Chan wrote:
HINT: the cuts to government budgets are often signals to potential "commercial partners" that some action is up for grabs. Did somebody from NASA tell me this in a breathy phone call late last night? Of course not, but from certain perspectives, connections can be seen to exist between the various facets of the situation as presented here.
oh i know chan..........
peeps act like cuz
they dont have a hotline to NASA, no one
else does.....
NASA has to have the biggest grapevine culture on the planet.
some of us have ancient rolodexes filled with scientists.
and they bitch like mad to me all night sometimes about stuff like this and worse.
the place is a rocket fueled fiasco on a good day.
it should be obvious science is badly corrupted for political gain.
scientists would come up with soooooo much better research ideas otherwise.
the limits alone are corruption ...........
and , if science is pure........
then its the ONLY thing left associated with empire that still is........
theres articles every day about big pharma and thier wacky adjusted studies of crony review at the FDA...........
and exactly how many reefer madness studies has the govt promoted?.
seriously, if this thread listed bullet point science corruption scandals,
it would exceed some endless shroomery threads.
this stuff is documented wholesale. a card , any card..........
junk science , incomplete science for political color,
and general manipulation of budgets , has been rampant for yrs.
its a mirror of gubbamint in action,
NASA is not a holy icon stand alone..........
" the right stuff ", amounts to capturing peenemunde scientists for starters.
i mean really, its been politics, cloak and dagger, and propaganda since BIRTH.
thats said, i think its great NASA is now allowed study the obvious!
i suspect they will work up a "3g" statement like john hopkins,
and announce 1 joint is good for bedtime.........( in space of course)
but thats cool, pot is legal still in space.
^ until they realize the pollen from buds trashes air filters in spacecracft.
( that study is coming up........ but ya have to ask why they didnt realize this first!)
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.