I admit I like conspiracy theories.
Maybe aliens are already here.
Maybe they have been here for a long time. Likely many kinds and intelligences out there in the universe. Not all would see us as ants. Some may like to manipulate and toy with us. Maybe use us as food. Feeding on our fears.
Maybe we are on a prison planet. Placed in a three dimensional world to limit our power and perceptions. We are the rebel luminescent beings that have run amuck in the universe and this is our sentence.
Maybe we are the elite souls of the universe and we accepted the challenge of this human experience to evolve and add to the experience of the universe.
Maybe aliens made manipulated monkey DNA and the rest is history. They have been observing us like a petri dish.
Maybe no species can evolve past a certain point.
I would like to think that if alien species were out there they would likely have some sort of galactic federation or council. Star Trek and Star Wars may not be too far off of possibilities. Perhaps we will one day join the Universal Community.
The topic of aliens has always fascinated me. Love star trek, star wars, x-files and the like. Would love to hear alien disclosure in my lifetime. I worry about how some of the world would take information like that. Part of me thinks we would ban together as Reagan suggested during a speech to the UN in 1988 when he stated "I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world". That is assuming we would be facing malevolent beings. Benevolent beings would likely adhere to the agreed upon prime directive and we would never be aware of them until we evolve and mature as a species to an approachable level.
Either which way I would be cautious with any alien species. We would need to interact with them on our terms. Hopefully a few people in the world are not dictating when the rest of us are ready for a alien disclosure. I have seen many videos of dying CIA and ex-are51 employees confessing to aliens and roswell. It is fun to read and hear about this stuff. Who knows?!
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda