Restoring Microflora and Gut Function Options
#41 Posted : 3/31/2016 6:39:05 PM
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TheAwakening wrote:
There is a lot of talk of methods of treatment from a biomedical science background which is healthy and useful but another system of medicine you could look at is chinese medicine. I would recommend going and seeing a practitioner though rather than self-study as it can be very hard to work it all out on your own and if you don't have the eyes to see ou might overemphasize one pattern and completely miss another plus tounge and pulse diagnosis, especially pulse diagnosis, aren't useful until you've spent a lot of time feeling and seeing many different patients. You should research the best one in your area, they have been known to treat nasty auto-immune diseases and other really strange things that western doctors have given up on.

Best of luck on your journey! It sounds like you've tried a lot of different things and I really hope you can find your answer soon.


I'm certainly open to many modes of healing. While I don't consider myself overly reductionist at heart, I do find I have a hard time giving in to things don't fit my mental map of reality. And since mentality is a big part of healing, I think it'd benefit me if I could get some grasp on what exactly it is they do in chinese medicine. Most of what I've read is pretty vague and without personal experience or translatable experience it's hard for me to sink my faith into it. Do you know of any good sources of information that can explain it to someone born and bred western? I don't expect a biochemical breakdown, but anything that helps it appeal to my intuition would be wonderful. I'll research more on it myself right now.

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#42 Posted : 4/1/2016 2:27:01 AM

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I think that's really wise and shows that you understand the role you play in your own healing process. I would recommend reading through the first few chapters of the Web that Has No Weaver as a simple introduction (PM me if you have any troubles finding it..) As someone who has grown up in a western society and used western medicine for most of my life I'll try give a very brief description of what I understand of it. I am currently studying TCM and it is the only form of medicine I use, I will give some insights into what I understand it to be but any fault in the explanation is mine and not necessarily a fault in TCM. I won't go too far into the theory as it might unnecessarily confuse the essense of what TCM means to a layman.

TCM believes that the body ultimately has the ability to heal itself if the correct inner and environmental conditions exist, it works with the body and doesn't try and dominate/control it. For example if you had low insulin levels the west often treat you with external insulin but chinese medicine would be asking why the body can't produce or use it's own insulin effectively. Thus a TCM practitioner is often not just interested in the symptoms you are visiting them to treat but understands that this symptom is just a sign that helps to create a general/overall pattern which details how your body is out of balance with itself and the environment. The patterns exhibit themselves in a vast number of ways including the tounge, pulse, eyes, complexion of the face, quality of the pain (for example does the pain go away if pressure is applied or does it make it worse, does it move around or stay put). Thus two people that say they have a headache might exhibit different patterns. One might have a really red tounge, is angered easily and has an oily complexion while the other has dry lips and skin and a slightly pale complexion. To a western doctor the two people presenting would be treated the same..lets be cliché and say they administer panadol. Yet the chinese doctor would treat these patients differently. I would also say that chinese medicine is mind,body and spirit medicine because all the patterns you exhibit can, to the trained eye, tell something about all these different levels of reality.

TCM observes that the human being is a mini universe (microcosm). It also observes that the body has a fractal nature, for example with acupuncture if you look at your foot side on with your big toe closest to you you'll observe that it has the same quality of curves as the spine. Thus if you have spinal pain a chinese doctor might needle in the corresponding area of the foot, amongst other areas depending on what your body is telling the practitioner. I can personally attest to the results this brings. All the different places observations can be made that I mentioned above (tounge, pulse, complexion etc) can also fall under this category.

One observation I have made about western vs chinese medicine is that western medicine has a tendency to say that there is a certain way the body should behave and anyone who behaves differently to this is sick. While this is also true chinese medicine is more personalized, What is healthy for one person is really not healthy for another. For example raw foods are healthy to some people but really not healthy to others (most in my opinion hehe Big grin ). I think this is emphasized and taken advantage of more in chinese medicine.

Anyway these are just a few of the many things that could be said on the subject, like I said message me if you need more references. I know what it's like to have chronic health conditions that can't seem to be treated no matter what you do. Both western and eastern medicines are useful. If I was in a car accident chances are I'd opt for western medicine to begin with and then use chinese medicine to nourish and replenish me back to health after western medicine. However if I have a chronic condition I'd goto chinese medicine first..but that is my opinion and I am aware of biases I might have due to me studying it and all however I have had real results for my chronic eczema condition which had been with me for as long as my memories had.

#43 Posted : 4/4/2016 12:26:54 AM

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Research these:

Turpentine , Kerosene , colostrum

My personal experience: Had antibiotics about 6 months ago, messed up my gut, only and I mean only above three put me on fast recovery road, they're so powerful and start healing whatever it is with your gut and intestine, symptoms start to disappear pretty much fast...
#44 Posted : 4/4/2016 3:25:37 PM
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The Awakening - I have not forgotten your post. Been away for a weekend at a beautiful off-grid ecovillage I'm hoping to move into Love Now I have to cram this paper which is actually on this very topic for my metabolism class. But I will read your kind and thorough contribution when I get the time. Thanks brother Big grin

Migmag- Very encouraging to hear a personal success story. I had no idea turpentine and kerosene were safe for consumption. I'm a little hesitant but will read into it. Any details you could provide on how you came to it and why are welcome Razz
#45 Posted : 4/4/2016 6:19:10 PM

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Sure brother.

I tried everything out there to correct my gut issue (they call it Candida which happens after the use of antibiotics), from all types of antifungals to all different diets they recommended, nothing helped at all, let me tell you my worst symptoms:

Indigestion, bloating after meals, extreme brain fog, depression, lack of energy and such...I loved to die and just end this so weird suffering.

Eventually I stopped reading and following, but out of all the studies, understanding and figuring out I came into this > To boost my body immune system (let the body cures itself via its own natural way, its own defence machine against the problem in the body) and do the opposite of so called candida diet while at the same time use common sense. so I slowly stopped any type of junk foods or any processed foods out there and eat whole foods only, a diet full of high fats (great fats such as Ghee and Lard and raw butters, no coconut oil, no vegetables cooking oil, I could not trust companies who make these oils), I included rich protein foods too, steaks and such. included fruits too such as coconut, green banana and apples and berries.

at this stage, I started to feel a little better, I was a little lifted up, I smiled some! To boost immune system I decided to do Kambo - it was known to boost body's immune system multiple times in a short period of time and that it has profound healing effects in the body, I did 3 days kambo, on the first day, I purged a great deal of craps, that was wonderful, I felt much better in the stomach, but being perfectionism I did not see complete cure from my gut issue, but overaly I felt better. Right after first kambo, the rest of day i was resting peacefully (good effects of kambo) I decided to give searching another try and then I came across Turpentine, no idea from where in search I found a forum thread where almost everyone posted very positive experience of using Turpentine against Candida and any other issues related to infections in the guts.


I was so damn happy, I could not wait to try it, placed my order right away. I finished 3 days kambo, very good stuff by the way, still no complete cure after three sessions. I had the turpentine a couple weeks later and right after my first dose, it was like I was lifed heavily! almost felt complete relief of all my symptoms, I was so damn happy I was back on track. I kept taking tupentine on a daily basis and I found myself free from my previous symptoms, I was again able to do my daily works and everything, Turpentine even started to help with other issues, I always have had depression, rain fog, fatigue even before this gut problem, and turpentine addressed them so greatly! so turpentin became my holy grail ) I continued with turpentine and kinda kiss-goodbye my worse time of my life, about 4 months very bad suffering of candida. later I decided to try Kerosene too, it was used before Turpentine as a cure-all, once kerosene was not avialable, turpentine was used. Kerosene I found it sedative (Turpentine is stimulating) but I sensed it's more powerful than Turpentine for curing the whole thing. again with Kerosene, I was free from symptoms. Note with turpentine and kerosene, I tested things too, started to eat junk foods again, I could still handle them with no problem at all, but without them, while I was still much better than before starting turpentine, still the problem was there but at a very lower level, it wasn't hell like before. Infections such as candida are very tricky, they're bastards and they can come back quickly, so continuing Turpentine or kerosene for full recovery is a must, together with detoxying which is along the way.

later (now) I took my decision, stop junk foods of whatever type for good, only whole foods with common sense, not just because of candida, but because I see there's something wrong with junk processed foods, but not with whole foods. I love fats and i love meats, I eat them with no problem at all now and digest them so well. but I do feel something wrong if I eat a candy or processed choclate out there or anything which has sugar in it (darn white processed sugar). Note I am still on the recovery mode on that low level, but I do not feel I have candida anymore, because the symptoms are all gone by the use of turpentine and kerosene, so it's been a great victory for me as I am functional now! and I am so sure it's a matter of time before I am completely cured of this issue even without using turpentine or kersone. Good/healthy life style, good wholefoods, boosting my immune system will make it happen, make the body cure itself.

As for what are Turpentine or Kerosene, they're just so powerful in CLEANING the bad stuff in the body, so the more you are cleaned, more you feel stronger, more better immune system, so more power to beat the infections naturally by body itself.

And you will not find much scientific studies on these two stuffs, there are only old stories and texts about using them, they say our granies know them as they used it in old times as a cure-all, esp kerosene. Both are known as toxins too, but it's the dosage that makes a difference on being a toxin or a healing substance.

Here's a good page to start learning and of course the forum thread above which has more sources within it.

Sorry I typed fast, english not great too ) I wish you speedy recovery!
Cognitive Heart
#46 Posted : 4/4/2016 6:30:36 PM

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I strongly discourage using kerosene or turpentine for HC. Shocked
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#47 Posted : 4/4/2016 10:37:00 PM

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Cognitive Heart wrote:
I strongly discourage using kerosene or turpentine for HC. Shocked


#48 Posted : 4/5/2016 3:08:28 PM
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Heh that was my first reaction. I'll still give it a peak nonetheless because you never know what possibilities lie in such places. That colostrum on the other hand... I'm highly intrigued. Haven't got too deep into understanding it yet, but I read a little on it as well as some product reviews giving it some serious praise for various digestive and immune related ailments. Might seriously be something to that. Also read about the possibility of vaccinating cows against specific bacterial strains to produce colostrum that incorporates factors specific to certain problematic microbes Pleased Seriously cool stuff
anne halonium
#49 Posted : 4/7/2016 12:58:13 AM

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i didnt need turpentine or kerosene personally..............
sounds heroic and flammable.
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#50 Posted : 4/7/2016 6:34:28 PM

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Ufostrahlen wrote:
I read that you don't eat any dairy, otherwise i would have suggested to try homemade kefir. It is delicious and contains just a bit lactose if that's the problem.

You can make kefir with soy milk as well, 100% vegan. Try the kefir with some delicious vegan blueberry muffins, Waka Flocka Flame shows you how.

I used to suffer horribly with intestinal issues. I cut out most wheat unless it is organic and started brewing and drinking kombucha tea and I culture and drink Kefir water daily.

If you eat at night stop now. That was also huge for me. I was a night snacker and woke with a sour stomach and gas daily for years.

I bought all my starters on amazon for super cheap, forget the $5 bottles of either and make your own for pennies.

I would avoid harsh detox cleanses, at least to excess. They may kill some of the flora you want. Go easy and slow.
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#51 Posted : 4/9/2016 4:10:39 AM
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How long did it take for you intestinal issues to clear up? I'm just starting to get over this flare finally. I think the GOS has been helping too. Been pooping like a champ the past few days.

Fucking frustrating though. My dermatitis was almost clear and now my fingers are like raisins again. Live and learn though. Just glad I'm on my way back.
#52 Posted : 4/9/2016 2:25:36 PM

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Yea, colostrum too is highly beneficial for our gut issues.

I love how nature works, colostrum is the first milk produced by cows in late pregnancy, it's a powerhouse of antibodies and immune boosting substances, to give strength to the newborn and protect it from possible infections.

Last week I had the chance to try fresh colostrum from the local cattle farm, I didn't know it's been used in Iran, as soon as I said you know first milk, they said its "Aghoz", Persian name, funny pronunciation ) when there's a newborn, they take some of the colostrum and share it with relatives, as a means of bringing good health to family members. Yeah, it's really that good.
#53 Posted : 4/27/2016 5:39:22 PM

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One more suggestion - RAW Milk. well, for me it's doing wonderful! Full of steady energy, also no stomach issue with the raw one, on the contrary, i see it's healing! with processed milk, I'll do feel some problems.

I get the raw milk from local cattle farm, man, what a difference raw milk is! taste and texture different.

did some study online, raw milk is filled with bacterias (good ones) and much more which if processed, indeed all are gone.
anne halonium
#54 Posted : 4/28/2016 12:44:48 AM

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^ of course one could drink almond milk,
thus avoiding numerous pathogens and milk
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#55 Posted : 4/28/2016 2:08:51 AM

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^ I like almond milk but the only similarity between it and milk is that both are white liquids. It's not really a replacement.
#56 Posted : 4/28/2016 4:55:23 AM

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migmag wrote:
Research these:

Turpentine , Kerosene , colostrum

My personal experience: Had antibiotics about 6 months ago, messed up my gut, only and I mean only above three put me on fast recovery road, they're so powerful and start healing whatever it is with your gut and intestine, symptoms start to disappear pretty much fast...

This is an irresponsible suggestion that could inflict grievous bodily harm (or death!) to someone if they were to follow your advice. You should be absolutely ashamed. Consumption of kerosene causes necrosis of liver tissue, just so you know how absolutely stupid and dangerous your advice is. Shame on you
#57 Posted : 4/28/2016 2:38:06 PM
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No worries I won't drink kerosene lol. So for anyone who comes across this again... I believe I know why my attempts at feeling better have only been partially successful. At the suggestion of a friend I went back over early labs and symptoms and... 99.9% positive I have Lyme disease. I'm sure my healthier habits have only helped my immune system, but this explains just about everything from the localized inflammation in my heart, to the swollen lymph nodes, to the sensory neuropathy, to my nodular fasciitis tumor, to my joint pains, and potentially even brain fog. My mom was the first to suggest it when I got sick and my imbecile doctors criticized me and told me my labs were negative... Looking back, one of them is actually positive and anybody who knows anything about Lyme knows that even multiple negative tests is not a reliable indicator. Having a single positive result is a blessing and at the least I should have been referred to a specialist. Oh well, got one lined up now so I'll know for sure in a few weeks but here's to the year of hell that will probably ensue and the hope of a light at the end of this tunnel Razz
#58 Posted : 4/28/2016 5:30:11 PM

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Psybin wrote:
migmag wrote:
Research these:

Turpentine , Kerosene , colostrum

My personal experience: Had antibiotics about 6 months ago, messed up my gut, only and I mean only above three put me on fast recovery road, they're so powerful and start healing whatever it is with your gut and intestine, symptoms start to disappear pretty much fast...

This is an irresponsible suggestion that could inflict grievous bodily harm (or death!) to someone if they were to follow your advice. You should be absolutely ashamed. Consumption of kerosene causes necrosis of liver tissue, just so you know how absolutely stupid and dangerous your advice is. Shame on you

I know you hate it but Kerosene still cured my symptoms Smile but I was wrong when i decided to participate in this thread you know, for obvious reasons, or probably wasn't wrong, for unprejudiced people.
#59 Posted : 4/28/2016 7:09:47 PM

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migmag wrote:
Psybin wrote:
migmag wrote:
Research these:

Turpentine , Kerosene , colostrum

My personal experience: Had antibiotics about 6 months ago, messed up my gut, only and I mean only above three put me on fast recovery road, they're so powerful and start healing whatever it is with your gut and intestine, symptoms start to disappear pretty much fast...

This is an irresponsible suggestion that could inflict grievous bodily harm (or death!) to someone if they were to follow your advice. You should be absolutely ashamed. Consumption of kerosene causes necrosis of liver tissue, just so you know how absolutely stupid and dangerous your advice is. Shame on you

I know you hate it but Kerosene still cured my symptoms Smile but I was wrong when i decided to participate in this thread you know, for obvious reasons, or probably wasn't wrong, for unprejudiced people.

You mistake science and facts for prejudice, which is a convenient fallback when someone exposes you as a charlatan. Kerosene consumption is not safe, hence why the CDC has a long entry on kerosene poisoning. Moreover, I can't find a single peer reviewed study or journal supporting the notion of kerosene being medicinal. If you're going to continue this line of advice, please link a supporting publication that shows evidence of your claims.

Impairment of Organ Function After Ingestion of Refined Petrol

Accidental Poisoning in Soutwest Maharashtra

Kerosene was the most common oral poison (30%).

Kerosene Poisoning in Children;epage=132;aulast=Prasad

Many hydrocarbons in kerosene like hexane, naphthalene, octane, and phenanthrene are toxic to humans.

What part of this do you not understand?
anne halonium
#60 Posted : 4/28/2016 7:29:29 PM

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for the record,
i dont condone petrochem based cures on any level............ever.
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