Knocked my metaphysical socks off Options
#1 Posted : 8/10/2009 7:09:23 PM

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Please disregard all previous posts on all topics. Everything has changed. Last night SWIM had the most fantastic, outrageous, astonishing, profound, ecstatic, transcendent experience of her life. She is left with a deep and lasting conviction that consciousness will survive/transcend physical death and many other things that could fill endless pages. She has spent a couple hours discussing this with her patient sister-in-law who calls it Heaven. She has made journal entries of the type that when she reads trip narratives like them she laughs thinking nothing like that could ever happen to her.

SWIM did smoke Salvia yesterday afternoon and encountered multiple female entities/voices urging her joyously to move forward with the spice, "What are you waiting for? There's something you do need to see! Nothing to fear!"

So, last night she decided to go back into the spice realms. There were a couple of failed attempts one of which resulted in a bizarre kind of chemistry lesson with endless, rapid images of spinning, changing molecules.

She felt absolutely compelled to load a high dose, 28 mg ontop of "salad," probably no more than 38 to 43 mg. She meditated extensively, kind of prayed (a first for her) to the DMT and the other realms then observed the beautiful snowy white crystals . . .she pyrolyzed the DMT. Got three good tokes. . . .Here's her raw journal entry:

Wow! Got lifted up and out after some struggle and taken to fantastic, spacelike, colorful, expanding dimension with tinnitus sound imparting HUGE quantities of information. Light, oneness, evolution, . . . can't remember what else. Quit "praying" for safe journey and start trying to learn something! There was a HUGE, information rich, saturated tunnel - like a field saturated with living, vibrating information. I brought nothing back. Smiling at the irony. Sounds/tinnitus came through as (cannot read word) echoing sound, but there were other layers/levels/dimensions of information embedded in the echoing sounds themselves. Extremely strong impression of the tunnel - like space in the information richness/density in every square nanometer of this area had sound. The synesthesia had extra layers of information in it.

There were various 3-D objects floating in the tunnel, vibrating with information. All sounds echoed and the tunnel had visible threads rich with data. This tunnel felt like a playground . . .perhaps for the new-mind progeny of the great Singularity/Eschaton machine glimpsed a few days ago . . .Oh boy . . . that feels exactly right. Smiling . . . I brought back and learned nothing. Such a small, puny mind.

Radically incredible realm . . . not possible to do justice. It was a wonderful and wonderous place! I love information and have never felt self in such an ecstatic, info-rich realm before . . . didn't know such a place was possible . . . really incredible. . .

All structure/information was inherently vibrational, frenetic and energetic. The tryptamine landscape patterns/colors were completely absent from tis realm. The tunnel was an orangish-brown color - prettier than that sounds . . . place of extreme, high energy in every possible sense/manifestation. . .

No entity contact, no female presence. This was a higher space/plane/dimension.

Once again felt weirdly compressing to return to my body. Seems like there was some resistance to the launch out of it. But, did get out and immediately found mind/sensorium in this higher dimensional realm.

I know DMT's known as the spirit molecule but for me it's becoming the teacher molecule . . . these attempted lessons (though not truly learned) felt profound. One lesson coming through loud and clear is just how small I really am.

SWIM waited a couple of hours but felt absolutely compelled to go back in. She was sure there was something beyond the tunnel she was meant to see. Journal continues:

Salad + 30 mg (40 to 45 mg most likely). Pray for learning . . .Got one good toke in. By second toke, body was freezing up . . .

Crazy, fantastic realm that literally brought tears to my body's eyes. Lifted out after being helped by invisible, poking, prodding, pulling friends . . . feels really weird to be back in this small recepticle. Teeth feel funny . . .

Coming back a bit . . . Can see paper/writing a bit better.

Was taken to realm beyond life/beyond death. Info-rich, 3-D, endlessly rainbow colored slices of forever/God ringing, vibrating information. Spiral, corkscrew slices sliding into each other. Exchanging high pitched data. So beautiful, kinetic, other-worldly. This was a place beyond/higher than petty concepts like life and death. Death still seems acceptable and inevitable but now it seems it doesn't matter . . . in that it is by no means of the word the end of consciousness . . . this higher info-rich world of fantastic rotating angular rainbow surfaces . . . Seems like phrase, "We are information." is unusually profound, perhaps my lesson . . .

Memory is all fucked up . . . wish had voice recorder of some kind . . .

Feel shaken by experience to this realm. Not religious but feeling like consciousness is not limited by death . . . it simply ascends/transcends to this higher vibrational realm of ecstatically rotating information. Not at all a playground. Nothing to do with other visions. Singularly unique, higher realm.

I was taken by a powerful, numbing trance, beginning to leave body at end of 2nd toke. Barely got pipe down in time. Got NAILED to the bed, even after landed back in body . . .

Ecstatic information. Normal 3-dimensions had no meaning. Tremendous amount of info in the rotating color wheels/corkscrews. Like everything . . . the entire Universe . . . living, dead, past, now, future . . . all possibilities that never were . . . seemed contained yet infinite . . . Ecstatically beautiful info-rich, infinite, rotating, vibrating place. The fundamental info store of the Universe. Definately where all minds (of Everything, sentient or not, living or not, "real" or not) wind up after death. Actually, a great place to be in any state of mind, life or death. But, a place of pure, raw mind/consciousness/existence. Not enough of the self/memory to be able to search for loved ones if this is what awaits us . . .it doesn't matter there. It is too inherently ecstatic and info-dense. So dense that everyone, everywhere, all time is right there. Of course this would include any dead loved ones . . .

This is a place of ecstatic union and oneness with EVERYTHING.

So weird that I cannot seem to shake the idea that this awaits us at death. We really do rise up out of corporeal bodies and pure mind/information "uploads" instantly (It was and has always been already there anyway) to this ecstatic realm. There are no Gods/Godesses/Higher Beings per se there. The entire space by its nature encompasses these and all other concepts easily.

Wow. My world feels rocked. It's 2:35 a.m. and I still can't see straight. Incredible how when compressed back into body was completely paralyzed on the bed.

The mundane world of reality seems sad and depleted compared to this other realm. Yet how very wonderful to be in this simpler, lower-energy, zero-information, embodied, slow-time realm. How nice to savor our short little lives . . .What a blessing to be able to experience this . . . but to know that a higher realm awaits. Really petty things like pain, fear, life and death do not matter and are meaningless in the higher, overall oneness . . . truly a fantastic, transcendent, saturated, ecstatic, beautiful realm

This ends the raw entry. SWIM continues to comment on how the tinnitus sound in these past two realms is distinctly different from the rip/tear sound that shattered reality with the blue-white lightening bolt. That was a transition. These high-pitched tones felt like ongoing transmision of heavy data. Anything, anyone, anytime you'd like to know about or just know, it's just a matter of understanding the tone/vibration/string in these realms.

SWIM laughs as she reads her raving journal entries. She is completely and utterly insane, but that does not matter one bit in the overall scheme of things. Bring on any weirdness or bizarre symptoms, she will be careful and ultimately laugh it off. Questions she didn't know she had have been answered, she has tasted something that is truly transcendent and other-worldly in a way she didn't know was possible. How could her mind, in its most intoxicated state, in it's most delusional/psychotic state, ever possibly conceive of/imagine such a place . . .

Peace & Love,

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU

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#2 Posted : 8/10/2009 7:40:21 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Awesome and inspiring!

You're not insane at all, it just a shift of perspective and from a certain point of view it makes total sense.

To me also it greatly reduced my fear of death (or chronic worrying about it). No way this is merely misfiring neurons, nothing like a good firsthand experience!
#3 Posted : 8/10/2009 7:49:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice report. Id need to journey in soon, hopefully this weekend. Its good to hear you got past whatever was troubling you.
Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...

Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
#4 Posted : 8/11/2009 1:36:23 AM

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On my back and tumbling
Down that hole and back again
Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
#5 Posted : 8/11/2009 2:19:00 AM

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HAHA, I always say that I would surely get put in an asylum if anybody but me read my journal entries...
-Happy Journeying
The above is quoted from

Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful.
#6 Posted : 8/11/2009 3:23:29 AM
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DAMN!! Sounds Amazing.... You just inspired me to make the most pure, fluffy, white dmt i've ever made.. I cant wait. thank you : )
#7 Posted : 8/11/2009 3:57:30 AM

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Great description, yeah, SWIM's first trip to hyperspace was very similar to what you described... except I saw a godhead like thing that resembled vishnu or another one of the hindu avatars... very suprising because SWIM is (I guess maybe was) an atheist and was never ever exposted to hindu teachings, and only recognised the blue multi armed creature depicted in paintings... it was more like an organic machine though, however it was unmistakingly the same thing depicted in that religion... amazing and totally unexpected.
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#8 Posted : 8/11/2009 12:03:06 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Great report Smile
I wish I could get things on paper like that. I find it impossible to describe my experiences like that Smile

Thanx! Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#9 Posted : 8/11/2009 1:47:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Pandora, I really appreciate the way you are sharing your DMT experiments here. If ever it seems an onerous duty transcribing your experiences, just remember I'm here, really digging it.
#10 Posted : 8/11/2009 3:08:28 PM

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lbeing789 wrote:
Great description, yeah, SWIM's first trip to hyperspace was very similar to what you described... except I saw a godhead like thing that resembled vishnu or another one of the hindu avatars... very suprising because SWIM is (I guess maybe was) an atheist and was never ever exposted to hindu teachings, and only recognised the blue multi armed creature depicted in paintings... it was more like an organic machine though, however it was unmistakingly the same thing depicted in that religion... amazing and totally unexpected.

You mean this dude?

In my circle of tripheads we call him/it the flying spaghetti monster.
#11 Posted : 8/11/2009 3:18:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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not really, I love shpongle tho... it was more like this:

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#12 Posted : 8/11/2009 6:29:43 PM

Got Naloxone?

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embracethevoid wrote:
lbeing789 wrote:
Great description, yeah, SWIM's first trip to hyperspace was very similar to what you described... except I saw a godhead like thing that resembled vishnu or another one of the hindu avatars... very suprising because SWIM is (I guess maybe was) an atheist and was never ever exposted to hindu teachings, and only recognised the blue multi armed creature depicted in paintings... it was more like an organic machine though, however it was unmistakingly the same thing depicted in that religion... amazing and totally unexpected.

You mean this dude?

In my circle of tripheads we call him/it the flying spaghetti monster.


Thanks! Not a burden to type, as I can break 100 wpm using a very light trance-state . . .Not a burden to share, as I have few boundaries, enjoy hyperbolic language and often engage in TMI (too much information).

But again, thanks! I was feeling a bit self-conscious - didn't want to dump all of my personal marc on the Nexus, but already have . . .

You have inspired me to follow-up with my previous statements to post SWIM's ass-backwards ego-death LSD trip that caused the 20 years of abstention from psychedelics. After the ecstatic experience it seems rather silly and petty, but what the hell. It really did affect her profoundly and helped to shape the person that she is today . . .

Peace & Love,
Pandora attached the following image(s):
dunecat.jpg (46kb) downloaded 414 time(s).
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#13 Posted : 8/13/2009 4:53:08 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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"with tinnitus sound imparting HUGE quantities of information"

I've read of many people who hear this same type sound when blasting off. I've heard Terence McKenna describe it too.

Since I actually have tinnitus (a constant ringing in my ears), this is the thing that makes me most apprehensive in trying DMT.

Is this sound uncomfortable? Does it hurt? Do you think it's something that will mess with my current tinnitus?
#14 Posted : 8/13/2009 5:01:45 AM


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I have it too really loud. I seem to get dissolved in this frequency in hyperspace. I have even experienced it shut off! It was amazing silence...
#15 Posted : 8/13/2009 5:56:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM has had a digital drowning sound extremely like the red pill scene in the matrix... zipping sounds sometimes, but if instrumental music is playing, SWIM always hears new layers, new instruments, strangely if any vocals exist at all those vocal lines would be completely glitched out, yet the music remains intact (very interesting when I thought about it more)... if in silence, and sometimes during music, SWIM hears entirely new "theme tunes" that accompany the visuals he's seeing.
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#16 Posted : 8/13/2009 6:22:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the input. I think I'll be okay with whatever auditory sensations I have during the trip.

I'd just hate to make my current ringing permanently worse. But it doesn't sound like it caused that problem for you guys, which is good.

I have even experienced it shut off! It was amazing silence...

I hope I experience a little of that. It would be great!Very happy

I've noticed that my tinnitus is totally silent when I dream, but unfortunately don't realize it's not there until that split second before I wake up and all of a sudden BAM! it's there again.
#17 Posted : 8/13/2009 6:39:34 PM

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Oh yes, many have experienced complete silence... I've had tinnitus before and I really doubt you'd even notice it.
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#18 Posted : 8/13/2009 6:39:56 PM

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BUT just about anything is possible... it's different each time for SWIM.
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#19 Posted : 8/13/2009 8:46:50 PM

Got Naloxone?

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DimensionX wrote:
"with tinnitus sound imparting HUGE quantities of information"

I've read of many people who hear this same type sound when blasting off. I've heard Terence McKenna describe it too.

Since I actually have tinnitus (a constant ringing in my ears), this is the thing that makes me most apprehensive in trying DMT.

Is this sound uncomfortable? Does it hurt? Do you think it's something that will mess with my current tinnitus?

Hi DimensionX,

Worry not. SWIM wishes to offer you warm reassurance about the information/tinnitus sound/line. SWIM, being in her early 40's suffers from a type of tinnitus because she spent too many Grateful Dead shows on the front rail. . . SWIM has "hair cells," the little hair/nerve connections die every day in her ears. This manifests as a kind of death-knell screech, then SWIM is no longer able to hear that high tone again. She now has trouble understanding one-on-one conversation in crowded/noisy locations . . .

SWIM understands that you have tinnitus, it may be constant, loud/irritating and that the last thing you want to do is have a potential experience that might exacerbate it . . .

SWIM is done a couple more spice experiments recently and she now hears the tone every time regardless of dose size/effect. It is a synesthesia tone. It builds but it is NOT unpleasant or uncomfortable (to SWIM). It is packed with endless layers of information/learning . . . something being transmitted from a higher dimension. It is joyous, wonderful, delightful and postiviely riveting. It was an integral, synesthetic part of both of the realms SWIM visited in the session above. In the ecstatic/mystical realm it . . . it . . . Let's just say that in that realm which was fantastically 3-D, there were lines crisscrossing (not many of them) in the foreground and the tinnitus/information line that was the tone was located near to SWIM. SWIM had SO given into astonishment that she couldn't even think of reaching out (in an ethereal manner) to it. If she had touched a single point on that line/tone that was nearest to her, a single point she would have been able to touch/know/encompass ALL of human history. That's a point on a line that exists in a realm that SWIM was only able to perceive in three dimenstions. It was a higher dimensional realm in that there was a lot more going on than what was perceivable at SWIM's embryonic level . . .

As SWIM begins to come back into her corporeal body, the tone becomes less synesthetic and more just like a tone. The heavy information content is no longer perceivable but there is a memory so the tinnitus tone still seems incredible wonderful, joyous and meaningful. The special spice tinnitus tone is COMPLETELY gone before SWIM is back to baseline . . .

Please try not to fear . . . something amazing and astonishing awaits you on the other side . . . If SWIM may respectfully suggest: Noman's "DMT for the Masses" tek works wonderfully.

One final, hopefully humble, suggestion: Begin with a low dose. There seem to be multiple levels to these realms. SWIM's initial experience did not involve the tone, launching from her body or any 3-D visions (OEV's or CEV's). It was just incredibly visual in a fractal lines frenetically moving colorfully on a black background or SWIM's wall/celing manner. It was a kind of welcoming . . .Coming down was wonderful and remains so for for every single one of SWIM's spice experiences.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#20 Posted : 8/13/2009 8:48:43 PM

Got Naloxone?

Welcoming committeeSenior Member

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lbeing789 wrote:
SWIM has had a digital drowning sound extremely like the red pill scene in the matrix... zipping sounds sometimes, but if instrumental music is playing, SWIM always hears new layers, new instruments, strangely if any vocals exist at all those vocal lines would be completely glitched out, yet the music remains intact (very interesting when I thought about it more)... if in silence, and sometimes during music, SWIM hears entirely new "theme tunes" that accompany the visuals he's seeing.

Hi IBeing 789,

SWIM routinely uses earplugs and a blindfold. All of this stuff is coming from her head/the spice/other realms . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
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