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#21 Posted : 5/16/2009 10:13:21 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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for swim, there was a long period of sharing consciousness with many many people, and going through their more extreme life situations. lots of horrible events, lots of suffering... it was scary many times and very painful... but swim kept at it and held to it... and what would happen is that swim would share these folks consciousness , become them so to speak and go through the suffering with them, and then something would happen... either it would automatically happen or swim would help it along and there would be liberation from that suffering... meaning would arise and the scene would fill with light and swim would be open to the whole and swims heart would fill... this would cycle over and over and over again... until swim got the point of knowing that behind all of the suffering was this light... this love and this all giving kindness that is all that is... many lessons start to open up when your wearing another skin...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 5/17/2009 8:08:38 AM

The Root

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this thread is kicking ass.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#23 Posted : 5/18/2009 2:12:02 AM

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i agree Phlux! it's threads like these that truly exhibit the power of a forum! lot's of valuable info and all compassionately shared. i love you guys!

Very happy
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#24 Posted : 5/18/2009 3:35:11 AM

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thank you for sharing this experience with us. I think smokeydaze touched upon the topic already but in many forms of meditative practice, there is a stage where one will experience themselves as a tree, bird ,lion and so on....

this type of experience is by no means exclusive to psychedelics (although it is one of many routes).Meditation can bring about ego death and the awareness of "god consciouss" and then even higher levels of attainment.

I forget were i read this, and i believe it to be true but the highest levels or states of kundalini yoga/meditation is suppose to be very much like a heavy psychedelic experience and i've even heard it compared specifically to DMT and if you know anything about kundalini yoga, it makes complete sense.

Not to derail this very good thread but i have a question for you antrocles.

Swim has been wanting to become more regimented or (for lack of a better term) have a journey schedule.That way the experiences are not just random, and he is actually working with it (dmt) to move onto different levels of understanding the molecule, and who we are as people, and ofcouse dealings on the astral plane, which swiy seems to have had some major breakthroughs due to swiy's regular use of it. (sorry for the run on sententence)

My quetion is how is swiy able to incorperate this in with normal life, on a regular basis?

I have a very demanding job (understatement) and very limited time and a couple of my concerns would be

1. the drug taking away some of my menatal facilities at my job.
2. Having the propper time to reflect on the experiences.

How is swiy able to incorperate the spice with your "normal life" without one taking away from the other or are they?

Mabey this should be a different thread but i couldn't help but ask. Once again thanks for sharing your experience.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
wake and bacon
#25 Posted : 5/18/2009 4:47:09 AM
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For many people, it is best to attend a math or foreign language course everyday, as it aids the learning process. Pleased
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
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#26 Posted : 5/18/2009 8:37:23 AM

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i personally cannot imagine a more complete way to experience annihilation than via smoking spice. and....true to the saying...after repeatedly destroying my ego, i began to understand that there was a "me" that never died. that never could. that never will. this marked a serious turning point in my relationship with DMT.

May I ask a question? Why do so many users of psychedelics come to this conclusion after having an ego death experience? SWIM came to the same conclusion many years ago and it was earth shattering and profoundly moving it kept SWIM happy for long periods of time. Until SWIM realized some other explanations for ego death which made SWIM abandon such spiritual notions for a more complete picture of this experience.

But I ask to anyone who has had this experience and come to the same conclusion. Why?

I personally just think dmt disconnects the conscious part of yourself that is actively thinking from the part that remembers who you are your past your memories (your 'ego'Pleased. It doesn't have to be anything more then that. This includes meditation as well. Its why I think the buddhists while closer then most religions are still wrong.

By the way your story is quite inspiring!
#27 Posted : 5/19/2009 3:43:10 AM

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wake and bacon wrote:
For many people, it is best to attend a math or foreign language course everyday, as it aids the learning process. Pleased

Agreed Smile My question for antrocles was more along the lines of how his classes are affecting his "non scholarly persuits". As i too see the value in using this gift of a tool to learn from, and would like to safely become more committed to a having somewhat of a regular schedule (for lack of a better word). My day's are so busy with "stuff", i often find myself not in the frame of mind for this task and therefore do not get to "go to class" as often as i like. I'm wondering about way's to fit it in to a somewhat regular schedule and thought he might have some feedback. I realize it also depends on different peoples schedules and list of responsibilities and personal goals.

you bring up a very good topic which deserves a thread of it's own, unfortunaly i'm a little burnt myself from a long day of work but would like to pick up this topic later. If you have the time, i posted a link a while back that you might find interesting. Although the premise of the lecture is on how remote viewing works......the first couple parts are about the process of becoming one with everything and all information, which i think goes had and hand with the idea of ego death. Here's the link to part 1 if you like it you can alway check out the other 6 or 7 parts.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#28 Posted : 5/19/2009 9:59:45 AM

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This thread rocks! Thankyou for an amazing report Antrocles. It is very inspiring for that you seem to have such a regular dedicated approach to spice knowledge.

I must admit that I think I am in a similar boat to Jorkest. I believe I have had some seriously strange shit begin to happen in hyperspace and many facets of my life once I began to become too focused on DMT and regularly travel deep.

I still personally think that DMT is the key to our existence... however for me personally I find it quite hard to maintain a normal functioning life while spending a lot of time on the other side.

I would be interested to know if you have had any noticeable negative side effects from 5+ months of research? Full respect for achieving such a sustained focused relationship with our beloved molecule... It is truly inspiring... reading your chronicles and this thread is beginning to perhaps motivate me to begin some serious regular traveling again... maybe...
#29 Posted : 5/19/2009 10:33:15 AM

The Root

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do you not think that perhaps these experiences - some of them - could be related to past lives - if one were to be of that school of thought - perhaps you were an asian woman at some stage in the "past" ?
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#30 Posted : 5/20/2009 1:48:22 AM
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burnt wrote:

I personally just think dmt disconnects the conscious part of yourself that is actively thinking from the part that remembers who you are your past your memories (your 'ego'Pleased. It doesn't have to be anything more then that. This includes meditation as well. Its why I think the buddhists while closer then most religions are still wrong.

By the way your story is quite inspiring!

I completely agree. But, there are elements of Buddhism, particularly Zen that resonate with me. People can interpret this freely and see if it makes any sense to them.

I had an ego-death experience (well I was depersonalised, could not tell what was real and what wasn't, if "I" existed or not etc etc) with cannabis and meditation. This was diagnosed as cannabis induced psychosis by the way, which I am happy to accept also and I knew I was feeling the breath of madness. I had roughly 80% of the symptoms of "kundalini syndrome" also, entire body vibrating under the skin, hot and cold everywhere, deep purple colours in the back of my eyelids etc. My psychologist thinks it was irrelevent I was meditating constantly for days before hand and doing kundalini work. After days of meditating in silence, at night I meditated deeply on the holographic universe theory, this is when Humpty Dumpty took his fall. I used the advice of people like Chogyam Trungpa to overcome the experience. "Critical logic leads to solidity."

I think the function of spiritual practices (like kundalini yoga, the gods like Shiva etc) exist to push you into that state of "madness." Whether they are completely imaginary, projections of the unconcsious representing universal symbols/concepts or whatever, I don't know. There may be a biological basis for kundalini, I honestly don't know enough to say anything. At which point, these imaginations should be abandoned and viewed as being part of the ego (or as transitoy), in my humble opinion anyways. I'm 22 and have had issues with depression, anxiety and insomnia since I was very young. Pretty much all of these problems were overcome in this moment, and the week that followed (I stopped using cannabis straight away, also). Sorry to post this here! The last thing I want is to hijack an amazing thread with my own shit. If people are interested either shoot me a PM or I can start a new thread elsewhere going into much greater detail.

“You know, in all this there are various powers like clairvoyance, reading somebody’s thought – which is the most disgusting thing to do: it is like reading letters that are private. There are various powers. You know what I am talking about, don’t you? You call them siddhis, don’t you? Do you know that all these things are like candles in the sun? When there is no sun there is darkness, and then the candle and the light of the candle become very important. But when there is the sun, the light, the beauty, the clarity, then all these powers, these siddhis – developing various centres, chakras, kundalini, you know all that business – are like candlelight; they have no value at all. And when you have that light, you don’t want anything else.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

#31 Posted : 5/20/2009 5:14:22 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Thanks for a great post and report.
I've never had an experience like this Asian woman thing on DMT but I've had dreams that were as real as real can get and in these dreams I'm living another life in another place in another body! 3 times this has happened. Well some say DMT is closely related to dreams.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#32 Posted : 7/28/2009 5:07:43 PM
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According to the Yogic orientation, as I understand it, spiritual development through meditation can lead to the attainment of 'siddhis' or spiritual powers. Some examples include out of body travel, telepathy, charisma, and projection into another being's body. You can read about it here and here.

One of the principle texts in the Yoga tradition is The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which is where we get the eight-limbed path of Ashtanga Yoga. He is a revered master of Yoga, and he cautions against the cultivation and use of the siddhis. The summary warning is that power involves temptation to enter into the stories of existence, which reinforce the idea that the self is merely a character in them. In choosing to, not only, reinforce the notion of duality (self as character and other as scenes in a story), but also to up the stakes by assuming a more powerful position, the risks are naturally elevated as one attracts an opposite reaction. The human being is revered as occupying a place of harmony/balance in the spread of existence, and so we have an opportunity as well, which is to realize the true nature of the Self. Getting involved in the use of the siddhis may distract one from this opportunity.

On the other hand, the Tantric tradition cultivates awareness of the Self, existence as without duality, while still maintaining involvement in the world as a character. Perhaps the siddhis pose an interesting opportunity from this point of view.

Since this post is primarily a word of caution, I would like close by saying that it would serve anyone's freedom to practice concentrating (on one's breath) to assist in psychedelic exploration.
#33 Posted : 7/28/2009 5:59:58 PM


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Honestly that whole bit about "Careful with your Siddhis, kids!" sounds like prehistoric jealousy.
The yogic texts are nice reflections of an obsolete system. You can learn from them, but to abide by them is preposterous IMO.
Antrocles vaporized spice every day, then he was shown the ability to move into other beings.
Sure, you need to be careful, if you don't want to cause harm or get..scared..or something.
but for the most part, I think we're just being rearranged. :] Welcome Yogi Palo!
#34 Posted : 7/29/2009 7:48:37 AM

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I think the worry comes from the possibility that if we get high enough, we may be able to become a determining force in the game of human history. Not necessarily on a world-wide scale, but in local matters: relationships with those around ourselves, the state of our own personal world. If we get to the position where we have the power to steer our world, but our intentions and mind are not pure/cleansed, our focus is not clear enough or our energies are not concentrated, then we may somehow "infect" the control center (like being drunk in airport control) and implant such cause-effect relationships into our reality web that would cause us endless suffering for a long time after coming down. (And a hard time understanding why things became so fucked up down here.)

If this is possible - even if it affects only the personal world - then there is reason for cautiousness.
#35 Posted : 8/1/2009 6:23:59 PM

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This is a powerful trip report by D.M. Turner. I want these sorts of experiences when I hit the pipe, I don't want a bunch of colourful shapes and other crap that I can then call "deep and insightful" when really, it bloody well isn't and never will be relative to this type of experience.
#36 Posted : 8/2/2009 12:57:05 AM

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This thread is amazing, for now all I can say is thank you!
#37 Posted : 10/1/2009 8:13:42 PM

Terra Incognita

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Woooow, this is so interesting!

So you experienced a long gone memory from a previous life.
This is so amazing, no other words can describe it.

It's really incredible how little humans really know about what is called reality, and it's amazing how psychedelics can make this riddle even more huge then it already was.
I always think that in a few hundered, maybe thousand years, humans will look back at us and laugh with how unknowing we are.

Thank's a lot for even trying to explain something so utterly hard to explain, you did a very good job trying so, i was there with you, thanks! Very happy
#38 Posted : 10/1/2009 8:26:58 PM


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I highly doubt his vision was a past life.
It seems obvious to me he cross-faded with another soul .. one that had been down the same path as he.
We do this every night in dreams.
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