I have been watching this thread for some time and while I feel as if I'm probably saying things that have already been said. I'll just say them anyway.
I have thought long and hard about the beautiful day when people are not persecuted for what they put into their own bodies. I have felt that if all drugs were legalized that, like alcohol, and regulated, people would be able to buy drugs themselves at certain kinds of stores, like we're seeing with dispensaries and the cannibis market.
As far as institutions go, I look at community centers. With alcohol we call them bars, lounges and occasionally clubs. With a new market for legal drugs set up, opium dens for the opiate users, dance clubs for the cocaine users, and rave clubs for the MDMA minded.
Would trip out centers spring up through the use of psychedelics? Padded comfy rooms with black lights and crazy art where people could chill out, that also had quiet rooms where people could spend if they got too high or were freaking out. If drugs were legalized these institutions would happen organically if looking at a capitalist model. Businesses would have incentive to keep their clients safe and happy. Harm reduction would be a clear byproduct of a legal market. Just as bars try to limit over intoxication, trip out places would have babysitters and other like minded people. No people dying from drugs whose quality are unknown, purity would be demanded by consumers and dosage would be labeled. As all the alcohol bought has clear labeling of % alcohol. In fact businesses would have incentive to add more information to a product because that's what a customer would want, such as beer snobs putting IBUs on their products. So I think using steps to legitamize and push for legalization is the best approach. The medical model has been the best at doing this for both cannibis and psychedelics, hands down.
Though personally for me, such institutions bore me. Psychedelics are too personal for me. Cups of mushroom tea among friends is better than tripping face around strangers. Though I have had a lot of fun at festivals, though that is far from an institution. Likewise I'm one for living and communing with nature, to grow the plants, to work with them and consume them at my own home. I invite friends to share my space with me.
Want to trip balls with someone whose done it before and make sure you don't strip naked and throw your feces at police officers. Sure friend come over to my place and I'll be your sitter.
Want to chill out and watch the constellations while on a head full of mushies contemplating the cosmos. Sure friend lets do it.
Having some dark thoughts and want to do some shadow work exploring your mind, need a friend to help if things get rough. I'm there.
Lost that creative edge, writers block got you down, how bout a trip to hyperspace to see some wild things, maybe that'll help, if not it still might be kind of fun, I got a room in the back I use for meditation you're welcome to come over and smoalk.
At the end of the day, my favorite institution is my home, my sanctuary.
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Hereβs Tom with the weather."