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#1 Posted : 8/5/2009 2:34:12 PM


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. all I felt. Just going for a mild tryptamine buzz, I loaded about 20 mg into the bongamachine. Parsley, spice, parsley. I could taste the anaesthetic smoothness coming into my lungs. I felt my lips and tip of my tongue go numb faster than usual so I knew I was about to go somewhere.

It was not a BT, but still one of the best rides I've ever had. Strangely, very few visuals. They were not moving at typical lightspeed but quite still. I felt as if floating in another dimension. A place of immense peace and love for never before have I felt this much euphoria. It was better than any I've ever felt before and it seemed the focus of the journey. Mindblowing full body ecstacy. The afterglow lasted longer than if I had supplemented with a harmala.

Amazing journey for such a small almount of spice. And to be clear, the bowl was emptied the night before.

I will add that after a dinner of red meat and vegetables(mushrooms, zuchinni and golden bell peppers) I waited three hours before launch. I did however snack on dried fruit including blueberries, cherries and golden raisens.

I will try experimenting with the dried fruit before launch again to test for any corrolation. I would love to be able to pin down a how-to on achieving THAT state again. It was truly what I needed. So loving and fulfilling. Perhaps the spice's way of telling me I am treating my body well. I was enjoying the bliss so much I bareley had a stirring thought.

And I need to add(instead of starting a new thread) that I no longer have the fear I had before when approaching the spice. I feel we have been together long enough now that fear is obsolete and an unnessesary component of respect. I have also been flying solo. That is, without the aid of harmalas, lately. I had forgotton how strong pure spice alone could be. I had used THH before to help ease the fear that was so present in many of my earlier journeys, but now only once in a while do I partake.

I am in a very good place no with the spice. We are well aquainted at this moment and at the doses I choose and I feel it is finally time to move to the next level and add 10 or 15 mg more to my standard dose. My smoking technique is solid and I believe I am ready to see the mandala and possibly break through it.

Any ideas or shared experiences with novel pre launch additives(food or otherwise) are appreciated.

Thanks for reading,

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


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#2 Posted : 8/5/2009 5:14:11 PM

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Mimosa hostilis and rue induces this experience for prolonged periods of time once you are ready for it (by ready, I mean once you know the ins and outs of mimosa tripping); the longest I've been in this state is some 14 hours with a 2 week afterglow which was akin to a threshold trip).

It is indeed a very powerful state to be in, and there are no visuals for me either. All I see is a silvery-greyish-white canvas when I close my eyes, it feels like this is the fabric of the universe and it is all through your body, it permeates the universe. You can feel your body dissolving into this strange aether.

This state is one in which you'll gain perhaps the most insight concievable out of everything, short of an entity coming down from space to brief you on the secrets of the universe. Enjoy it and spread the love.
#3 Posted : 8/5/2009 6:35:29 PM

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SWIM likes to burn various smelling incenses even clean up a bit before, depending on location. SWIM thinks SWIM prefers lower doses its sometimes nice to just get that feeling to refresh you instead of always being bombarded with some heavy 'stimuli'
#4 Posted : 8/5/2009 9:43:47 PM


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Embracethevoid, do you mean from a mimosahuasca journey? Or repetitve smoking. I ask because once before swim partook of the rue tea and when a few hours had passed took in some vapor. The spice never 'hit'. It crept in like a black cat and split swims consciousness in two. Both parts were simultaneously concsious. An 'afraid' one and a 'reasoning' one. The latter was comforting the former.

The spice seemed to go on and on for about twenty minutes or so. Swim had visuals of an indian priest in his wall that was strikingly vivid and persistant. Swim could look away and then back to find him still there, his eyes penetrating swim. It freaked swim out a bit. He was so used to the BAM! that he was taken off guard. Not a breakthrough by any means, but still powerful.

It also had a 'rough' feel to it. The one I read about alot concerning rue. The 'male' presence, the 'stern teacher', etc. Swim has since stayed away from rue. He prefers the THH laden caapi. SO SO different and feminine and caring and loving. A warm embrace.

My question is again how was that accomplished? Via huasca or vapor? Swim indeed would enjoy frequent revisitation to that warm and blissful place.

Thanks all,

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#5 Posted : 8/6/2009 2:40:40 AM

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This was accomplished via oral ingestion. It took a lot of trips to get to this point, beforehand it was a crazy experience which was more of a psychedelic trip sort of thing, going up and down like the scariest rollercoaster concievable and loaded with crazy visions (one of my favourites was watching three Gray-type aliens towering over me). Then one day I chugged the brew as usual and it took an hour to get to a threshold level trip then *THWACK*, I'm suddenly in this space as if the brew was saying "Yeah, you're ready for it". I was the only one out of several peeps that got into this state. A few weeks later, 3 others followed. It's very different from a normal trip because you're just floating in this sea of love and insight and well, that's it.

The amazing thing is that once you've attained this state the first time, you can get into it again and again and again on subsequent journeys (you may have no choice in fact). If you attain this state on a trip then redosing repeatedly will keep you in this state on and on. Smoking DMT while on harmala will also induce this but it does not feel the same whatsoever, it feels more "sober" via this route. Via the oral route, it feels like your body is dissolved in love (it's hard to explain this but you'll see if you attain it).

Also the freakiest thing about this state is that you're sober and you can look around and everything looks next to normal like a threshold trip then you close your eyes and all you can see is pure silver/white aether indicating that you are far beyond gone. Your sense of movement is vastly enhanced in this state, dancing becomes ludicrously fluid.
#6 Posted : 8/6/2009 4:10:55 AM
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Is there a low on the other side of this euphoria? Whenever I've felt natural euphoria, afterwards I feel like I've been drained of serotonin or whatever it was that was stimulating my brain.
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