Hello buds, i wanted to post this in FAQ section but there is no "new topic" mark on the upper right corner for me, sorry in the case of posting in wrong section..
So yesterday i tried my first FASA experiment witch turned not as expected and i was wondering if someone can explain why this is happened.
Long story short: i baked some epsom salt in an oven at 210 celcius till it formed a hard cake, poulverised it with a mortar and added some to 200 ml of acetone. Mixed it well and after filtered it in a funnel filled with cotton.
After i took 310mg of fumaric acid (my fumaric acid is over expiration date, idk if it counts but some buds in the chat told me its fine) and added it to 50 ml of warm acetone,stirred it well until totally dissolved.Also 1000mg of dmt were added to 50 ml of warm acetone in different container and stirred well. Right after i added fasa in the container with dissolved dmt and stirred it well while its warm. (I read that mixing those two should make a reaction and an precipitate should come out right away, but in this step i observed nothing, the solution stayed clear)
In hope do make something out of it i decided to freeze precipitate the solution.After 12 hours i took out the pyrex dish from the freezer and was really amazed(i never saw such big ,shardlike long crystals whitch formed on the bottom). I poured out the acetone and let the dish to dry.But after very short time i saw that all those crystal are melting X)

, until everything became a colorless substance(which i believe is dmt)
Anyway,what do you guys believe? I will try adding some warm naphtha in container with melted substance in hope to save and re x the dmt and will see what happens. But why my FASA failed?
Big thanks in advance buds
Best regards
Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
“To rule yourself is the ultimate power."