Oly-mon - I know I don't have to explain to you my experiences of gagging / vomiting, but I actually tie it to two other reasons: A.) Burning the spice (a common reason for gagging or purging on smoked spice), and B.) The Throat Marble.
I know you are highly experienced, and I am assuming that you did not burn the spice at all, thus I will not discus topic A. Topic B, The Throat Marble (hereinafter referred to as TTM) is one I find fascinating however. I truly believe that TTM is a result of the fact that our primary sources of energy, spirit, chi, chakra, etc. in our bodies exists in our head and torso, arms, legs, and extremities, but very little exists in our neck / throat region. When we reach a level that our energy begins to leave our body and we are becoming pure energy or spirit, the last point of our spirit is still "bound" to our earthly body at the neck. This attachment of our spirit to our earthly neck region of our body is what I believe creates TTM.
If the TTM sensation becomes intense enough if will trigger a gag reflex because it is confusing to our spirit. The spirit thinks, "What is this solid matter that is caught up in my pure energy"? And it attempts to expel this foreign matter. Hence, I believe that in this state, our energy is far enough removed from our body that this foreign sensation or awareness of our neck / throat, in many cases can be strong enough to trigger a gag reflex.
If we go deeper, then our energy exits our body completely, if we don't go as deep, then we feel enough of our body that the throat area does not feel so foreign, because we are aware of more than just that region. I dunno, that's just my theory based on my experiences. Perhaps it is a response to information overload, but I tend to feel more of a feeling of euphoria and bliss the more information I obtain in plain life, or in hyperspace.
Regardless - It sounds like you had an amazing journey! It's funny, when I first read your report I didn't realize it was your post and I was thinking; "Wow! Olympus mon needs to talk with this guy! Sounds like they have very similar experiences!" Then I scrolled back up and realized it WAS posted by Olympus mon!

Too eerie!!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.
…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna