus member
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noman's tek 150g of mimosa 2.250ml of water 150g lye ===almost 3g of white crystals bio-essay= extraordinary visuals profound meditatio, inner space 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 755 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 06-Jul-2011 Location: France
3 g from 150 g ??!! This makes a 2% yield of white crystals ?!  Hmmm... this seems a dreamy mimosa bark you got there 
 The Enlightend One
Posts: 739 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 05-Feb-2016 Location: I have no home
Garulfo wrote:3 g from 150 g ??!! This makes a 2% yield of white crystals ?! Hmmm... this seems a dreamy mimosa bark you got there  yea Iwant some of that bark Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here. RZA
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 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 147 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-May-2019 Location: everywhere and anywhere
swim got that one from the usual internet merchant site , but sadly , today i went there to get some more for x-mas presentes and they where all gone i couldn't believe my eyes , when swim ordered ,they had loads of it, and now there's nothing also when swim got the stuff he decided to weight the stuff to see if it came correct, and for swim surprise they added another 30g on top of it , plus it was quite cheap compared to other sites everyone uses it said on the packaging from netherlands pink/purple supreme quality inner bark 450g plus 30g free(that i measured) i had to pwdrd it myself in a blender i would love to pm you guys with the seller but like i said it's all gone not bad for swims first orders and extraction heh? also swim says that nomans tek rules 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 494 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 21-Apr-2011 Location: 49 th parallel
Wow Mr shroom ! that is unusually good bark, perhaps .. but I'm guessing lye has added to the yeild, raising it to that 3% mark. Or you need to check your calculations..?
You can taste the lye and see it though... it should be obvious.
In chemistry terms, an artificially high yeild- one that exceeds known results, is presumed to have contaminants. So one ought to recrystalize or wash out all lye.
I admit my bias - I feel that lye-stew tek's that skip an acid solubilization of the dmt are prone to contamination. Especially since they all call for excessive lye, shovels full of lye in fact and STBs DON'T call for pH measurement. I've heard the stories, seen swim's bad lye-contaminated crystals, and tasted it ! Bleh !l ... 1.0 % yeild is a maximum to expect, I'm wondering how you got 2%...?
Also your units are wonky, .. 'litres' of H2O not ml, you mean.?
Do you have pictures too..? purity is given away by the crystal form. How does it smoke..?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 147 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-May-2019 Location: everywhere and anywhere
i used nomans tek from a to z and i did wrote 2,250 ml in my post that is 2 L 250 ML anyway i agree with you on a contamin base , i could had happen aldo i dont taste anything apart from the dmt smell/taste , swim will do a wash to see what happens , maybe i get much less after that who knows  swim will try and get a couple of pics , swim did found that it was a bit too much for what ive been reading , and another thing any many pulls do you guys usually do ? swim been doing 1 every 24 hours for the past week and every time swim gets crystals,everytime less and less but still swim has done 5 pulls of really hot naphtha 50ml and it doesnt stop squirting crystals
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 24 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 04-Feb-2008
4.0g clear crystals, .5g white crystals (4.5 total) 1 lb mhrb A/B soaked 4 times, 3 vm&p naphtha pulls
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 100 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 11-Nov-2019 Location: Northern VA
With Noman's tek, 50 grams MHRB yielded ~100mg on first two pulls (evap) and I await the yields for the freeze precip pulls. UPDATE on freeze precip: nothing. A whole lot of nothing. 2 50ml jars were left in the outside freezer overnight and there was only a twinkling of a crystal. Perhaps everything came out in the first two pulls?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 764 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 20-Mar-2023
This was SWIM's first extraction. He used 70 g MHRB from a reliable vendor. SWIM started from lazyman's tek but later changed to Noman's by adding more water and lye. He used lab grade NaOH and Heptane. During the 1st pull being afraid that heptane does not separate properly he added 50 ml more of heptane. The first pull took 3 days. The 2nd pull took 1 day. 70 ml of heptane were used. Two pulls were combined and reduced to 50 ml. 24 hrs freeze precip yielded more than 1200 mg of wettish yellow chrystals. He suspected that he extracted lots of useless stuff, so he did recrystallisation. After the recrystallisation and drying he got 580 mg of mostly white crystals. The 3rd pull yielded less that 50 mg of rather white crystals. SWIM did not bother to recrystallise this and just added to the crystals from the first 2 pulls. Out of curiosity he tried the 4th pull but after more that a week heptane did not separate. He thinks that adding more lye would be useless as the bark cannot yield more than it already did (630 mg). SWIM tried the spice. It was not harsh smelling and was easy to inhale. As these were SWIM's first encounters with the spice he did not break through but his friend experienced what he called a direct cannonball hit on his 4th toke. Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 15 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 15-Nov-2016 Location: non english native
Swim told me he's got 0.91g white/yellowish crystals from 82g mhrb using noman's tek, which translates to about 1.1% yield so far. Swim did several pulls over the course of a week and expects that there's still some magick in the bottle. It was his first extraction and he was very happy with the results. Swim likes noman's tek very much. He shall try extraction from larger amounts soon.
Swim found that the ammonia wash did virtually nothing to his spice (same weight before and after) plus he dislikes the smell of ammonia and losing some spice due to sticking to the filter paper, so he thinks he will skip the washing process in the future. Recrystallization is not an option for him at the moment.
edit: swim's now at 1.08g (1.3%) after 2 more days and 2 more pulls from the same batch. He hopes to build an automatic stirrer soon to speed up and optimize the process.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 01-Sep-2014
2.5 grams from 250 grm bark using nomans tek n hexane 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 46 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 04-Nov-2009 Location: Amsterdam
Nomans tek. on 2 kilo of powder MHRB. using also Heptane yielding 8 grams of pure white, and 19 grams of slightly yellow but very potent spice. And more is on the way. He's recrystalized every thing three times, and indeed loads of bunk came out. BTW. Swim didn't use any extra water or ley, and seems to have no problems at all. Uncover the truth,"It's really stranger then fiction".
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 18 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 07-Aug-2008
142grams of CRYSTAL CLEAR spice from 15000grams of mhrb.
My own method of straight to base.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 100 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 11-Nov-2019 Location: Northern VA
Youkaindole wrote:142grams of CRYSTAL CLEAR spice from 15000grams of mhrb.
My own method of straight to base. Pictures?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 192 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 14-Feb-2024
Straight to base 1910 mg out of 200 grams mhrb
 The Enlightend One
Posts: 739 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 05-Feb-2016 Location: I have no home
The Dream Walker wrote:Youkaindole wrote:142grams of CRYSTAL CLEAR spice from 15000grams of mhrb.
My own method of straight to base. Pictures? Yea that sounds like a little much Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here. RZA
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 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 234 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 08-Apr-2024
5 pulls from 50 grams pre-powdered MHRB were combined and ammonia washed twice with an end result of 0.675 grams of slightly yellow Spice for a 1.35% yield. This was Swims first attempt at harvesting Spice and he used Nomans tek but had to add quite a bit extra water/lye mixture because of the powdered soup being way too thick. You can read about it here -> Losing virginity... Time to pop the DMT cherry... First extractionSwim will be giving it another go to confirm consistency because there was a little honey oil in the dish he used to freeze evap with.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 192 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 14-Feb-2024
^^Sounds pretty normal only .95%
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
adrian89987 wrote:^^Sounds pretty normal only .95% Well, 142 grams of spice seem to me like pretty much. 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 192 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 14-Feb-2024
haha yea maybe i misread 142 grams would be a lot to see at once holy