My first experience Options
#1 Posted : 7/27/2009 7:46:44 PM

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Having done one previous extraction that yielded very little spice that I then misfired with attempting to freebase, I thought I would have a go at making some enhanced leaf. I did another A/B extraction from MHRB that was a bit more successful than the first. The results can be seen here.

I then took the freebase and using the formula in the DMT Handbook made a 2:3 ratio smoking blend using isopropanol to dissolve the DMT, Chacruna leaf, Caapi vine and a pinch of Mullein. It took about 10 days for the solvent to dissolve completely and yesterday evening I gave it a go.

I loaded my bong a 36cm piece (not sure if this is too big, too small or about right), put my lighter to the leaf, ensured it had burnt completely and then inhaled. I was just contemplating how easy it was to hold the smoke in when it hit me. The room started to shake and vibrate and I decided this wasn't too pleasant so I shut my eyes. Immediately I was enveloped in some amazing CEVs. I wouldn't say they were extremely complex or that geometrical, they resembled a maze seem from above (if that makes sense), but they were very vivid and multi-coloured.

It then struck me that the experience was "speeding up" and increasing in intensity and unless I made a conscious effort to relax it would become very unpleasant very fast (I was on my own). With this in mind I fell back on the bed and focused on the visuals. I was aware of a ringing or buzzing noise and got the impression that I was underwater. I also thought at one point that I could hear something chattering in a strange language.

At no time did I leave my body or feel as though I was no longer human, had died etc. I also didn't experience any time distortion.

After a while, I estimate about 2.5 minutes, the buzzing subsided, the visuals become more static and started to fade so I opened my eyes. I could see the same visuals superimposed on the window frame, the sky was a light orange colour and dust from the floor was floating about 10cm above the carpet. This continued for a couple of minutes.

The whole experience lasted about 5 minutes in total and was so amazing that I thought I'd have another go. About 30 minutes later (not sure if this was too long to get any cumulative benefits) I loaded the bong again and inhaled.

The experience was very much the same as the first except while the buzzing was going on I got the impression that 4 entities were trying to get my attention. I don't know why I thought there were 4 of them as I didn't see anything except the same CEVs, but they felt very caring and motherly. As I was experiencing this, it looked as if the visuals were waving at me and trying to beckon me towards them. Very soon after I noticed this, the visuals faded and I opened my eyes.

Overall, the experiences left me feeling very relaxed and privileged that I had been able to experience this. I now need to explore it more deeply.

One question. Does anyone know from my description above how near/far I was away from breaking through? As I said above I didn't leave my body or see any glass chrysanthemum thing that seems to be characteristics of a break through. I'm trying to gauge how more smoke I will need to inhale or if I will need to make a 1:1 batch next time.


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#2 Posted : 7/27/2009 9:51:48 PM

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You did not break through. The whole chrysanthemum-thingy was created by Terrence McKenna, and it's possible it's not the same for you. I personally see the fractals form some kind of colourful three-dimensional breathing and self-transforming fractal-empowered flower I refer to as the chrysanthemum, I simply lack of better terms.

This vision forms my membrane, my middle-world between this and hyperspace. I've yet to actually go through this one myself too, but I've experienced quite enough different dosages to be sure of the very existence of this membrane. My strongest experience is up here in "DMT Experiences" and involved the very sight of entities. Other times I've seen this flower-mandala and I've just (like you say), felt the presence of the beings.

It's hard to compare these things, but maybe you're seeing the chrysanthemum McKenna talked about, but not recognizing it as such. These fractals you're talking about, when you reached what you felt as the peak, did they seem to gather and converge upon themselves in any structure? The membrane people speak of is merely a sort of familiar fractal they break through or fly by when the dosage is enough.

It's also possible you'll never see any thing of this kind. A mere friend of mine is not experiencing what I am. He finds himself in this corridor or room built of light immediately upon closing his eyes after the third toke, thus never watching this fractal wall of flowers. He has not had any other hallucinogenic experience beside DMT though, so that may be the case.

Anyway, I'm rambling away. I would say you go for a bit more the next time! You'll get there fellow member, you'll get there. Whatever that means crossing a beautiful mandala-membrane, or just finding yourself in hyperspace immediately! The DMT-experience is highly subjective!
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#3 Posted : 7/28/2009 7:55:24 PM

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Hello West-en,

Thanks for the reply.

With regards to the fractals, they increased in intensity as the buzzing got louder, but didn't appear to converge. They gently "swam" about in my field of vision in a flowing lava-lamp kind of way.

I will attempt to go deeper next time although I think I will need to invest in a larger cone for my bong as the experience I had was from a fully loaded cone. I'm hoping to introduce a friend to the spice this weekend, maybe he will be able to load a second cone while I'm holding down the first.

I will make sure I post the experience here.

#4 Posted : 7/28/2009 9:44:47 PM

The Great Namah

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^ are you using the leaf bed method?

If so, it sounds like you might be using too much leaf....also, if it's a pull through you are probably losing some spice down the hole. A screened bowl usually works best for the leaf bed method.

Remember that the first hit is the most important. Take a big one and hold it till you are about to burst.

Best of luck! You'll get there.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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#5 Posted : 7/29/2009 3:26:18 AM
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Everyones experience is different from what I can glean on this forum.

I do see the crysanthemum like Terrence McKenna spoke of, although I dont "fly" through it to breakthru, it is more of a transformation to another realm for me.

I would also say not to analyze it too much. Wait for your next several experiences and then take the sum of them all and try to figure it out from there. It changes quite a bit as you go along as well.


Mad Banshee
#6 Posted : 7/29/2009 8:05:33 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
^ are you using the leaf bed method?

If so, it sounds like you might be using too much leaf....also, if it's a pull through you are probably losing some spice down the hole. A screened bowl usually works best for the leaf bed method.

Remember that the first hit is the most important. Take a big one and hold it till you are about to burst.

Best of luck! You'll get there.

Hello acolon_5,

I'm not using the bed method (if this means sandwiching the spice between two layers of mj, mint etc), I've made some enhanced leaf @ a 2:3 ratio. I got the formula for this from the DMT Handbook. I think I may need to do another extraction and perhaps go for a 1:1. I've read through the Enhanced Leaf (Changa) thread and there are people on their who break through using leaf so I think I will persevere with this. I will be introducting a friend to it at the weekend, so will make more of any effort to hold the smoke in for as long as possible.

My only other attempt at smoking it was with a Blue Meanie vapouriser. The vapour was so harsh it was impossible to hold it in for any length of time so it was wasted. This was why I decided to make the enhanced leaf.


#7 Posted : 7/29/2009 8:47:35 PM

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Wikiwahwah, did you ever try to throw a little extra freebase atop your changa? I know ppl who swear by this method. Unlike other "hallucinogens", my skunk finds with spice too much is better than not enough. My skunk feels a bit uncomfortable on sub-breakthrough doses, is that the case for you?
#8 Posted : 7/29/2009 9:10:36 PM

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skunkjar wrote:
Wikiwahwah, did you ever try to throw a little extra freebase atop your changa? I know ppl who swear by this method. Unlike other "hallucinogens", my skunk finds with spice too much is better than not enough. My skunk feels a bit uncomfortable on sub-breakthrough doses, is that the case for you?

I definitely didn't feel uncomfortable even though it was my first experience and I was on my own. Both physically and mentally I felt very good. I was aware that if I didn't make a effort to relax and just go with whatever was thrown at me things could have become very unpleasant very fast.

With regard to adding a little extra freebase on top of the changa, I don't have any at the moment as I used it all in the leaf mix. When I do my next extraction I may keep a little back and give this method a go.


#9 Posted : 7/30/2009 12:26:58 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I'd make a 1:1 mix next time for sure. That's what I do and I feel it can not be any weaker.

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#10 Posted : 7/30/2009 12:37:15 AM

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weaker mixes are good for when already on ayahuasca or pharma and want to increase the effects...its also very good for LSD and mushrooms
it's a sound
#11 Posted : 7/30/2009 1:42:32 AM

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acolon_5 wrote:
^ are you using the leaf bed method?

If so, it sounds like you might be using too much leaf....also, if it's a pull through you are probably losing some spice down the hole. A screened bowl usually works best for the leaf bed method.

Remember that the first hit is the most important. Take a big one and hold it till you are about to burst.

Best of luck! You'll get there.

I don't really think a screen would do much, liquid spice can drop through a net to. I would rather encourage some experimentation with the ratio between spice and plant material in the changa (make it stronger!).
What you say about the first hit is very interesting. When using the machine I often find the second toke to contain most spice, probably because the steel is a bit warmed up. For how long do you guys keep the dust in your lungs?
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#12 Posted : 7/30/2009 2:53:37 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Sounds like you had a great welcoming to DMT! I'd suggest continuing to experiment with the low doses for the start just so you can get very familiar with the process and flow of the experience, a breakthrough is a very very intense ride and it's better to go in semi prepared than not at all. In terms of actually getting there it just sounds like you didn't smoke enough, a couple of tricks is to chop up your mix so you can fit more into the cone, get a bigger cone piece so you can fit even more in, and get a bigger bong so you can smoke it with ease - as you've already found out smoking changa is a pleasure and not harsh at all so smoking very large cones is easily possible. Other than that, like you mentioned, 1:1 would be the go. If all else fails just keep trying, you'll get there eventually (and it may not be when you expect it). Good luck!
#13 Posted : 7/30/2009 7:01:46 AM
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Interesting report Wikiwahwah - I'm looking forward to further experiences you care to share.
#14 Posted : 7/30/2009 7:13:59 PM

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DMTripper wrote:
I'd make a 1:1 mix next time for sure. That's what I do and I feel it can not be any weaker.

Do you breakthrough on a 1:1 mix? The impression I have of my mix is its not quite potent enough. I think a stronger mix will be the way to go next time. However, I will be introducting a friend to the spice this weekend so maybe a weaker mix is quite a good thing at the moment.

smokeydaze wrote:
Sounds like you had a great welcoming to DMT! I'd suggest continuing to experiment with the low doses for the start just so you can get very familiar with the process and flow of the experience, a breakthrough is a very very intense ride and it's better to go in semi prepared than not at all. In terms of actually getting there it just sounds like you didn't smoke enough, a couple of tricks is to chop up your mix so you can fit more into the cone, get a bigger cone piece so you can fit even more in, and get a bigger bong so you can smoke it with ease - as you've already found out smoking changa is a pleasure and not harsh at all so smoking very large cones is easily possible. Other than that, like you mentioned, 1:1 would be the go. If all else fails just keep trying, you'll get there eventually (and it may not be when you expect it). Good luck!

Thanks for the tips smokeydaze, I've already taken a pair of scissors to the leaf so I will be able to cram more into the cone. I might also look into buying a larger bong and using this solely for DMT use.

After I've introduced a friend to it, we're off to a festival so I will report back at some time next week when I've returned to planet earth!


#15 Posted : 7/31/2009 3:15:58 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Awesome good luck, just remember sub-breakthroughs are just as infinite and have just as big of a potential to develop as a breakthrough, so like I mentioned be content on exploring that world first cause it's amazing. DMT is a progressive development, it's not something that shows you everything it's first go out of the box, and as time goes on you'll even start to learn better techniques of being while in that space - so just take each experience, no matter how big or small, as another opportunity to experience it's greatness and you'll soon start developing your DMT senses!
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